With everything that's happened translate Portuguese
120 parallel translation
Now, now, in spite of everything that's happened, I see no real reason why you shouldn't go through with the wedding.
Vamos, vamos, apesar de tudo o que está acontecendo, não vejo nenhuma razão para que não siga com o casamento.
Everything that's happened here lately is because you brought me back with you, even the danger we're in from the pirates.
Tudo o que tem acontecido ultimamente foi porque me trouxeram convosco. Até mesmo o perigo em que estamos por causa dos piratas.
With everything that's happened... they're more determined than ever to find you.
Depois de tudo o que se passou, eles estão mais determinados do que nunca para te encontrar.
With everything that's happened... they're more determined than ever to find you.
Depois de tudo o que se passou, eles estão mais determinados do que nunca em encontrar-te.
I mean, with everything that's happened... it's the human side of you that's made you weak.
Com tudo o que se passou, o teu lado humano enfraqueceu-te.
Even with everything that's happened, I have still never been married.
Apesar de tudo o que aconteceu, eu nunca cheguei a casar.
Yeah, well, I was thinking, with everything that's happened, and your new power making life a little crazy...
Estive a pensar... Com tudo o que aconteceu, e o teu novo poder a tornar a nossa vida louca...
Everything that's happened is part of a plan with something worse than the Beast sketching the blueprints.
Tudo o que aconteceu faz parte de um plano... com alguma coisa pior que a Besta a dar as instrucções.
With everything that's happened This is how you're going to tell me?
Com tudo o que aconteceu é assim que vais dizer-me?
With everything that's happened this is how you're going to tell me?
Com tudo o que aconteceu é assim que vais dizer-me?
Then I thought with everything that's happened to her, to us, I didn't want to upset her.
Mas pensei que com tudo o que lhe aconteceu, connosco, não queria chateá-la. Esse é um bom instinto.
Actually, everything that's happened with Caleb and me I think it's best I stay home.
Na verdade, depois do que aconteceu entre o Caleb e eu acho que é melhor ficar em casa.
But with everything that's happened, it just...
Mas com tudo o que aconteceu, eu só...
Everything that's happened here today... it's been hard going through it with you again.
Tudo o que aconteceu aqui hoje... - Foi difícil viver isto contigo.
I know with everything that's happened, you've seen me do things that before now you thought were unimaginable.
Hoje viste-me fazer coisas que julgavas impensáveis.
I mean, even with everything's that happened, he has a good heart.
Não deves detestá-lo. É um bom pai.
I've been telling him about the voices for years... and even with everything that's happened... he still won't see.
Eu tenho-lhe contado sobre as vozes há anos... e mesmo com tudo o que aconteceu... ele ainda não quer ver.
Turk, with everything that's happened, I'm just having trouble trusting you.
Turk, com tudo o que aconteceu, estou com problemas em confiar em ti.
We haven't been able to recreate that here, not with everything that's happened, not with the stones or your mom and all of the lies.
Não vamos se capazes de recriar aquele tempo, não depois do que aconteceu. A história das pedras, a tua mãe, todas as mentiras.
Yeah, with everything that's happened.
Sim, pelo que tem acontecido.
After everything that's happened, you can't imagine sleeping with me anymore.
Depois de tudo que aconteceu, não consegue mais se imaginar... dormindo comigo.
Well, to be honest, ma'am, it happened so quick... and with everything that was going on... it's kind of hard to remember who was where.
Bem, para ser sincero, senhora, aconteceu tudotão depressa, e com tudo o que estava a acontecer é um pouco difícil lembrar quem estava onde.
We orchestrated all of this with the greatest care everything that's happened.
Planeámos isto tudo com máximo cuidado, tudo o que aconteceu.
With everything that's happened to you, that is what you've forgotten.
Com tudo o que te aconteceu, foi disso que te esqueceste.
I wish I had been here for you, with everything that's happened.
Queria poder ter estado aqui para apoiar-te. - Com tudo o que aconteceu.
And with everything that's happened between you and Carter...
E com o que aconteceu entre ti e o Carter...
It's just that, you know, with everything that's happened, with Conor and Matt getting married, I just can't keep these lies down anymore.
Só que, com tudo o que aconteceu, com o Conor e o Matt a casar, não consigo continuar a mentir.
