The dogs translate Portuguese
3,540 parallel translation
To who, the dogs?
Para quem? Para os cães?
The dogs picked up the scent here.
Os cães apanharam o cheiro aqui.
If they crossed it with Holder, the dogs would have lost his scent because of the water, right?
Se o atravessassem com o Holder, os cães perderiam o rasto dele por causa da água, certo?
And when the dogs are hungry, they get to eat.
E quando os cães têm fome, têm direito a comer.
You will have heard ; we have been called to the north where the dogs of war are once again barking.
Como já sabeis, fomos chamados ao norte, onde os cães da guerra estão novamente a ladrar.
He can help us get out of here. And what if the dogs come back?
E se os cães voltarem?
Uri said the dogs come out at night.
O Uri disse que os cães aparecem à noite.
You'll get flustered. You'll get upset, and you'll say something that will bring out the dogs, and what started out as two sentences on a blog nobody reads is going to turn into a full-blown tabloid scandal, and the tabloids are gonna feel like a walk in the park
Vai ficar confusa, irritada, e vai dizer coisas que vão atrair os poderosos cães, e o que começou com duas linhas num blog que ninguém lê, vai tornar-se num grande escândalo.
Get some men with guns and the dogs.
Traz alguns homens com armas e os cães.
No, outside is for the dogs.
Não, lá fora estão os cães.
You see the dogs?
Vês os cães?
Where do the dogs go?
Onde vão os cães?
He's freshly hatched, and gone to the dogs, you might say.
Recém saído e pode dizer-se que correu tudo mal.
Because the dogs can't smell the drugs when they're inside of you.
Porque os cães não podem sentir o cheiro da droga quando estão dentro de ti.
I'll see you soon. Babe? You gonna take care of the dogs?
Querida, tratas dos cães?
I was just about to let the dogs out.
Eu estava quase a ganhar.
Mrs Schmidt, I can't take the dogs out tomorrow.
Sra. Schmidt, não posso levar os cães a passear amanhã.
Watch out for the dogs.
Cuidado com os cães.
The dogs are harmless.
Os cães são mansinhos.
They wouldn't be telling me to call off the dogs unless them dogs smelled a rat.
Estás a brincar comigo? Eles não me mandavam segurar os cães a não ser que os cães cheirassem uma ratazana.
What if the dogs are just tired of looking?
E se os cães estiverem fartos de procurar?
The woods are a mess, but a team's covering the perimeter with sniffer dogs.
A floresta está impossível. Mas está lá uma equipa para cobrir o perímetro com cães.
And dogs, dogs the size of horses.
E cães... Cães do tamanho de cavalos.
The government also has bomb-sniffing dogs, right?
O Governo também tem cães que cheiram bombas, certo?
What about the dogs?
- E os cães?
What's the latest? Tax relief on gun dogs?
Isenção fiscal para cães de caça?
The Salvatores may fight like dogs, but in the end, they would die for each other.
Os Salvatore podem discutir como cães, mas no final morreriam um pelo outro.
That's right, bring in the city folk with their big money and their long cigarettes and their dogs with shoes.
Isso mesmo, trazer o pessoal da cidade cheios de dinheiro e os cigarros compridos e os cães com sapatos.
If you get nervous, just picture the audience naked and slide those hot dogs down your throat.
Se ficares nervoso, imagina o público nú e emborca esses cachorros quentes pela garganta abaixo.
Mr. Quagmire says dogs aren't allowed on the furniture.
O Sr. Quagmire diz que os cães não são permitidos na mobília.
It is the Internet, you're up against talking dogs and people eating bits of sofa cushion... it's way more interesting than a pretty girl in an orange baggie.
é a Internet. Estás a competir com cães que falam e pessoas que comem recheio de sofá. É muito mais interessante do que uma miúda gira num fato laranja.
Had the kids and dogs try to round them up, but these two kept a'squealin'off.
Os miúdos e os cães estavam a tentar reuni-los, mas estes dois não paravam de grunhir.
