Maybe you won't translate Russian
419 parallel translation
Maybe you won't need Innes after all.
Может, Вам и не нужен будет Иннес в конце концов.
Now, Pete, maybe you won't talk so much.
Теперь, Пит, может, не захочешь больше много говорить.
Maybe you won't, but you step out of line once... me and the gang will drop you like you were a hot potato.
Может и так, но предупреждаю - если вы будете нас доставать, то мы с парнями мигом с вами распрощаемся, ясно?
You answer them correctly, maybe I won't knock your teeth out.
Если ответишь правильно, возможно я не выбью тебе зубы.
Oh, just that maybe you won't be around very long.
Что, возможно, ты недолго будешь рядом.
Maybe you won't believe it, but.. I murdered her for love.
Может быть, вы не поверите, но я убил ее ради любви.
- Maybe. - You won't be long?
Besides... maybe she won't wanna see you.
Хотя, может она и не хочет тебя больше видеть.
Maybe you won't mind.
Может ты не будешь против.
Then maybe you won't mind answering a few questions about that other vanishing character.
Тогда, возможно, Вы не будете возражать ответить на несколько вопросов об остальных исчезающих личностях.
But if you're not around for Joe to bother with maybe he won't bother with Pablo either.
Если Вас не будет, то может Джо не захочет возиться и, возможно, оставит Пабло в покое.
Maybe wonderful things, but you won't be able to see them until you get around the bend... into the future.
Это могут быть замечательные вещи, но вы не увидите их, пока не обойдёте очередной изгиб и не попадёте в будущее.
You know, maybe you won't be bad to interfere with.
А может, ты не против, чтобы я это сделал?
- Won't you come in, Arthur? - Some other time maybe.
Разве вы не войдёте, Артур?
Maybe there are gonna be a lot of times in your life when you have to do things and there won't be directions on how to do them.
В жизни может случиться так, что тебе придется делать вещи... для которых не существует инструкций.
" Maybe you won't need it.
Может, это не понадобится.
But maybe you were right when you said she won't ever have that.
Но, возможно, ты был прав, когда сказал, что брака у нее не будет.
I won't see you for a month, or maybe more.
Мы не увидимся с вами месяц, а то и больше.
Maybe you won't sing it.
- А может быть, ты и не споёшь.
Maybe you won't believe what I have to tell you.
Я, конечно, кажусь тебе чудовищем! Но дай мне немного времени! А потом мы уедем из этого места раз и навсегда!
Maybe you won't believe it, but... as soon as the first one was run through, I grabbed the spear, and before he could... Ah!
Может быть, вы не поверите, но как только первый запустил копьё, я схватил копьё и прежде, чем он смог бы...
Maybe we'll be dead before you finish this and maybe we won't.
Может, мы умремдо того, как закончим. А может, и нет.
Well maybe you won't have to.
Ну, возможно тебе и не придется.
They'll maybe won't touch you.
Тебя они может быть и не тронут.
But you do like I say, and maybe they won't hang you.
И всё-таки убил. Но тебя не повесят.
- Maybe you won't have to. - What the hell does that mean?
Может, тебе больше и не придется Что, черт возьми, это значит?
Maybe afterwards you won't love me anymore, but I've got to tell you.
Возможно, после этого ты меня разлюбишь, но я должна сказать.
Now that you know the guy's been caught, maybe you won't be so nervous.
Теперь, когда ты знаешь, что его поймали, ты перестанешь нервничать.
Maybe they won't, but at least you'll be far away from me.
Может быть, к тому времени полиция тебя возьмет. А может и не возьмет, но, по крайней мере, ты будешь далеко от меня.
"Just have faith, daughter. Maybe your happiness is just around the corner. Anyway, it won't pass you by."
Ты верь, доченька, верь, может, и придет оно завтра, счастье-то, не обойдет тебя стороной.
Maybe you won`t be so immune to seeing your friend suffer.
А есть ли у тебя иммунитет к мучениям твоей подруги?
You're like a quiff who says she won't, then maybe she will.
Да брось ты! Ты словно баба : то да, то нет, то может быть.
