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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / What i meant was

What i meant was translate Portuguese

545 parallel translation
What I meant was if we had a nice little bungalow, and you were inside and I was outside trying to get in, or inside trying to get out...
- Vou-lhe dizer. Se tivéssemos um quarto bonitinho, em que você estivesse no interior e eu fora a tentar entrar ou dentro a tentar sair...
What I meant was, you're gonna be here all winter, and I'm stuck with the hotel anyhow.
De qualquer maneira você está lá toto o inverno e eu estarei ocupado com o hotel.
I... - What I meant was...
- queria dizer que...
What I meant was, I'd like to come back here someday.
O que eu quis dizer foi... que gostaria de voltar aqui, algum dia.
What I meant was...
O que eu queria dizer é...
What I meant was, are you in love with her?
O que querosaber ése está apaixonado por ela.
What I meant was that a man ought to pick his spot not go wandering all over the world.
O que eu quero dizer é que um homem deve escolher aquilo que quer sem andar a vaguear pelo mundo.
Wh-What I meant was... that I-I have a...
O que eu quis dizer foi... que tenho um...
No, what I meant was, you will have to make a sacrifice of yourself.
Não, o que queria dizer, era, que você terá que fazer uma sacrifício pessoal.
What I meant was I'd do just about anything to get away.
Quero dizer que faria tudo para me escapar.
What I meant was that I'm with the State Police here, and when I'm with them, I'm with someone, but right now I'm on my own.
Quis dizer que estou aqui com a polícia estadual e... com eles estou com alguém. Mas neste momento estou sozinho.
I wasn't expecting a Catholic response. What I meant was :
Quando perguntei o que pensa de mim, não quis saber num sentido católico.
That... What I meant was, that's very nice.
O que disse é muito bonito.
What I meant was that if I were his nephew instead of his niece...
A ideia é pôr os cães de caça fora do rastro. Nunca sonhei que funcionasse tão bem.
Well, what I meant was, are you really going to?
Bem, o que eu quis dizer foi, se realmente vai...
What I meant was, whatever it takes to be a cop's wife I'm just not sure I'm making it.
O que for necessário para ser mulher de polícia não tenho certeza de o ter.
What I meant was, you know, he wouldn't have a problem...
O que eu quis dizer foi que...
What I meant was a good tune-up.
Queria um combate de afinação.
What I meant was... - consider the challenge.
O que quis dizer era que considerasse o desafio.
- No, what I meant was...
- Não, referia-me a...
What I meant was, did she mention anything?
O que eu queria dizer é se ela disse alguma coisa?
Well, your highness What I meant was that, like a doughnut, um... Your arrival gives us pleasure
Bom, Sua Majestade, o que queria dizer ao compará-lo com um donut é que a sua vinda é um prazer e a sua partida só nos faz ansiar por mais.
Well, seriously... what I meant was that... since we do care for each other so much... and since we should really consider ourselves as adults now- -
Bem, é sério... eu queria dizer que... já que gostamos tanto um do outro... e já deveríamos nos considerar adultos agora...
No. What I meant was my happiness comes from contemplating yours.
Queria dizer que a minha felicidade vem de contemplar a vossa.
Oh, I'm sorry. What I meant was I didn't need it to identify you.
Se sair desta casa, não há nada que possa fazer para protegê-la.
- Well, what I meant was... - Actually, what we propose to do is to change something into nothing and back again.
- Na verdade, o que pretendemos fazer é transformar algo em nada e novamente em algo.
I mean, um... what I meant was, uh, did you?
O que queria dizer era... tu gostaste?
But ever since I was a child, ever since I knew what love meant, I wanted him to be the one who conducted my wedding.
Mas, desde que era criança, e desde que soube o que o amor significava, queria que ele fosse aquele quem conduzisse o meu casamento.
What I meant was, if we had a nice bungalow,
- Pretendo atingir as calças.
I was just wondering if you meant what you said the other day - about showing me the run of things.
Estava só a pensar se falava a sério... em relação a me ensinar sobre os negócios.
When you were talking to the Monster, I was afraid you meant what you said.
Quando o ouvi a falar com o monstro... receei que o que estava a dizer era a sério.
What do you mean by that? I meant that I hoped that just... you know, I was so disgusted and tired of everything,
- Quero dizer que queria que sabe, estava revoltado e cansado de tudo,
Well, what I meant to say was I didn't expect to see either of you.
Bem, o que eu queria dizer era que não esperava ver nenhum de vocês.
I don't exactly know what I meant, unless I was thinking about David.
Não sei bem o que queria dizer... a não ser que pensasse no David.
What I said about having to get out and carry this old boat was meant to be a joke.
O que eu disse sobre ter que sair, e puxar este barco velho... foi uma piada.
What I meant to say was, I belong aboard a boat but I'll do anything I can.
O meu lugar é no submarino mas faço o que for preciso.
I was just wondering if you meant what you said the other day... about showing me the run of things?
Estava só a pensar se falava a sério... em relação a me ensinar sobre os negócios.
We'll let it stand, but I imagine what you meant to say was "money and woman".
Vamos deixar passar, mas imagino que o querias dizer era dinheiro e mulher.
I didn't mean... Well, you see... What I meant to say was that because of this...
Não queria... o que queria dizer era que, por causa disto...
Yes, of course, but what I meant to say was... there were no other footprints.
Claro, mas o que eu queria dizer era que não havia outras pegadas.
Oh, uh... well, uh, what I meant to say was...
Oh, uh... bem, uh, o que eu queria dizer é...
That's what I meant when I said his life was his work.
Foi o que quis dizer quando falei que se ocupava da vida.
No, well, what I meant to say, Professor Kelp, was that... I have to go to football practice.
Não, o que eu quis dizer, professor Kelp, é que... tenho que ir para o treino de futebol.
No, what I meant to say was :
Não, eu quis dizer...
Yes, but I think what Mr Towns meant was the real thing.
Sim, mas o que quis dizer o Sr. Towns foi... os aviões reais.
But I was brought up to believe that the law meant what it said ; and not what some people might want it to mean.
Mas eu quero acreditar a lei é a lei e não o que algumas pessoas querem que ela seja.
It was after Forest and Barroyer were murdered, I got scared... very scared... then there was Kleinberg I knew what it meant.
Depois, o Kleinberg. Então percebi logo. Porque não veio ter comigo?
What was I meant to write, "Good luck Henry and Hermine"?
O que queria que eu te escrevesse? "Boa sorte, Henry e Hermine"?
I'm sorry, Mrs Tolbin. That's not what I meant. I was...
Peço desculpa, Sra. Tolbin, não foi isso o que quis dizer.
what did not change was his rigor... it was like an anguish... the rigor meant i must do this it is my solution.
A única coisa que não mudou foi ele, o rigor com que fazia as coisas, com que manifestava mais uma angústia, o rigor, quer dizer : é preciso que faça isso, essa é a minha solução.
What I meant to say was... it might very well be a poltergeist intrusion... instead of a classic haunting.
Pode tratar-se de uma invasão de um poltergeist, em vez de uma assombração clássica.

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