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You really did translate Portuguese

3,949 parallel translation
I guess you really did have some fight in you, kid.
Afinal sempre tinhas luta em ti miúdo.
- You really did work as a...
- Realmente trabalhou como uma...
You really did learn something here.
Afinal aprendeste mesmo qualquer coisa!
Are you really sure that Dahlia did those things?
Tem a certeza absoluta que foi a Dahlia que fez aquelas coisas?
Did-did you really think it was a zombie apocalypse?
Tu, realmente, pensaste que se tratava de um apocalipse "zombie"?
You know, I really did love you.
Na verdade amava-te.
Stuart, no B.S., did you really get us that coffeemaker for our wedding?
Stuart, nada de tretas, deste-nos mesmo a máquina de café pelo nosso casamento?
I'd really like to know why you did this.
Realmente gostaria de saber porque é que fez isto.
Did you really think I wouldn't find out that he killed your brother?
Pensaste que não descobriria que ele matou o teu irmão?
You didn't really make this coffee all on your own, did you?
Não fizeste este café sozinha, pois não?
- I don't know what happened to you in New York, if you really flatlined or if that's just what they tell us when we reach level seven, but whatever did happen doesn't give you license to disobey a direct order from HQ.
Eu não sei o que te aconteceu em Nova Iorque, se morreste mesmo ou se é algo que nos dizem quando chegamos ao nível 7, mas o que te aconteceu, não te deu licença para desobedeceres a uma ordem directa da Sede.
Castle, you didn't really believe that this was gonna lead to some great freemason treasure, did you?
Castle, tu não acreditavas mesmo que isto levaria a algum grande tesouro maçom, pois não?
I know it did, and I don't know if it's a good idea or if she's really the one, but you know what?
Eu sei disso. E não sei se é uma boa ideia ou se ela é realmente a pessoa certa para ti, mas queres saber?
I want you to know I think it's really great, you doing what you did today for Jen, so she can finally have a baby- -
Só quero que saiba que achei óptimo o que fez hoje pela Jen, para ela poder finalmente ter um bebé.
Did you really think I wouldn't find out you went to my ex-wife?
- Pensavas mesmo que não iria descobrir que falaste com a minha ex-mulher?
You did a really great job with the remodel.
Fizeste um óptimo trabalho com a remodelação.
I did not dare to believe it was really you.
Não quero acreditar que és mesmo tu.
Red, did you really think there was a distance you could cover or a hole deep enough that you could hide in?
Red, achavas mesmo que conseguias afastar-te o suficiente ou encontrar um buraco profundo para esconderes-te?
Fowler may have shut us down, but did you really think Reddington's people weren't gonna try to find him themselves?
O Fowler pode ter-nos fechado, mas acha que eles não tentaram encontrar o Reddington sozinhos?
Did you really get rid of all our stuff?
Desfizeste-te mesmo de todas as nossas coisas?
Well, did you ever think this is how I really talk and that I talk different-like when I'm not here?
Já pensaste que é assim que eu falo, e que, quando não estou aqui, falo diferente?
Look, Rudy, you did a-a really terrific job.
Olha, Rudy, fizeste um óptimo trabalho.
Did you really kill that man?
Matou mesmo aquele homem?
So, Billy, did you really think you could get away with it?
Então, Billy, achaste mesmo - que ias safar-te com aquilo?
- did she really think you were gonna fall for- - oh, boy.
Ela realmente achou que ias cair nessa... Oh, boy.
- Did you really think I wouldn't know my mother's voice?
Realmente pensaste que nao iria reconhecer a voz da minha mãe?
Did you really think that after- -
Achou mesmo...
Did she really need to lock you up?
Será que ela precisava realmente de te prender?
Doesn't really matter if you do, I guess. But I want you to know that I did everything I could to protect you from this...
Mas quero que saibas que fiz tudo o que podia para proteger-te disto...
Tarik, did you really finish college?
Tarik, tens uma licenciatura?
I really like what you did with the carbonation. We put a disclaimer on the bottom of the can.
Eu realmente adoro aquilo fazes com a gasificação nós colocamos um aviso na parte inferior da lata.
Did you really think I wanted to be a magician's assistant? - Yes.
Acha mesmo que eu queria ser uma assistente?
Now, Mason, I know you didn't really want to have a party today, but we did.
Sei que não querias uma festa hoje, mas nós queríamos.
And did you really call me "Lollipopolis"?
E você chamou-me mesmo "Chupachupolis"?
Well, you did a really good job.
Fez um bom trabalho.
What did you mean by "not really"?
O que quiseste dizer com "não propriamente"?
Did you really do this?
Fizeste isso a ti mesma?
Did you really think you could travel 150 miles, make three visits to a neurological clinic under a false identity, give blood, leave fingerprints and not have us find out about it?
Achas mesmo que podes viajar 240 quilómetros, fazer três visitas a uma clínica neurológica, com uma identidade falsa, dar o sangue, deixar vestígios, sem que soubéssemos?
Did you really just quote Alice Cooper?
Acabaste mesmo de citar o Alice Cooper?
You didn't really get those tickets from a family friend, did you?
Não foi um amigo de família que te deu os bilhetes, pois não?
But if Frankenstein was real, if he really did animate a human, would it help you to study it?
Mas, se Frankenstein fosse real, se tivesse realmente animado um humano, isso ajudaria o seu estudo?
- Did you really?
- A sério?
Did you really think she'd be different, that she'd actually give a shit about us?
Achavas mesmo que ela estava diferente, que se importaria connosco?
Did Nixon really call you?
O Nixon ligou-vos?
So, why did you transfer from Toronto to here, really?
Porque é que pediu transferência de Toronto para cá?
The guys are all really impressed with what you did.
Os tipos estão todos muito impressionados com o que fez.
Did you really bring that fur ball?
Tens mesmo que levar essa bola de pêlo?
- You did really great.
- Saí? - Saíste-te mesmo bem.
Did you really need to shoot him?
Era preciso alvejá-lo?
Wow, he must've really did a number on you.
Ele deve ter feito algo contigo.
After all you've been through tonight, did you really think I would make it that easy?
Depois de tudo o que aconteceu esta noite, achas mesmo que seria assim tão fácil?

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