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To the hospital translate Portuguese

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All right, we got to get Eran to the hospital, all right?
Temos que levar o Eran ao hospital.
Last night's victim was sent to the hospital with a fractured skull.
A última vítima foi ao hospital com o crânio fracturado.
We're going to get you to the hospital and put you on a big fat IV of antibiotics.
Vamos levar-te ao hospital e dar-te muitos antibióticos.
THEO : We should get you to the hospital.
Deviamos levar-te ao hospital.
They're taking him to the hospital.
Vão levá-lo para o hospital.
Which is why we're taking her to the hospital.
É por isso que a vamos levar para o hospital.
I said that we're going to take her to the hospital.
Eu disse que a iamos levar para o hospital.
You know they're moving Hayden to the hospital, right?
Sabes que estão a mudar a Hayden para o hospital, certo?
I have to get to the hospital.
Tenho de ir para o Hospital.
We were attempting to transport a tender age child to the hospital for medical treatment, and I had to remove Deluca from our path.
Estávamos a tentar transportar uma menina para o hospital para receber tratamento médico, e tive de remover o Deluca do caminho.
And as soon as they found out, they called an ambulance, they got him to the hospital, but it was too late.
Mal descobriram, chamaram uma ambulância, e levaram-no para o hospital, mas... era tarde demais, e ele morreu.
Get her to the hospital, would you?
Leva-a ao hospital, está bem?
Okay, so I'm just calling to tell you that I'm on my way to the hospital to volunteer.
Estou a ligar para te dizer que estou a caminho do hospital para o voluntariado.
Then let's get Jake to the hospital.
Vamos levar o Jake para o hospital.
Do you need a ride to the hospital?
Precisa de boleia para o hospital?
So I called 911, got her to the hospital, and then I let the doctors do their job, and it felt oddly empowering.
Então eu liguei para o 911, obteve-a para o hospital, e então eu deixar os médicos fazer o seu trabalho, e me senti estranhamente fortalecedora.
Just get her to the hospital now.
Leva-a para o hospital já.
We got to get to the hospital.
Temos de ir ao hospital.
Danny still needs to get to the hospital.
O Danny ainda precisa de ir para o hospital.
I mean... when you go to the hospital, they will give you the bill.
Quando fores ao hospital, vão dar-te a conta.
I said we should go to the hospital, but Mary, she just wanted to talk.
Disse-lhe que devíamos ir ao hospital, mas a Mary só queria falar.
Go to the hospital, Gunny.
Vá para o hospital, sargento.
Last we heard, he was rushed to the hospital.
Foi levado às pressas para o hospital.
Our colleagues are at the hospital checking with Mr. Lee, but we hope you'll be able to make the I.D.
Os nossos colegas estão no hospital com o Sr. Lee, mas esperamos que faça a identificação.
This kid's losing blood while you're arguing with me, he's gonna die if you don't get him to the hospital.
- se não for ao hospital. - Está bem!
This kind of pneumonia, the one we associate with, the measles, is something we like to treat, aggressively.
Espere. Ao hospital? Este tipo de pneumonia, que associamos ao sarampo, é algo que preferimos tratar de uma maneira agressiva.
You think any of this is connected to that girl at the hospital?
Achas que há uma ligação com a rapariga internada no hospital?
The hospital wing is the closest we've come, and I need to see something good after...
A ala hospitalar foi o mais próximo que tivemos disso. E eu preciso de ver algo bom. Depois de...
So you drag me out of a hospital bed, waste a tank of gas driving around all night just to bring me to a house in the middle of nowhere?
Então, arrastas-me para fora de uma cama de hospital, desperdiças um depósito de gasóleo às voltas a noite inteira, só para me trazeres para uma casa no meio de nenhures?
She needs to stay another couple of days at the hospital before she comes home.
Precisa ficar mais uns dias no hospital antes de ir para casa. Tudo bem.
The good news is the gunshot victim you brought over to Chicago Med? She's gonna live.
A boa notícia é que a vítima de tiro que trouxeste para o hospital de Chicago ela vai viver.
They're gonna take him to the hospital.
Ele está em boas mãos.
I know Dr. Zhivago is doing the best he can, but we need to get Jake to a real hospital, one with actual nurses and actual doctors who, I don't know, have actual licenses.
Sei que o Dr. Zhivago está a fazer o melhor que pode, mas temos que levar o Jake para um hospital, com enfermeiras e médicos que tenham licenças.
I could come by the hospital before I get to the airport, and we could find an empty on-call room and... Huh?
Eu podia ir ao Hospital antes de ir para o aeroporto, e nós achávamos um quarto de descanso, e...
Mr. Hanna, Mr. Callen, talk to the people at the VA.
Sr. Hanna, Sr. Callen, conversem com as pessoas no hospital.
The last time that we went to visit him in the hospital and she could see he was getting better, he hugged her.
A última vez que fomos ao hospital visitá-lo e ela viu que ele estava a melhorar, ele abraçou-a.
I don't have to remind you of the tenuous political situation at the VA right now.
Não preciso lembrar-te da delicada situação política no hospital de veteranos no momento.
I just got word that Mr. Hanna has safely returned Mr. Rutnam to the VA hospital.
Soube que o Sr. Hanna devolveu o Sr. Rutnam em segurança ao hospital dos veteranos.
Oh, he was in the hospital for a few days. Were you able to talk to him before he passed?
Ele ficou no hospital alguns dias, teve oportunidade de falar com ele antes dele morrer?
Shall I pay this bill just like I offered to pay the hospital bill?
Também devo pagar a conta?
If you wanna talk to somebody else they gave me names of doctors at the hospital...
Queres falar com outra pessoa? No hospital, deram-me nomes de médicos...
They want to change the way they run the local hospital.
Querem mudar a maneira de governar o hospital.
At Our Lady Of Sorrows Hospital in Washington, DC, Dr. Dana Scully, working to mend the lives of unfortunate children.
No Hospital Lady of Sorrows, em Washington, D.C., a Dra. Dana Scully trabalha a salvar vidas de crianças.
I want to be quite certain you're thinking sensibly about the possible changes at the hospital.
Quero certificar-me que está a pensar bem sobre as possíveis mudanças no hospital.
- She says just to see us but I'm sure she wants to get stuck in with the row about the hospital.
- Ela diz que é para nos ver, mas de certeza que quer envolver-se na discussão sobre o hospital.
We're to persuade Lady Grantham to oppose all change at the hospital.
Convencer Lady Grantham a opor-se a todas as mudanças no hospital.
I want him to listen to our arguments against the York Hospital's plans.
Vou fazê-lo ouvir as nossas razões contra os planos do Hospital de York.
We must get him to the hospital.
Temos de o levar ao hospital, depressa.
That conversation we had in my hospital room the good person I said I didn't want to lose the agent you were before all of this.
A conversa que tivemos no meu quarto de hospital, o bom elemento que te disse que não queria perder, a agente que eras antes.
I don't know the plan, but we need to get him to a hospital.
Não sei qual é o plano, mas temos de levá-lo a um hospital.
As president of the hospital, I ought to have a formal role.
Como presidente do hospital, eu devia ter um papel formal.

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