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You really think translate Portuguese

12,430 parallel translation
Did you really think I'd accept your charity?
Pensou que aceitaria a sua caridade?
Do you really think the only orphans are those without a mother and father?
Acha mesmo que só é órfão quem não tem mãe e pai?
Do you really think we'd waste our time on a poor raving lunatic?
Acha mesmo que perderíamos o nosso tempo com um pobre lunático?
You really think you're fast enough to stop me?
Pensas que és assim tão rápido para me parares?
You really think that's gonna work?
Aliquid sub sole Achas mesmo que vai resultar?
No, is that what you really think?
- É isso que tu pensas mesmo?
Do you really think you could ever love that imbecile?
- Achas que podes amar aquele imbecil?
Do you really think you could ever love that imbecile?
Achas que podes amar aquele imbecil?
You really think anyone's listening?
Achas mesmo que alguém está a ouvir?
If Hector wins this fight, you really think he's gonna turn himself in and come running back to God?
Se o Hector ganhar este combate, acha mesmo que ele se entrega e volta para Deus?
Did you really think I wouldn't figure it out, hmm?
Achavas mesmo que eu não descobriria?
I mean, come on. You really think that class is gonna change stuff?
Acreditam mesmo que aquelas aulas vão mudar alguma coisa?
Did you really think you could get away with bringing it here?
Achavas mesmo que a podias trazer para cá?
Did you really think some rabble could hold me captive?
Pensavas mesmo que alguém da ralé me conseguia manter captiva?
Hey, no offense, but do you really think it's a good idea to leave him unsupervised?
Sem ofensa, mas achas que é uma boa ideia deixá-lo sem vigilância?
And from what I understand, you're not someone to be messed with, so... you really think someone's gonna go behind your back?
E pelo que soube, não és alguém com quem se devam meter, então... Achas mesmo que alguém vai fazer algo pelas tuas costas?
You really think I'd do these vile things?
Acha mesmo que eu fiz essas coisas vis?
Did you really think this was over?
Pensavas mesmo que isto tinha acabado?
Do you really think these chains could stop me?
Pensaram mesmo que estas correntes me poderiam impedir?
I mean, you-you really think you're pregnant?
Quer dizer, tu... achas mesmo que estás grávida?
- I know. - Quentin, do you really think that the magic that we teach means that you just get to fly above right and wrong?
Quentin, acha mesmo que a magia que ensinamos significa que está acima do certo e do errado?
You really think the Egyptians trapped an Ancient inside this sarcophagus?
Acha mesmo que os egípcios enfiaram um Ancião nesse sarcófago?
You really think turning people against our efforts is a good idea right now?
Acha boa ideia pôr as pessoas contra os nossos esforços?
Look, Simon, it's really not as bad as you think.
Não é tão mau como pensas.
I think you messed something up. Really?
- Acho que fizeste algo mal.
And if you think otherwise, then you really don't want to meet the people who spend their days plotting to take my seat.
E se pensa de outra maneira, então não vai querer conhecer as pessoas que conspiram diariamente para tomar o meu lugar.
Think you really cleaned up that town of yours?
Pensas que limpaste mesmo a tua cidade?
You really did not think this through, did you?
Tu não pensaste bem nisto, pois não?
Do you think that - - do you really think that I can't love you?
Achas, realmente, que eu não te posso amar?
Really? You never think for one second,
Nunca pensas, nem por um segundo :
We're gonna have to do somethin'much simpler, since we don't have very much in the way of ingredients or knives, but it's a dish that I think some of you, in particular, are really gonna enjoy.
Vamos ter de fazer algo muito mais simples, pois não temos muitos ingredientes nem facas, mas é um prato que eu acho que algumas de vocês vão gostar muito.
Sometimes I think you really just might be the devil.
Às vezes, acho mesmo que talvez sejas o diabo.
Well, I appreciate you wanting to pitch in, but I really don't think that's necessary.
Agradeço que queira contribuir, mas não me parece necessário.
You two really think you can crash this party?
Acham mesmo que podem invadir esta festa?
Uh, I don't think you're wrong about Castle, but... it's really simple, Karen.
Não acho que estejas enganada em relação ao Castle, mas é muito simples, Karen.
See, I think you were dying on the vine of this tight-ass party, because Daddy's money can't buy you the one thing you really need.
Acho que estava entediada com esta festa formal, porque o dinheiro do papá não lhe compra o que realmente precisa.
So, what do you think really happened?
Então, o que acha que aconteceu realmente?
Trust me, Jefferson, there's someone here I really think you should meet.
Acredita em mim, Jefferson, há alguém aqui que acho que devas conhecer.
I think you see something that you truly desire, and you... you don't know what to do with yourself, do you? Really? Uh-huh.
A sério? Assim sim.
No, I really think she'd bring some impressive insight into the issues that you're dealing with.
Não, acho que ela poderá trazer uma bela visão para os problemas com que tu estás a lidar.
I think you've really helped him.
Acho que o ajudaste mesmo.
Uh, wait, you don't really think that, like, Father Frank did this, right? - 100 %.
Espera, não achas mesmo que que o padre Frank fez isto, certo?
Hey! After all of your manipulations to get to work with me, you're really gonna walk away because you think this case is boring?
Após todas as tuas manipulações para trabalhares comigo, vais mesmo embora por achares que este caso é aborrecido?
Do you really think you're gonna get away with this?
Achas mesmo que te vais livrar disto assim?
- You know, I really don't think that- -
- Sabem, não acho mesmo que...
I really think you need to deal with your letters.
Acho mesmo que tens de tratar da tua correspondência.
And I really didn't think I'd be standing here with you calling me a traitor.
E, realmente, nunca pensei que iria estar aqui consigo a chamar-me traidor.
You have to think about it like... You know, we just had some, some really inconsiderate houseguests.
Tens que pensar nisto como... sabes, como se tivessemos tido uns hospedes indesejados.
I think you're a really good friend.
Acho que és mesmo uma boa amiga.
I think you'd look really good with short hair.
Acho que ficavas bem com cabelo curto.
You don't really think that's what got them kidnapped?
Não acha mesmo que foi isso que fez com que eles fossem raptados?

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