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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You really think that

You really think that translate Portuguese

3,278 parallel translation
Hey, C-Cam, um - Do you really think that I'm not any fun?
Cam, achas mesmo que não sou divertido?
Do you really think that denying Bello his drugs was the right play?
Achaste mesmo que negar as drogas era o correcto?
You really think that Benji could get a woman hotter than me?
Acham mesmo que o Benji arranjava outra brasa como eu?
You really think that cop's gonna save you, Seward?
Achas mesmo que ela te vai salvar, Seward?
You really think that was gonna work, the sex, the temptation, the booze?
Achavas mesmo que ia resultar? O sexo, a tentação, o álcool?
Do you really think that you're honoring Tommy's mother by destroying the Glades?
Tu realmente achas que vais honrar a morte da mãe do Tommy destruindo o Glades?
Do you really think that I could go on living knowing that you sacrificed thousands more in my name?
Achas mesmo que eu poderia viver sabendo que tu sacrificas-te milhares por mim?
You really think that?
- Pensas mesmo isso?
You really think that Grace took out one of your guys?
Achas mesmo que a Grace eliminou um dos teus homens?
You really think that's going to get rid of us?
Acha mesmo que isso vai fazer com que nos vamos embora?
Do you really think that your feelings for this-this monster are real?
Achas que os teus sentimentos por este monstro são reais?
Do you really think that I would trade a grandchild for a vacation?
Achas mesmo que eu trocaria um neto por férias?
Do you really think that she already- -
- Acham mesmo que ela...
Do you really think that will work?
Achas mesmo que isso vai funcionar?
If you really think that I have the power to change, so why can't he? !
Se achas mesmo que posso, porque não ele?
Do you really think that they're all ticking because of Patti?
Achas que todas estão assim por causa da Patti?
You really think all that was gonna keep me out forever?
Pensaram mesmo que tudo isto me ia manter fora para sempre?
Well, I think that when you have a connection with someone, it never really goes away, you know?
Bem, eu acho que quando tu tens uma ligação com alguém, ela nunca acaba realmente, sabes?
You know, I don't really think that that stereotype applies here.
Sabem, realmente não acho que esse estereotipo se aplique aqui.
Do you think that this is really about money?
Achas que isto é realmente sobre dinheiro?
Do you really think people believe that?
Achas mesmo que as pessoas acreditam nisso?
You really think now's the time to talk about that?
Achas que é hora de falar nisso?
Do you really think Al-Zuhari will come good on that, Mairead?
Achas mesmo que o al-Zuhari vai jogar limpo, Mairead?
Do you really think he's got a bouquet of ï ¬ ‚ owers in that bag?
Achas que ele tem um ramo de flores naquele saco?
Do you think he really thought that he could do it?
Achas que ele pensava mesmo que conseguiria?
And while I really appreciate the opportunity, and I do love you very much, I don't think that working together is a very good idea.
Embora agradeça muito a oportunidade, e goste muito de ti... não acho boa ideia trabalharmos juntos.
I think that tutor you got him is - - is really helping.
Acho que o explicador está a ajudar imenso. - Sim, se insistirmos.
You really think the state's gonna give you a stay for that?
Achas mesmo que o Estado lhe vai conceder uma suspensão?
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, um, you really think they deserve your hard-earned money for that service?
Ouve, na verdade achas que merecem o teu dinheiro suado com este serviço?
You really think the worst of me... That I'm just some shallow gold digger.
Realmente pensas o pior de mim... que sou apenas uma interesseira superficial.
Are you really so naive to think that this black ops agency is just gonna let Catherine go?
És tão ingênuo de pensar que estes agentes vão deixar a Catherine em paz?
You really think I'm that boring?
Acham mesmo que eu sou assim tão aborrecido?
Actually, you know, I'm quite pleased you're here really. I think you'd be most impressed with all the work that I've done.
Na verdade, sabes, estou muito contente que estejas aqui de verdade.
You really think I'm that crazy?
Achas que sou assim tão louco?
Do you really think what you and Barney have is that fragile?
Achas mesmo que aquilo que vocês têm é assim tão frágil?
You didn't really think that hand was free, did you?
Não achavas mesmo que aquela mão era grátis, pois não?
Did you really think you could do all of that to me and there'd be no payback?
Achavas mesmo que podiam fazer-me tudo isso sem que eu me vingasse?
I know that you think that I should stay out of it, but detachment isn't really my thing.
Sei que achas que devia ficar fora disto, mas o desinteresse não é o meu estilo.
Really? ! Do you think that you shot down that drone with your marksmanship?
Achas que derrubaste aquele drone com a tua óptima pontaria?
Do you really want to think that your own father is capable of murder?
Pensas mesmo que o teu próprio pai seria capaz de assassinar alguém?
You really think we should hand that kind of power over to Georgia? Or the other Republics?
Achas que devemos entregar esse poder à Geórgia ou às outras Repúblicas?
Huh? ! Is that really what you think?
- É isso mesmo que achas?
I-I really don't want to interfere. It doesn't seem like any of my business, but I think you've always been someone... who's extremely passionate about your life and what you're doing, and if you have a partner that seems to hesitate all the time, with things of life, I don't know if that's gonna make you happy.
Não quero mesmo estar a envolver-me, não parece que me diga respeito, mas acho que... sempre foste alguém extremamente apaixonado pela vida e pela carreira e se andas com alguém que está sempre indeciso na vida, não creio que isso te faça feliz.
So is it possible that the reason you have held back is because somewhere deep down inside you don't think this is gonna really work?
Será que o motivo de tu te teres contido é porque, no fundo, não crês que isto realmente dará certo?
- Duke, come on. You really think she had anything to do with that?
Duke, achas mesmo que ela teve alguma coisa com isso?
Listen, Steve, he told me something off the record that I think you really need to know.
Steve, ele disse-me uma coisa confidencial que acho devias saber.
Do you really think Scully would do that?
Achas que o Scully era capaz disso?
So, if you can't get behind this wedding and I mean really, really behind it, dad... then I don't think you should come and that's...
Se não consegue apoiar este casamento, e quero dizer apoiar mesmo, pai. Então acho que não deve ir, isto é...
I know you say you love her, but, darling, is it possible that the reason you have held back is because somewhere deep down inside, you don't think this is gonna really work?
Sei que dizes que a amas, mas, querido, será que o motivo de te teres contido é porque, no fundo, não crês que isto dará realmente certo?
You really think you're the first boy to believe that his family's actually coming for them?
Achas mesmo que és o primeiro rapaz a acreditar que a sua família os vem salvar?
I can see why you'd think it's funny, but I find that image is really important.
Posso ver porque achas que é engraçado, mas acho que a imagem é realmente importante.

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