We got them translate Portuguese
2,332 parallel translation
- We got them.
- Estamos com eles.
We got them right where we want them.
Estão exactamente como queremos.
Even if we could show he mistreated those women and we got them to testify... all we could charge him with is negligence.
Mesmo que pudéssemos mostrar que as maltratava e elas depusessem, só podíamos acusá-lo de negligência.
For all our false, whether were guided by our destiny, or we got them our selves,
Porque apesar de todas as nossas falhas, guiados por um destino ou por nós mesmos,
These are his papers ; we got them from the airport officers.
Estes são os papeis que conseguimos, dos agentes do aeroporto.
We got them pinned down!
Temo-los encurralados.
We left them by a tree, and when we got back they were gone.
Deixámo-las junto a uma árvore, e quando voltámos para ir buscá-las tinham desaparecido.
And I gotta find a way to bring them in before someone else finds'em and they screw up everything we got here.
Tenho de arranjar forma de os acolher antes que alguém os encontre e lixe tudo o que construímos aqui.
We got the script just right, we got the crew just right, we got the perfect cast, and we were, oh, so close to being able to make something that would actually affect somebody - - someone we've never met, but for two hours, we can have a dialogue with that person, speak to them and maybe -
Conseguimos um bom guião, uma boa equipa, tínhamos o elenco perfeito e estávamos tão perto de conseguir fazer algo que iria certamente afectar alguém, alguém que nunca conhecemos, mas, durante duas horas, poderíamos ter um diálogo com essa pessoa,
We've got to stop them.
Temos que os impedir.
Bruv, these guys are giants in their sector, market leaders. We've got them on our side.
São gigantescos, líderes de mercado, e estão do nosso lado.
We got to give them more time.
- Vamos esperar.
I told them we've got Wakefield.
E que temos o Wakefield.
We got to hold them back.
Ele teve um ano dos diabos.
Maybe we got them all today.
Talvez os tenhamos morto a todos hoje.
We've got to get them to change direction.
Temos de fazer com que eles mudem de direção.
We've got dozens of them in here.
Temos dúzias deles aqui.
So we got to shut them down, fast.
Temos de acabar com eles, e depressa.
But at the same time, we've got to give them...
Mas ao mesmo tempo, temos de dar-lhe...
Or worse, except we got to them first.
Chegarmos a eles primeiro.
Tell them what we've got. - Hands in front of you.
- Mãos para frente, por favor.
And I am a person who stood in an airplane hangar and watched them unload my brother's body in a coffin, and all we got was a flag.
Sou uma pessoa que esteve num hangar e viu trazerem o corpo do irmão dentro de um caixão e o que nos deram foi uma bandeira.
We got to get them fartherfrom their supplies.
Temos que os afastar mais dos seus reabastecimentos.
So we decided we're all gonna sing them a ballad to show that we got their backs.
Então decidimos cantar-lhes uma balada para mostrar que os apoiamos.
If we were to leave them out on the land, it's actually bad for the pastures because they carve up the grass and it hasn't got enough time to recover for the next spring.
Se os deixássemos na terra, seria ruim para as pastagens porque destruiriam a erva e esta não teria tempo suficiente para recuperar para a próxima primavera.
What we've got to do is to take the principles of this and see how far we can bend them towards something more edible.
O que nós temos de fazer é levar os princípios disto e ver quão longe os podemos utilizar para algo mais comestível.
We've got to call them back.
Temos de os chamar de volta.
Well, we've got some flares. We could wait till night, fire them off.
Temos alguns foguetes de sinalização, podíamos esperarmos até anoitecer para os acendermos.
Not nice at all, and that worries us, but I think that we have a system to manage that inasmuch that we've got this team of people that are skilled and well trained to go and destroy them.
Não é nada agradável e isso nos preocupa, mas creio que temos um sistema para aplicar, já que temos este grupo de pessoas com capacidade e treinamento para ir e destruí-los.
I got a weird feeling when we were out with them.
Tive um pressentimento quando saímos com eles.
You see, I'm I run a magazine And we've lost nearly half of our women readers and I've got to reach them somehow
Dirijo uma revista e perdemos quase metade das nossas leitoras e tento cativá-las de algum modo.
So i just got off the phone with our clients. Told them we couldn't recover their dead father's painting.
