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To the hotel translate Portuguese

3,988 parallel translation
Should we head to the hotel?
Vamos para o hotel?
- Hey, did you get to the hotel?
- Olá. Foste ao hotel?
"So where are you now?" "On my way back to the hotel."
"Onde estás agora?" "A voltar para o hotel."
He came to the hotel and he had someone waiting outside in a car.
Chegou ao hotel, tinha alguém à espera lá fora num carro.
They must have followed him to the hotel, hoping he would establish contact with his source.
Devem tê-lo seguido até ao hotel, na esperança que falasse com a fonte.
this Jimmy Day guy, he - - he just grabbed you and took you to the hotel?
Este tal Jimmy Day, ele... simplesmente te agarrou e levou para o hotel?
I'm gonna talk to the hotel clerk, see what he knows.
Vou falar com o recepcionista, ver o que ele sabe.
Mr. Dresden, I was surprised to hear that you hadn't gone to the hotel.
Sr. Dresden, fiquei surpreso ao saber que não tinha ido para o hotel. Eu...
We need to get to the hotel where the Red Team's gathered.
Temos de ir ao hotel onde a "equipa vermelha" está reunida.
I talked to the hotel in Nantucket, and they said Jack and Amanda haven't checked in.
Falei com o hotel em Nantucket, e o Jack e a Amanda ainda não chegaram.
Oh, I was... just telling Emily that, uh, I talked to the hotel, and our newlyweds are firmly ensconced in their honeymoon suite with a "Do not disturb" sign on the door. - That's a relief.
Eu estava a dizer à Emily que falei com o hotel e os nossos recém casados estão firmes e fortes na suite lua de mel com a placa de "não perturbar" pendurada na porta.
IP address traces back to the hotel's Wi-Fi.
O IP é do Wi-Fi do hotel.
While you're waiting, why don't you go talk to the hotel kitchen staff?
Enquanto estás à espera, porque é que não vais falar com o pessoal da cozinha do hotel?
Oh. From there, it's a quick trip back to the hotel, where -
Daqui é um pulinho de volta ao hotel, onde...
They tracked Sara to the hotel from this video.
Eles seguiram a Sara ao hotel através deste vídeo.
We might have to go back to the hotel- -
Temos de voltar para o hotel.
Photographer came to the hotel, we bought it.
O fotógrafo foi ao hotel e comprámos a foto.
I'm still trying to figure out why Nolan told me you two had checked in to the hotel in Nantucket.
Fico-me a perguntar por que o Nolan disse-me que deram entrada num hotel em Nantucket.
I put the word out to my contacts, and with what I pay these people, if she walks through a hotel, a car-rental agency, a bus, I'm gonna hear about that shit.
Avisei todos os meus contactos e, com o que pago a esta gente, se ela entrar num hotel, rent-a-car, autocarro ou estação de comboios, ficarei a saber.
Okay, so the place is not what it used to be. But we're gonna have fun.
Pronto, o hotel já não é o que era... mas vamos divertir-nos.
I tried to keep them in the hotel, but he was dead set on going to a strip club.
Tentei mantê-los no hotel, mas eles estavam determinados a ir a club de strip.
I wouldn't want to be whoever's in room 416 at the Cathcart Towers Hotel.
Eu não gostaria da ser seja lá quem for que esteja no quarto 416, do Cathcart Towers Hotel.
Well, according to his roster, Phillip Donovan on Friday morning is supposed to be making a pick-up at a brasserie round the corner from Tully's hotel.
Bom, de acordo com a lista dele, o Phillip Donovan, na sexta-feira de manhã, devia estar a fazer uma recolha numa confeitaria ao virar da esquina do hotel onde estava o Tully.
I managed to hack into the security network and piggyback on their feeds, allowing me access to all the hotel's cameras.
Consegui entrar na rede de vigilância ligar-me a todas as câmaras do hotel.
And to make sure this place is run properly, Harold here bought the hotel.
E para garantir que este sítio é gerido como deve de ser, aqui o Harold comprou o hotel.