Vera, could you find out... maybe she won't see me now? OK.
Верочка, узнайте, может она меня сейчас не примет?
Maybe you won't have to hear it from Carol Lazenby.
Может тебе не придется услышать это от Кэрол Лейзенби.
You know... we could've called into the office, but the boss sent me... because maybe we can make a deal and there won't be any problem.
Вы знаете, мы могли бы вас вызвать в контору, но начальник сказал : "Пойди, поговори с ним неофициально, может, поладите, тогда и вызывать не придется и дела не будет".
But if you just stop talking about them, maybe they won't happen.
Но если тьI не будешь об этом говорить, то, может бьIть, этого и не случится.
Maybe you won't understand my words :
Может быть, вы не поймете моих слов :
Maybe you're right. I won't tell anyone.
Может, вы и правы, но от меня никто ничего не узнает.
Some other time, maybe. Now listen, if Kramer gets in touch with you, you an honest citizen, won't fail to report it. I hope?
Но, если Крамер не сбежал, и всё-таки попытается с вами связаться, будьте добры, поставьте нас в известность.
So I won't see you this Sunday and maybe not next.
Мама поехала со мной. Боюсь, мы не сможем увидеться в эти выходные.
Maybe you will and maybe you won't.
Может быть да, а может быть нет.
I won't know you in our future lives... Maybe we can... lf we stay away from the Void Hammer.
Мы не узнаем друг друга в следующей жизни? Может быть, если проскользнем мимо Отбойного Молота... Что за Отбойного Молота?
OK, if you won't talk to me... maybe you'd like to talk to Amanda!
Ладно. Не хочешь со мной говорить, поговори, может, с Амандой!
Maybe I'll fight Apollo, and maybe I won't, you know?
Ќу, знаете, может быть € сражусь с јполло, а может быть и нет?
Maybe the sun won't come up tomorrow if you wash your hair.
Может, если ты помоешь волосы, солнце завтра не взойдёт?
And you won't be able to stay for breakfast. Maybe just a cup of coffee.
И ты не сможешь остаться на завтрак... разве только выпьешь кофе.
- Maybe you won't like it.
– Тебе не понравится.
And if it won't kill you, then maybe that helps us fight it.
Ecли oнo нe yбьeт тeбя, ты пoмoжeшь нaм бopoтьcя c ним!
You think maybe because you're a cop, he won't kill you?
Ты что, думаешь, если ты - коп, то он не станет тебя убивать?
If you just keep it to yourself, maybe it'll be like my rollerblades. When you do decide to try it, it won't be any good.
если вы храните его только для себя... то с ним будет то же самое, что и с моими роликами... когда оно вам понадобится... но не сможет работать.
" Maybe it's the beer talking but you've got a butt that won't quit.
Может, это пиво в голову ударило, но у тебя такой зад.
maybe you should be 18
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can't 19
maybe you can 86
maybe you don't 49
maybe you're right 670
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you haven't noticed 27
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can't 19
maybe you can 86
maybe you don't 49
maybe you're right 670
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you haven't noticed 27
maybe you will 41
maybe you should talk to him 18
maybe you didn't 23
maybe you should have 16
maybe you were right 50
maybe you can help me 46
maybe you could help me 19
maybe you're not 19
maybe you do 58
maybe you know him 19
maybe you should talk to him 18
maybe you didn't 23
maybe you should have 16
maybe you were right 50
maybe you can help me 46
maybe you could help me 19
maybe you're not 19
maybe you do 58
maybe you know him 19
maybe you didn't hear me 27
maybe you can help 20
maybe you should go 43
maybe you should go home 18
maybe you did 45
maybe you could 66
maybe you've heard of it 18
you won't be alone 42
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
maybe you can help 20
maybe you should go 43
maybe you should go home 18
maybe you did 45
maybe you could 66
maybe you've heard of it 18
you won't be alone 42
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't get it 34
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161
you won't die 48
you won't be able to 19
you won't do it 38
you won't get it 34
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161
you won't die 48
you won't be able to 19
you won't do it 38