Falei com o cliente e disse que não temos o quadro do seu pai.
We've got some photographs here if you all want to see them.
Encontrei algumas da Rebecca que achei que...
Bracey.. I told them that we shot a video and they want to see it, so we've got to get working on that.
Eu disse pra eles que nós fizemos um video e eles querem ver isso, então nós temos que trabalhar nisso.
If you want to bring people in, you got to make them some food, just like we do, just like we've always done.
Como sempre fizemos.
We've engaged the enemy and we've got them on the run.
Enfrentamos o inimigo e agora estão a bater em retirada.
You give me the reconstruction, though, I can show them that, and they can tell us if we got their guy.
Dá-me a reconstrução para eu lhes mostrar e depois dirão se é ele.
granted, i was older than she is, but... what got me through were the people closest to me, and... if monica's daughter is with a good family, and we take her away from them... are we doing more harm than good?
Era mais velha do que ela, mas o que me safou foram as pessoas mais próximas a mim, e se a filha da Monica está com uma boa família e nós a levarmos dela... Estaremos a fazer pior do que melhor? Sim.
We figured he dropped his location to them and got set up.
Deve ter dito onde estava e depois apanharam-no.
We went into peoples'houses and got them to reduce their energy use by 50 %.
Entrámos nas casas das pessoas e fizémo-los reduzir o seu uso de energia em 50 %.
You know, boss, we've all got plans - this holiday season and... - Cancel them.
Sabe chefe, todos temos planos é feriado e...
Then to protect the Minders we need to break the chain. Maybe if I got far away from them.
Então para proteger os Obedientes, precisamos de quebrar a corrente.
Hit them with everything we've got.
Atinjam eles com tudo o que temos!
I've got to get to my father's place in Shirning if we're going to work out how to deal with them.
Preciso chegar à casa do meu pai, em Shirning... para descobrir como lidar com elas. Não.
We've got some lovely shots from the spawning but now the really hard bit of trying to get them flying.
Temos belas filmagens da desova, mas agora vem o mais difícil : tentar filmá-los em voo.
And we've got six of them out here, and we keep losing them.
Temos aqui seis e mesmo assim perdemo-los.
So what we've got to do is, not only have we got to produce a move that is exactly the same, a repeatable move, a track that can be built exactly the same again in a studio... Yeah. ... build exact models of every object in here so we can put plants in the right places and then time everything so they grow just as the camera happens to be pointing at them.
Não só temos de conceber um movimento que seja exactamente igual, um movimento que se repete, com uma pista idêntica em estúdio, como temos de construir maquetas com as plantas no sítio exacto.
We'll hit them from the flank with everything we've got!
Vamos atacar-lhes o flanco com tudo o que temos!
We've got to get them out of there now.
Temos de tirá-los de lá e já.
We stash the money and we tell them we got jacked.
Escondemos o dinheiro e dizemos-lhes que fomos assaltados.
I mean, we've got to buy them new clothes and stuff, get their hair did, manicures, pedicures.
Quero dizer, temos que lhes arranjar roupas novas e assim, arranjar-lhes o cabelo, manicures, pedicures.
we got this 371
we got' em 96
we got it 766
we got your back 50
we got a problem 417
we got you 282
we got married 70
we got a deal 77
we got something 131
we got him 659
we got' em 96
we got it 766
we got your back 50
we got a problem 417
we got you 282
we got married 70
we got a deal 77
we got something 131
we got him 659
we got to move 144
we got to go 657
we got 536
we gotta stick together 17
we gotta go now 71
we got a situation 38
we gotta 87
we got a big problem 23
we gotta go right now 21
we got a case 27
we got to go 657
we got 536
we gotta stick together 17
we gotta go now 71
we got a situation 38
we gotta 87
we got a big problem 23
we gotta go right now 21
we got a case 27
we gotta go 1022
we gotta get out of here 250
we gotta talk 103
we gotta run 26
we got work to do 120
we got a 150
we got one 80
we gotta move 158
we gotta keep moving 33
we got a name 17
we gotta get out of here 250
we gotta talk 103
we gotta run 26
we got work to do 120
we got a 150
we got one 80
we gotta move 158
we gotta keep moving 33
we got a name 17