Cross-indexed every guest, hotel worker, attendee, and person connected to the play.
Cruzamos todos os convidados, empregados, recepcionistas e pessoas ligadas à peça.
At the hotel, which of the trustees did the gunman seem to target?
No hotel, qual dos responsáveis a atiradora parecia querer atingir?
I want to talk to that girl who was tied up at the hotel.
Quero falar com a rapariga que estava amarrada naquele hotel.
He planned to kill the other two team members in a hotel full of policemen?
Planeou matar os outros dois membros da equipa num hotel cheio de Polícias? Não é algo que tipicamente se faça.
At the time, I didn't think it was relevant to what happened at the hotel.
- Não achei que fosse relevante - para o que aconteceu no hotel.
You somehow arranged for Taylor to be at the hotel.
Arranjas-te uma maneira para o Taylor estar no hotel.
You would have to know that Sara was gonna be at the hotel.
Ele tinha que saber que a Sara estaria no hotel.
And... he would have to arrange for the victim to be at that hotel as well.
Teria que levar a vítima para o hotel a mesma hora.
You know, I had to pay Taylor to meet you at the hotel?
Sabes que tive que pagar ao Taylor para se encontrar contigo no hotel?
I want to wake up on the roof of a Las Vegas hotel.
Quero acordar no telhado de um hotel de Las Vegas.
Sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but we're looking to rent a hotel room for the night.
Desculpe interromper o seu pequeno-almoço. Estamos à procura de um hotel para passar a noite.
Because we found six people working at the hotel who are willing to provide it.
Porque encontrámos seis pessoas que estavam a trabalhar no hotel, dispostas a providenciá-las.
We house you in the Delacroix Hotel, and deliver women to you to have sex with until you're cured.
Hospedamos-te no Hotel Delacroix, e trazemos mulheres para fazerem sexo contigo, até que estejas curado.
The seven of hearts at the hotel, - Assuming we're right, four of clubs to Ed Ficelli. - Trent Aldridge.
O sete de copas no hotel, Trent Aldridge.
I had to use the hotel's code to override the lock.
Tive que usar o código geral para abrir a fechadura.
We've checked out of the hotel, but feel free to contact me anytime.
Já saímos do hotel, mas sinta-se à vontade em me contactar a qualquer hora.
Well, we've got her in the hotel. What we don't have is enough to arrest her for murder.
Mas, não temos o suficiente para a prender.
They were all meeting at the hotel to discuss corporate strategy?
Eles iam-se todos reunir no hotel para discutir estratégias corporativas?
It's when we get to the creepy old motel that everything starts really going south.
Quando chegam ao velho hotel estranho é que tudo começa a dar errado.
He puts that in a hotel room, tries to put a face to the name.
Põe isso num quarto de Hotel, tenta pôr uma cara ao nome.
Wasn't there a guy who used to run the Traders with you?
Não havia um homem que geria o hotel consigo?
The latest victim was killed early this morning, her body found in an alley across the street from this hotel, which is known to be frequented by drug users and prostitutes.
A última vítima foi morta esta manhã, o corpo foi encontrado num beco na rua ao lado deste hotel, conhecido por ser frequentado por viciados e prostitutas...
Breathing new life into the dying controversy over the nomination of judge Randall is newly discovered hotel security footage that not only proves that the affair with Sarah Stanner was mutual, but that it was rekindled a year after her e-mails to him ceased.
A dar sobrevida à controvérsia no caso do juiz Randall, imagens captadas pela segurança de um hotel não só provam que o caso com Sarah Stanner era mútuo, mas também que foi reacendido um ano depois do envio dos e-mails.
Yeah, I was trying to get her away from the hotel
- Tentei afastá-la do hotel.
She she told me everything you did to those girls in the hotel those films
Ela contou-me tudo o que fizeste àquelas miúdas no hotel, os filmes... Porquê?
We should still take the kids to that hotel tonight.
Devíamos levar na mesma os miúdos para aquele hotel hoje.

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