Did they translate Russian
18,105 parallel translation
- And did they publish it?
- Его опубликовали? - Да.
Did they have sex? Fatso said he did. He screwed her in a bathroom.
- Толстый сказал, что трахнул свою в ванной.
For months, I warned the police about the threat to our city posed by Hugo Strange's freaks, by the murderer Fish Mooney, and how did they protect you?
Я месяцами предупреждал полицию об угрозе нашему городу со стороны уродов Хьюго Стрейнджа, убийцы Фиш Муни, и как они нас защитили?
What did they do to you in there?
Что они с тобой делали?
Did they send you?
Это они тебя прислали?
Did they?
Did they cut themselves?
Они не поранились?
- What did they do to him?
- Что они с ним сделали?
Would you say things sort of flamed out, or did they end in more of a blaze of glory?
И все превратилось в прах или скорее сгинуло в пламени славы?
And did they ping anyone in the database?
В базе совпадений не нашлось?
Question is, who is And BK, and what exactly did they do?
Вопрос : кто такие ММ и БК. И что это были за услуги.
- Did they talk to each other?
- Они разговаривали между собой?
Did they mention anything gang-related?
Они упоминали что-то про банды?
Did they live happily ever after?
И они жили долго и счастливо?
I mean, did they build in...
То есть, заложена ли...
- Did they ever get married?
- Они вообще поженились?
And did they sleep together?
И они переспали?
A lot of my college roommates partied just as much as I did, and they don't have a problem.
Много моих друзей тусили столько же как и я, и у них нету проблем.
- Clearly they did.
- Очевидно, что они это сделали.
I did not seek them out ; they came to me.
Я не искал их ; они сами пришли ко мне.
They did good, though.
- Они неплохо справились. - Извините.
And they did not bring deodorant.
И они не захватили дезодорант.
They gave me books, did tests on me.
Давали книги, проводили опыты.
If they did, I... I don't remember.
Вернее... я не помню.
Whatever they did to me at Indian Hill,
Что бы они ни делали со мной в Индиан Хилл,
The people had to believe it... and they did.
Люди должны были поверить. И поверили.
Whoever did it knew exactly what they were doing.
Кто бы это ни сделал, он знает свое дело.
Did you believe in vampires before you fell in love with one and became one yourself? That's the trouble with facts, Stefan. They're true whether you believe in them or not.
Стефан веришь ли ты в них или нет
There was a man named Cade. The people he loved damned him. And only at the very end did he finally give up on them, only when the smell of his burning flesh was searing his nostrils, did he see them for what they really were.
Жил человек по имени Кейд прокляли его только когда почувствовал запах своей горящей плоти какими они были на самом деле
They did and that's how I got busted.
Спросили, и вот так я спалилась.
What did he just say? He is talking about... how some men can inspire such loyalty in their soldiers, that they'll do anything for them... kidnap, maim, murder.
- Эта песня о том, что некоторые лидеры внушают своим подчинённым такую верность, что те готовы ради них на всё.
They're gonna know your name, Bucky, know what you did.
Они узнают твое имя, Баки, и то, что ты сделал.
Ellie, you saw what they did to your friend.
Элли, ты видела, что они сделали с твоим другом.
But they did want me to bring back Lucifer.
От меня хотели вернуть Люцифера.
And, um, did you still see them... after they aged out?
А ты до сих пор видишься с ними, даже после того, как они выросли?
Are you telling me you don't want to get even after what they did to Laura, after what they did to you?
А у тебя нет желания отомстить - после того, что они сделали с вами с Лорой?
And one fine day, they did win.
И в один прекрасный день они действительно победили.
They don't think their kids did heroin.
Они считают, что их ребенок не был героиновым наркоманом.
No, even if somebody out here did like me, they would never admit it.
Нет, конечно, но даже если бы я и нравился здесь кому - то, они бы никогда этого не признали.
Did you notice anything about their voices, what they were saying?
Ты заметил что-нибудь особенное в их голосах, или в том, что они говорили?
He just texted me, and they did not hire a house sitter.
Он сейчас прислал мне эсэмэску, и они никого не нанимали для присмотра за домом.
Did you know at this stage, Grandpa's fingernails probably look like they're getting longer?
Ты знаешь, что на этой стадии ногти дедушки возможно, кажутся длиннее?
But they didn't treat their other machines like they did us.
Но они не обращались с другими машинами как с нами.
Is that why they did it?
Поэтому они это делали?
Do you remember your great-great grandparents or... or their parents, or what they did day to day?
Помните ли вы ваших пра-пра-бабушек и дедушек или... или чем они занимались?
They did a headcount.
Они пересчитали людей на яхте.
They did not walk away.
Они не ушли.
How did they find us?
Как они нашли нас?
They think you did it.
Они думают, что это ты.
Did you know that almost all beef you buy at the supermarket tests positive for E. coli? - Because cows, when they're slaughtered, are decapitated. - Mm-mm.
А вы знали, что почти вся говядина, которую вы покупаете в супермаркете, заражена кишечной палочкой?
I didn't do what they said I did.
Я не делал того, что они говорят.
did they hurt you 67
did they tell you 19
did they say why 20
did they say anything 23
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they can't see you 17
they are my friends 21
they aren't 58
did they tell you 19
did they say why 20
did they say anything 23
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they can't see you 17
they are my friends 21
they aren't 58
they're 1306
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they come 53
they are cute 16
they said 545
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they come 53
they are cute 16
they said 545
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they do 1025
they can't 247
they don't like me 19
they did 777
they told me 111
they are good 26
they don't exist 52
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they do 1025
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they don't like me 19
they did 777
they told me 111
they are good 26
they don't exist 52
they don't work 32
they're not happy 17