Well, the smooth dogs are working on some frog hogs... and new guy's over there soaking up some Steinbeck.
Onde está o resto da equipa? Bom, os engatatões estão a tentar umas mulheres... e o novato ali está a empinar um Steinbeck.
But some dogs, though, they take you not giving them the hurt that they deserve as weakness.
Mas há alguns cães encaram essa dádiva de não os magoar como merecem como fraqueza.
I mean, seriously, I can do more than corn on the cob and hot dogs.
Quero dizer, a sério, consigo fazer mais que espigas de milho e cachorros quentes.
Well, the hot dogs spin counterclockwise in fear whenever you are near, sir.
As salsichas vão para o fundo com medo de si quando está por perto, senhor.
I won the last package of hot dogs on the ship.
Ganhei a última remessa de cachorros-quentes do navio.
You can spend thousands of taxpayer kroner servicing justice for the creep that killed your friend, or you can enjoy May 17th hot dogs and cakes, and be thankful somebody took care of what you should have took care of when you had the chance.
Pode gastar milhares de coroas dos contribuintes a servir a justiça, pelo monstro que matou o seu amigo, ou pode desfrutar dos cachorros-quentes e bolos do dia 17 de maio e dar graças por alguém ter resolvido o que vocês deviam ter resolvido
The truth is, he got along with dogs a lot better than their owners.
A verdade é que ele dava-se melhor com os cães do que com os donos.
Well, I'll tell you exactly what you'll find- - suitcases with false bottoms for smuggling drugs through customs, about 2 kilos of pure Argentinean heroin, and the best drug-sniffing dogs we've ever had.
Digo o que vão encontrar : malas com fundos falsos, para transporte de drogas, há 2 kg de heroína pura da Argentina e o melhor cão farejador que já tivemos.
The Vasquez cartel suspected that Francisco was training dogs for customs.
O cartel do Vasquez suspeitava que o Francisco estava a treinar cães para a alfândega.
The pup has found himself nothing but a pack of wild dogs.
O cachorro nao encontrou nada a nao ser uma matilha de caes selvagens.
We will see the romans bleed for taking us as dogs.
Nós vamos ver os romanos sangrar por nos tomarem como cães.
And shine up those dogs before you hit the street, will you?
Eu pago. E... agrada ao pessoal antes que vás para a rua, está bem?
I'm not being funny but I'm probably not the best person to talk to about dogs.
Não estou a ser engraçada mas não sou a melhor pessoa para falar de cães.
To turn the enemy into guard dogs.
Para transformar o inimigo em cães de guarda.
Uh... the... my opponent has brought this up to distract from his own record, which shows that in... in six years, he has achieved nothing more than writing one ordinance that allows private parties to have more than eight dogs.
O meu opositor falou sobre isto para vos distrair dos resultados dele, que mostram que, em seis anos, não alcançou nada mais do que escrever uma lei que permite que possam haver mais do que oito cães em festas privadas.
Why do you think no dogs died in the Holocaust?
Por que achas que nenhum cão morreu durante o Holocausto?
I lost 15 of my men in one month. And the department is after us like hungry dogs.
Perdi 15 dos meus homens, só num mês esse departamento não gosta de cães famintos.
Contact with dogs causes the human brain to release oxytocin, which is the same hormone that mothers produce when they're nursing their babies.
O contacto com cães faz o cérebro humano libertar ocitocina, que é a mesma hormona que as mães produzem quando estão amamentar os bebés.
The war between dogs and babies.
Uma guerra entre cães e bebés.
dogs 267
dogs barking 59
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the day before yesterday 39
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duke 46
the duck 18
the day after tomorrow 108
dogs barking 59
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the day before yesterday 39
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duke 46
the duck 18
the day after tomorrow 108
the day 56
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
the dog 197
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
the dog 197
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the door 306
the doctor 415
the day after 57
the door's open 68
the day she died 19
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the dragon 58
the dead 45
the doctor said 57
the doctor 415
the day after 57
the door's open 68
the day she died 19
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the dragon 58
the dead 45
the doctor said 57