After everything that happened with the baby- - it's not about that.I am relieved that I'm not having a baby now.
Depois do que aconteceu ao bebé... Não é isso. Estou aliviado por não ir ter um bebé agora.
And after everything that's happened with her, I'm not so psyched about her standing that close to him.
E depois de tudo o que aconteceu com ela, não gosto muito de vê-la ali tão perto dele.
Jenny, I know how painful it's been with everything that's happened between me and your dad.
Jenny, sei o quanto tem sido doloroso para ti o que aconteceu entre mim e o teu pai.
After everything that's happened with my family and to you...
Depois do que aconteceu com a minha família e contigo...
I'm sure he would have delivered it himself, but uh, he's been real busy with everything that's happened.
Ele ia entregar-lhe isto pessoalmente, mas tem estado muito ocupado com tudo o que aconteceu.
It's like with everything that's happened, we've become chaos junkies.
Com tudo o que se passou, parece que tornamo-nos viciados em caos.
I just figured that, you know, after everything that happened with madison, you could use a little RR, that's all.
Achei que depois do que se passou com a Madison, precisavas de recuperar.
She, a mortal. And me, a vampire. But with everything that's happened maybe there's hope that things could be different.
ela, um humano, e eu, um vampiro, mas com tudo o que tem acontecido talvez haja esperança que as coisas possam ser diferentes.
With everything that's happened since Kyle came into our lives, what seems everyday to us may be just plain weird to everybody else.
Com tudo o que tem acontecido desde que o Kyle chegou, o que parece normal para nós pode ser estranho para os outros.
It was so nice having you here with me, especially after everything that's happened.
Foi tão bom ter-te aqui comigo, sobretudo depois de tudo o que aconteceu.
After everything that's happened and... After what happened with Lucas it's just...
Depois de tudo o que aconteceu e... depois do que aconteceu ao Lucas, pensava...
Starkwood was involved with everything that's happened today.
Starkwood estava envolvida com tudo que aconteceu hoje.
Yeah, in a weird way, with everything that's happened it's somehow brought us closer.
De uma forma estranha, tudo aquilo que aconteceu fez com que nos aproximássemos.
Everything that's happened with her thumb, oh and, by the way there's an alien thingy on-board and guess what?
O que aconteceu com seu polegar e a propósito há uma coisa alienígena a bordo. E adivinha?
With everything that's happened I can't lose the way I feel about you.
Apesar de tudo o que aconteceu não posso perder o que sinto por ti.
But with everything that's happened... I need to be sure now that I'm doing the right thing for him.
Mas com tudo o que aconteceu... preciso de ter a certeza de que agora, estou a fazer a coisa certa para ele.
Everything that's happened, you live with it.
Vais ter de viver com tudo o que aconteceu.
I feel bad even saying it, with everything's that's happened, but... we really lucked out, huh?
Mas... tivemos muita sorte, não foi?
It's understandable, with all that's happened and everything...
É compreensível, com tudo o que se passou...
I thought he'd be happy to see me, after everything that's happened with Naomi, but... nope.
Pensei que ele ficaria feliz em ver-me depois de tudo o que se passou com a Naomi, Mas... Não!
With everything that's happened with Mr. Chuck and Ms. Serena I also know you want to get out of the Dodge.
Com tudo o que se passou com o Sr. Chuck e a Menina Serena, sei que se quer pôr "no" andar.
With everything that's happened, I haven't eaten much the last couple days, but your food has definitely brought back my appetite.
Com tudo o que está a acontecer, não comi grande coisa nos últimos dias, mas não há dúvida de que a vossa comida me abriu o apetite.
With everything that's just happened, we haven't even talked.
Com isto tudo que aconteceu, ainda nem falámos.
But with everything that's happened, I, um... I think it's probably best that we have some time apart.
Mas com tudo o que aconteceu, acho que provavelmente é melhor separarmo-nos por uns tempos.
with everything 66
with everything that's going on 26
everything that's happened 22
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with everything that's going on 26
everything that's happened 22
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with your father 34
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with your father 34
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with good reason 53
with us 243
with your life 24
with it 82
with your hands 23
with that said 19
with a knife 24
with that 162
with that in mind 45
with good reason 53
with us 243
with your life 24
with it 82
with your hands 23
with that said 19
with a knife 24
with that 162