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You still love her translate Portuguese

219 parallel translation
Answer me, you still love her?
Diga, ainda a ama?
Yes, and you still love her.
- Sim, e ainda gostas.
Do you still love her?
Ainda a ama?
Do you still love her, and she you?
Ainda a ama e ela ama-o a si?
- You still love her?
- Ainda a amas?
You still love her like that?
Ainda a ama assim?
- "Do you still love her?" - "Do you still love me?"
- "Ainda a amas?" - "Ainda me amas?"
You still love her.
Ainda a ama.
Do you still love her?
Tu ainda a amas?
You still love her, huh?
Ainda gostas dela, não é?
You still love her?
Você ainda a ama?
You still love her.
Você ainda a ama.
Do you still love her?
Ainda a amas?
You still love her.
Tu ainda a amas.
You still love her?
Ainda a amas?
I believe you still love her.
Creio que ainda a amas.
- But you still love her. - Very much.
Ainda está inconsciente.
Did you still love her?
Ainda a amavas?
I hope it provided you both with amusement to know that I still love her.
Espero que se tenham divertido ao saberem que ainda a amo.
I don't care what she's done to you. You're still in love with her.
Não interessa o que ela te fez, continuas apaixonado por ela.
Are you still in love with her?
Ainda está apaixonado por ela?
I'm glad to see you're still in love with her.
Que bom que ainda está apaixonado.
You are still in love with her.
Você continua a amá-la.
After a year, if you still have this love or obstinacy, you marry her.
Depois de um ano, se ainda sentir esse amor ou vontade, case-se com ela.
You're still in love with her, ain't you?
Ainda a amas, não é?
You still love her.
Você ainda a ama. Porque não apanha um pifo?
If you're still in love with her?
Se ainda estás apaixonado por ela?
Are you still in love with her?
Ainda está?
Do you love her, still?
- Ainda a amas?
.Why don't you tell her.that you can still make love?
Porque não lhe diz que ainda pode fazer amor?
Do you mean that, um, a man could lust passionately for a woman but he... Still he might not love her?
Está a dizer que um homem pode desejar ardentemente uma mulher mas todavia ele pode não a amar?
I'm trying to tell you that Jackie's still in love with the girl, and we can use her to help us get the armour. - What do you mean?
- Estou a tentar dizer-vos que o Jackie ainda ama a rapariga e podemos usá-la para nos ajudar a recuperar a armadura.
So I haven't seen her in three years, you know, and... But I still love her just as much as I ever did, you know?
Não a vejo há três anos, mas ainda a amo, tanto como dantes.
You're still in love with her.
Ainda estás apaixonada por ela.
You still love her?
- Há 4 anos.
- And if you ever hear from her again... please tell her that I still love her and that I'm sorry I hurt her.
- E se alguma vez a vir, por favor, diga-lhe que ainda a amo e que me perdoe por tê-la magoado.
- You're still in love with her!
- Ainda a ama!
You're still in love with her.
Ainda estás apaixonado po ela.
You're still in love with her. And you would still be with her if you could.
E estarias com ela, se fosse possível.
You keep saying that it's over with the two of you, Sam, but everything that you're doing says that you totally still love her.
Não paras de dizer que acabou entre vocês, mas tudo o que fazes diz que continuas a amá-la.
- Do you still love her?
Ainda a ama?
You love her still?
Ainda a amas?
You still in love with her?
Ainda a ama, não?
And you're still in love with her.
E ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
Diane Wittlesey's mother died, you comfort her... and I make it into this big thing like you're still in love with her.
A mãe do Diane morreu, você a consolou... e eu perdi os estribos pensando que ainda estava apaixonado por ela.
You make it sound like you're still in love with her.
Parece que ainda está apaixonado por ela.
.. warm breeze fondIed me. You never saw your mother and still you love her so much.
Senti a minha mãe tocar-me quando a brisa morna acariciou-me.
How could you hate her so much if you did not still love her?
Como podia odiá-la tanto, se não a amasse?
Courtney Love called to see if you got her e-mail and Graydon Carter called to see if you're still on for dinner.
A Courtney Love pergunta se recebeste o email e o Graydon Carter ligou para ver se o jantar continua de pé.
- I can't describe it exactly... but it's like there's nothing she can do. - Yeah? All her usual ways of hooking you in have no effect... and yet you're still in love.
Não sei descrever, mas nada que ela faça, tudo o que faz para nos caçar não tem efeito, mas mesmo assim gostamos dela.
If you were in love with an amazing woman, and you knew she was throwing away everything that was amazing about her on some scum... would you still want her picture on your desk?
Se estivesse apaixonado por uma mulher incrível e soubesse que ela desperdiçava isso tudo por causa de um sacana... ainda poria a foto dela numa mesa?

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