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You took translate Portuguese

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Because you took away the one person in my life I truly loved!
Porque afastaste a única pessoa da minha vida que amei mesmo!
Well, you should have thought about that before you took the money from some Haitian gangster.
- Devias ter pensado nisso antes de tirar o dinheiro a um gângster haitiano.
- you would be on your own right now. - You took the money, Izzy.
- Estarias sozinho neste momento!
You took the money.
Tu levaste o dinheiro, lembra-te disso.
Tell us how and when you took over Moriarty's organization.
Diga-nos como e quando assumiu a organização da Moriarty.
You took the blindfold, remember?
Levaste a venda, lembras-te?
- Yeah, well, you took too long.
- Demoraram demasiado!
That money you took, I need it back.
Preciso do dinheiro que me roubou.
I went all in. You said when you took the job that you were doing it to protect players, not because you were broke.
Disseste, quando começaste a trabalhar, que o fazias para proteger os jogadores, não porque estavas falido.
Everything you took from me, I want it back.
Tudo o que me tiraste, quero-o de volta!
And he never got in trouble for it because you took the blame.
E ele nunca teve problemas com isso. porque tu assumias as culpas.
You took my father away.
Tu tiraste-me o meu pai.
First... what looks to be a map leading from downtown L.A. to that exact spot you took me to.
A primeira... parece ser um mapa que leva da baixa de LA até ao local exacto onde me levaste.
You took that off of Tiana from two nights ago.
- É o tema da Tiana daquela noite.
You took it to another level, and I want to know why!
Quero saber por que te passaste!
Tell them what you took from me.
Conta-lhes o que me tiraste.
You took it off?
If you took half of Qualia's cash pile along with whatever we're learning here and put it in that line of research, you could fix the environment, Milo, health care, global economy.
Se pegasse em metade do rendimento da Qualia, juntamente com o que estamos a aprender aqui, e o aplicasse nessa investigação, poderia reparar o ambiente, Milo. Cuidados de saúde, economia global.
You took drug money. You committed fraud.
E aceitaste dinheiro de droga, cometeste fraude.
And if that was your mental condition when Captain Chandler found you, then what was your condition when you took the oath of office a mere 11 days later?
E se esse era o seu estado mental quando o Capitão Chandler o encontrou, então, qual era o seu estado... quando efectuou o juramento da Presidência apenas 11 dias depois?
At least tell me why you took him.
Pelo menos diz-me porque o levaste.
You took the shot, Bob Lee.
Foste tu que disparaste, Bob Lee.
The bridge under which my son was crushed to death your party took a bribe for it, you took a bribe for it!
A ponte sob a qual o meu filho morreu, o partido aceitou um suborno e você também.
Perhaps if you took security more seriously... just maybe your husband would still be alive... and you wouldn't be coming to us for help.
Se calhar, se tivesse dado mais atenção à segurança, o seu marido era capaz de ainda estar vivo e não estaria aqui a pedir-nos ajuda.
Why do you think it took her so long to tell us about this place?
Porque achas que ela demorou tanto a contar-nos sobre este sitio?
You took the money, just remember that.
- Tu levaste o dinheiro, Izzy!
I still don't understand exactly what you think this person took over.
Continuo sem perceber o que achas que esta pessoa assumiu.
What took you so long?
Porque demoraram tanto?
You know, the day after it happened, George had said that he wished he could find those little punks that took the truck because he wanted to thank them, because if it wasn't for them, he would've been there when the bomb went off.
No dia seguinte, o George disse que gostava de encontrar os fedelhos para lhes agradecer, porque se não fossem eles, ele teria estado lá quando a bomba explodiu.
But you're telling me he was so crazy that he actually took money to cap himself?
Mas está a dizer-me que ele era tão maluco que aceitou dinheiro para se matar?
I never took you as a closet freak.
Não parecias ser uma santa só em público.
[grunts] Took long enough for you to show.
Demoraste muito para aparecer.
Oh, one last thing, would you mind if I took back my promise to spare Bonnie's life?
Mais uma coisa. Importas-te que retire o que disse sobre poupar a Bonnie?
He took your dignity, and so you had to take your revenge.
Ele tirou-te a tua dignidade e por isso tiveste que te vingar.
You had big plans to go on vengeance quest until we came nipping at your heels, at which point poor Leila took the fall.
Tu tinhas grandes planos para partir numa busca de vingança até nós aparecermos para te morder nos calcanhares, e nesse ponto a Leila é que seria culpada.
And you, you vile insect, took that away from her.
E tu, seu vil insecto, tiraste-lhe isso.
♪ Say you only get one shot, I took nine ♪
Dizem que só há uma chance Eu disparo...
How... you met Mom, you... took her away from her sisters and her father...
Como conheceste a mãe. Como a afastaste das irmãs e do pai.
You know, I got to say, Rowena, I took one look at you, and all I wanted was to snap your miserable neck again.
Sabes, tenho que dizer, Rowena, olhei para ti uma vez e tudo que eu queria era partir novamente esse teu pescoço miserável.
I took this meeting'cause you looked hot in your pics, but I am not feeling this.
Vim a esta reunião porque vocês estavam bem nas fotos, mas não estou a sentir isto.
I took a chance on you, Vince.
Eu arrisquei contigo, Vince.
Took you long enough.
Demoraste bastante tempo.
Is that why it took you so long to propose to your girlfriend?
É por isso que leva tanto tempo a propor casamento à sua namorada?
Right, but how many of them do you suppose took the DANTE survey in 2015, and got outed as a psychopath?
Exacto, mas quantos deles achas que fizeram o questionário DANTE e foram dados como psicopatas?
You said your partner took this case because he was bored?
O teu parceiro analisou o caso por estar aborrecido?
I took no pleasure in harming you.
Não sinto prazer em magoá-lo.
Do you know where they took him?
Sabem para onde é que o levaram?
And Mutiny took a nosedive all on its own, didn't need you to screw that one up for us.
E a Mutiny foi ao fundo sozinha, não precisavas de nos lixar com isso.
Before you guys took him away, he left information for me.
Antes de vocês o terem levado, ele deixou-me alguma informação.
- So you know where he took this?
- Sabe onde a tirou?
It took me one day to find you.
Demorei um dia para te descobrir.

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