They were gone translate Turkish
562 parallel translation
During dinner I went to my room, and they were gone.
Akşam yemeğindeyken odama çıktım ve kolye gitmişti.
And when I came back here, they were gone.
Döndüğümde gitmişlerdi.
When I came to, they were gone.
Kendime geldiğimde, yok olmuşlardı.
Then as swiftly as they had come, they were gone.
Geldikleri gibi, hızlı bir şekilde gittiler.
I've let them all in and rationed them, and thanked God when they were gone.
Onları evime alır karınlarını doyurur ve gidince Tanrıya şükrederdim.
I also knew they were gone.
- Gittiklerini biliyordum.
After they were gone, I heard gunshots.
Gittikten sonra silah sesleri duydum.
We hid, then they were gone.
Biz saklandık, onlar da gitti.
While they were gone, we got Mississippi into my room.
Onlar gitmişken, Mississippi'yi odama aldık.
- They were gone.
- O zaman gelmişler.
- They were gone.
They were gone for a while, but they've come back.
Bir süre için gitmişlerdi ama döndüler.
Something must've told him we'd never live these days of happiness again that they were gone forever.
Bir şey ona bu mutlu günleri bir daha yaşamayacağımızı, sonsuza dek bittiğini söylemiş olmalıydı.
They were gone.
I followed them, but when I got here they were gone.
Onları izledim, ama buraya geldiğimde kayboldular.
- In that first half, man, I thought they were gone. - Magic.
İlk yarıda yenileceklerini sandım.
And then they were gone.
Hepsi etrafa saçılmıştı.
But they were gone.
Ama gitmişlerdi.
By the time I got back, they were gone.
Geri döndüğümde gitmişlerdi.
Some people took care of us for a few months, but then... one day we came home and they were gone.
Bazı insanlar, bir kaç ay bize baktılar ama sonra bir gün eve geldiğimizde onlar çoktan gitmişlerdi.
- You said they were gone.
- Gittiklerini söylemiştin.
- Gone They were scared
- Korkup gittiler.
By the way, I telephoned you from Scotland to the hotel... where Roy told me you were staying. They said you'd gone away.
İskoçya'dan Roy'un kaldığınızı söylediği otele telefon ettim ayrıldığınızı söylediler.
They were all gone.
Hıçkırıklarım kesilmişti.
They stayed on and on but all that they had and all that they were that's all gone with the wind and the dust.
Onlar hep kaldılar ama her şeyleri ve bütün kisş ilikleri rüzgâra ve toprağa karışıp gitti.
You were to have gone with the Wing Commander, Mr. Manning, but I happen to be rejoining my outfit not far from your own destination, so they asked me to bring you down from London.
Filo komutanıyla gidecektiniz Bay Manning. Fakat ekibime katılacağım yer gideceğiniz yerden pek uzak değil. Bu yüzden sizi Londra'dan getirme görevini bana verdiler.
There were horses, thoroughbreds, they had gone completely mad.
Orda safkan atlar vardı, tamamen delirmişler.
They've gone without water since you were struck by the snake.
Onlar seni yılan soktuktuğundan beri susuz idare etti.
The war slowed down during the winter but the troops still marched with heavy cartridge boxes bulging under their capes as though they were six months gone with child.
Kışın savaşın seyri yavaşladı ama birlikler hala, pelerinlerinin altında altı aylık hamileler gibi kabarık duran ağır fişek kutularıyla yürüyorlardı.
They'd slip in a new cog and within an hour, nobody would know you were gone.
Yeni bir dişli yerleştirirler ve bir saat içinde, senin çekip gittiğini kimse bilmez.
They went in there yesterday morning while you were gone.
Dün sabah senin olmadığın zaman içeriye girdiler.
They were all gone next morning, just as though nothing at all had happened.
Ertesi gün hepsi gitmişti, sanki hiçbir şey olmamış gibi.
- And his men? They were all gone.
- Ya adamları?
1943, 1944 These are the years of whiteness, of emigrations. They weren't gone, they were still there, with their eternal snows
1943, 1944 şu yıllarda beyazlık vardı, ve göç, geçmediler, hala oradaydı, ebedi karlarla dolu
But when you rode out of here two years ago, they thought your guns were gone for good.
Ama sen ayrıImadan iki yıI önce onlar senin silahlarını bıraktığını sanıyorlardı.
When the waters were gone, they invaded our cities.
Sular gittiğinde şehrimizi istila ettiler.
Both Earth outposts gone. And the asteroids they were constructed on pulverized.
İki karakol üstünde bulundukları göktaşıyla beraber yok oldular toz oldular.
We were here before the Russians, and we will be here after they've gone.
Ruslardan önce buradaydık, onlar gittikten sonra da burada olacağız.
They told him you were gone after the cow.
Senin ineğin peşinden gittiğini söylediler.
The people who had hurt us had taken off at high speed. They were long gone.
Bu yaşlı adamların hepsi Shupo, Birinci Cihan Harbi gazileriydi.
They are missing. Signore Cipriani informs me that when he locked up the place... the bodies were gone.
Sinyor Cipriani, kapıyı kilitlerken cesetlerin gitmiş olduğunu söyledi.
I noticed they were deserted, after she'd gone.
Kız gittikten sonra terk edildiklerini fark ettim.
They were all gone now, those friends of my youth.
# Hepsi gitmişti, çocukluk arkadaşlarım.
Certain people have gone back to the prosecutors and the fbi to give information which they were never asked.
Bazı insanlar savcılara ve FBI'a gidip kimse sormamasına rağmen bazı bilgiler verdiler.
And these pigeons they would not build we were wrong to follow them we should have gone north
- Güvercinlerde böyle durmaz, uçarlardı.
My days of old have vanished tone and tint, they have gone glimmering through the dreams of things that were.
Eski günlerim yavaş yavaş solup gitti. Bir zamanların hayalleri olarak yavaşça söndüler.
People don't see the departmental circulars about consuls called home and whose careers have gone " poof because they were loose about things.
İnsanlar devlet dairelerinde neler olduğunu da bilmiyorlar bir anda kariyerleri yok oluyor çünkü buralarda evrakları kayboluyor.
They were brothers there was a quarrel brother Bartholomew dead jewels gone.
Kardeşler burada bir hırgür çıktı Bartholomew öldü mücevherler de gitti.
They were coming back from spending the night in some small hotel there, gone there to dance, and they... It was raining, and... the brakes on their truck didn't work.
Geceki eglenceden geri donmekte imisler orada kucuk bir otele, dansetmek icin gitmisler ve, onlar... yagmur yagiyormus, ve... kamyonlarinin frenleri tutmamis.
Him and six along six strong seamen, gone nigh on a week, they were.
O ve altı tane güçlü denizci bir hafta kayboldular.
They were making love, and just like that, he was gone.
Sevişiyorlardı, ve öylece, ölüverdi.
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were right 58
they were beautiful 18
they were not 22
they were delicious 18
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were right 58
they were beautiful 18
they were not 22
they were delicious 18