You say that now translate Portuguese
1,020 parallel translation
Now, would you say that you have learned anything from comic books?
Diria que aprendeu alguma coisa com a BD?
What do you now fear to say that you did not fear to say last night?
O que agora teme dizer... que não temia ontem à noite?
You might say that this line here is a history of my life up till now.
Pode dizer-se que é a história da minha vida até agora.
Sabe, Harvey, eu já imaginava, que era qualquer coisa assim que você ia dizer.
Let's say your folks got a chance now to do that for you.
Talvez seu povo tenha a chance de fazer isso por vocês.
Now, what would ever make you say a thing like that, Clete?
O que te leva a dizer uma coisa assim, Clete?
Now, you say you're not that man.
Você diz que não é ele.
I would much prefer that the proof in this case that we will bring during the trial. Because, in the last analysis, what I say to you now or hereafter or what Mr. Tomasini has said or may say to you later on is of little or no significance in the case.
Preferia muito mais que as provas deste caso viessem das testemunhas que iremos apresentar durante o julgamento, porque, em última análise, o que vos disser agora ou depois, ou o que o Sr. Tomasini disse ou poderá dizer depois,
- and now you say that that was a lie?
- e agora diz que aquilo foi uma mentira?
I guess it would be safe to say, Mark, that now with Tom Ward dead, you know more about my financial affairs than anyone else.
Acho que seria seguro dizer, Mark, agora com o Tom Ward morto, sabes mais dos meus assuntos financeiros, que ninguém.
Now, mind you, I didn't say that he did.
Bem, espera lá, não disse que foi ele.
Now then, it seems to be generally known that you have some... well, shall we say resistance to college-trained personnel.
Ora, parece ser do conhecimento geral que não gostas de, bem, digamos que não gostas de pessoal com cursos.
What I mean to say is that from now on. I don't want anyone else buying you drinks.
Quero é dizer que doravante não quero mais ninguém a pagar-te bebidas.
Well, now, that's easy for you to say, isn't it?
É fácil dizeres isso, não é?
Now, may I say that I owe you a debt of gratitude.
Agora, posso dizer que tenho uma dívida de gratidão para consigo.
Say now some of you fellas out there are probably going to that's why some of us act like monkeys.
Alguns de vocês poderão perguntar : Porque não nos comportamos como macacos?
Now, Howard... I heard you say that the world used to get pretty hot.
Agora, Howard ouvi-o dizer que o mundo era muito quente.
That's what you say now.
Isso é o que diz agora.
I sure did. I sure did. Now that you explained to me why they looked at me like that I can't say I'm too impressed.
Pois vi. Pois vi. Agora que me explicou por que motivo olharam para mim assim, não fico impressionado.
Now that all our troubles are mostly behind us, I have to say goodbye to you.
Agora, ninguém nos separa, mas temos de nos despedir para sempre.
I'd say that was Liberty Valance there now. Wouldn't you?
Diria que é o Liberty Valance que ali está, não acha?
Now, let's just say that I happen to need you men at the moment.
Agora, a questão é que preciso de vocês neste momento.
Now, Sheriff, you say that she was mighty beat up.
Xerife, o senhor diz que ela foi muito espancada.
Now men, in conclusion, I would like to say that in the two years I have been your commanding officer, - - I always expected your best, and you never gave me anything less.
Em conclusão, homens, gostaria de dizer que nestes dois anos em que tenho sido vosso comandante, sempre contei com o vosso melhor, e nunca me deram menos.
Everybody's telling me they have more freedom now, but you say that in your time...
Todos dizem que hoje que a juventude está mais livre, você, ao contrário...
- Yes, I know, it's a bit early but since I'm leaving for America and don't know how long I'm staying you understand that it's better if I say it now! My respects, Excellency. [The bishop knew Don Camillo's funny ways... ] [... and decided not to delve too deeply.]
Sim, eu sei, é um pouco cedo... e como vou para a America e não sei quando volto... percebe que é melhor que lhe deseje agora.Os meus respeitos Excelencia o Bispo conhecia as extravagancias de Don Camillo... e preferiu não aprofundar.
I mean that if I wanted you right now, there is nothing that you could say or do about it.
Quis dizer que se eu quiser você agora, não há nada que possas dizer ou fazer.
Now, it's funny you say that, because it is said that he was lost in an old tin mine.
É curioso, dizem que ele se perdeu numa velha mina de estanho.
Instead of reminding me that the maid will be back soon you could say : "I've got to fetch my mother now -"
Em vez de avisar-me que a empregada esta chegando poderia ter dito :
At least you could say goodnight to me now that I've said it twice.
Poderia pelo menos, desejar-me boa noite.
Now that our business is settled, what do you say we have a schnapps together?
Agora que fechamos o acordo,.. ... que tal irmos beber qualquer coisa juntos?
- Now, what made you say that?
- Porque disseste isso?
Now that they're just shaping up, you're gonna say, "Sorry, the deal's off"?
Agora que estão melhores, vai dizer-lhes : "Desculpem, acabou-se"?
Well, c'mon now, is that what you're tryin'to say?
É isso que estás a tentar dizer?
Yes, well, you might say that I'm a soldier of fortune, although right now I'm a soldier without a fortune.
Posso dizer que sou um soldado da fortuna,.. ... embora neste momento um soldado sem fortuna.
Now, I know that we agreed that you'd come down here and do the cooking, and I appreciate it but I can't say I'm real happy about the way you stand around the room.
Sei que nós concordamos... que você viria até aqui e iria cozinhar, o que agradeço... mas não posso dizer que goste de como fica pelos cantos.
And now that you've noted the address, I have only this to say.
E agora, que têm o endereço, só tenho isto a dizer...
How about you take me to meet this Mr. O'Diddle bird, right now? What do you say about that?
Por que não me apresenta este Sr. O'Daniel agora?
Now you say that you can use that, huh?
Disse que te servia bem isto?
And what have you to say now? I am disappointed and deeply concerned that there is no objective evidence to support my position. So far.
Estou desiludido e preocupado por não haver provas evidentes que sustentem a minha posição... até agora.
right, now, i'm going to say a word and i want you to say the first thing that comes into your head.
Vou dizer uma palavra, e você diz a primeira coisa que lhe vier à cabeça.
You probably noticed that I didn't say'and now for something completely different'just now.
Devem ter reparado que eu não disse : "E, agora, algo completamente diferente."
Now... there's one thing... that you men will be able to say when you get back home.
Ora bem... Há uma coisa que vocês, homens, poderão dizer quando voltarem a casa.
- you can say that now - what is a matter?
Acho pena tê-lo perdido. - É mesmo pena. - Como podes dizer isso agora?
Now, Lionel, you could say, by throwing'you these little jobs, that I was helpin'you get some money so you could go to college and become- - a'lectrical engineer!
Agora, Lionel, poderias dizer, por ti próprio que estes pequenos trabalhos, é que te ajudaram a arranjar algum dinheiro para poderes frequentar a faculdade e te tornares- - engenheiro "letrico"!
Now, wouldn't you say that that's un-American?
Não acha que isso é pouco americano?
I'm gonna say the same thing later that I'm saying now, so would you...
Direi o mesmo que estou a dizer agora, por isso, pode...
Now that I point it out. is there anything you'd like you say about it?
Agora que eu falei sobre isso, quer dizer alguma coisa?
Now. that's not something you could say.
E isso não é uma coisa que você possa dizer : "Perdi, vamos fazer de novo".
Now, why do you have to say that?
E porque tens de dizer isso?
- Way out? Well, you know, in the courtroom I overheard her say that she was breaking patterns now.
Bem, no tribunal, ouvi-a dizer que ia romper padrões.
you say yes 16
you say something 57
you say that every time 21
you say 1269
you say no 28
you say the word 43
you say nothing 34
you say that like it's a bad thing 55
you say it 83
you say so 24
you say something 57
you say that every time 21
you say 1269
you say no 28
you say the word 43
you say nothing 34
you say that like it's a bad thing 55
you say it 83
you say so 24
you say that 153
you see 13602
you suck 398
you sure 3065
you speak spanish 28
you speak english 153
you speak russian 26
you shouldn't smoke 23
you stupid bitch 138
you said 2178
you see 13602
you suck 398
you sure 3065
you speak spanish 28
you speak english 153
you speak russian 26
you shouldn't smoke 23
you stupid bitch 138
you said 2178
you speak french 42
you seem like a nice guy 33
you shouldn't have done that 152
you stupid motherfucker 17
you shut the fuck up 61
you seem upset 55
you stupid idiot 42
you shut up 514
you seem troubled 30
you see me 54
you seem like a nice guy 33
you shouldn't have done that 152
you stupid motherfucker 17
you shut the fuck up 61
you seem upset 55
you stupid idiot 42
you shut up 514
you seem troubled 30
you see me 54
you seem 91
you seem nervous 52
you seem good 16
you saved me 262
you seem sad 20
you shouldn't 299
you see here 28
you should come 233
you saw me 99
you see it 216
you seem nervous 52
you seem good 16
you saved me 262
you seem sad 20
you shouldn't 299
you see here 28
you should come 233
you saw me 99
you see it 216