They were like translate Turkish
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- They were like an old married couple - -
Uzun yıllar evli bir çift gibiydiler.
They were like, "do you have his I.D.? Do you have his I.D.?"
"Kimliğiniz var mı?" diye sorup duruyorlardı.
They were like a single bloody entity.
Tek bir varlık gibiydiler.
They were like a single bloody entity.
Adeta yekpare bir vücut gibiydiniz.
Oh yeah, yeah, those guys, they were like real cowboys.
Ah evet, evet, o adamlar gerçek kovboylar gibiydi.
They were like little boys plucking wings off a butterfly.
Bir kelebeğin kanatlarını söken ufak çocuklar gibiydiler.
They were like Disney princesses, but prettier.
Disney prensesi gibiydiler ama daha güzellerdi.
And they were like promoters.
Onlar destekçi gibiydi.
Of course, they couldn't stop staring at my tits the whole time, but when I told them that my husband was the deputy under secretary of defense, they were like, "uh-oh."
Tabii, sorgu süresince gözlerini göğüslerimden alamadılar ama onlara kocamın savunma bakanının yardımcısı olduğunu söyleyince yüzlerinde "şimdi yandık" ifadesi oluştu.
They were like, Persian!
Pers gibi felanlardı!
They were not like us.
Bizim gibi değillerdi.
Before she went to Radley, Mona had, like, all the girls'secrets locked away in a motel room... they were her trophies.
Radley'e gitmeden önce, Mona bütün kızların sırlarını uzakta bir otel odasında saklıyordu...
They would travel like they were students.
Tıpkı öğrenciler gibi seyahat ediyorlardı.
That they were able to just say, "look, like, we're gonna be there for you."
diyebilmiş olmaları benim için çok anlamlı oldu.
'If they were listening to a uncouth like me..' '.. they would listen to anyone.'
'Benim gibi kabaca dinleyebilirlerdi bile...''... ama onlar hiç kimseyi dinlemiyorlar.'
They were on a date? It was like their fifth one.
- Beşinci buluşmaları falanmış.
- She has lots of piercings that look like they were caused by deer antlers.
Geyik boynuzları yüzünden olmuş gibi görünen bir sürü delik var.
Take a look at these incisions... they look like they were made by teeth, but...
Şuradaki kesiklere bak... dişle yapılmış gibiler, ama...
So there's a story that like 30 years ago, this counselor is one on the trip with the kids and when they went to bed they were all there, accounted for. And then when they woke up in the morning, this one little girl Janie was missing.
30 yıl önce olan bir olaya göre bahsi geçen rehber çocuklarla birlikte bir geziye çıkmış ve yatmaya gittiklerinde hepsi oradaymış ve ertesi sabah uyandıklarında Janie adındaki küçük bir kız kayıpmış.
They were just staring like that.
O şekilde boş boş bakıyorlardı.
I thought... someone had... put it there for some little girl like me to find, and I thought they were filming it.
Benim gibi küçük bir kızın bulması için oraya koyulduğunu ve bunu filme çektiklerini sanıyordum.
Things like anger, greed, aggression, they were abandoned in the pursuit of intellect.
Öfke, kin, asabiyet gibi hisler daha fazla zeka arzusu uğruna yok sayıldı.
And... it looks like they were tortured.
Ve... görünüşe göre işkence edilmiş.
They were all around me, the demons, and they were... they were coming for me, just like God said.
Her yerdeydiler. Şeytanlar benim için gelmişlerdi. Tıpkı Tanrı'nın söylediği gibi.
It's fine. I swear I was here, but I think they were, like, deliberately fucking with me.
Yemin ederim ki buradaydım ama benimle kasten taşak geçiyorlardı.
They were, like, super excited to know you were coming in.
Geleceğinizi öğrenmeleri onları çok heyecanlandırmıştı.
Yeah, they were checking me out like crazy in there, and now I know what it feels like to be a chick.
Evet, orada bana deli gibi bakıyorlardı ve artık kadın olmanın nasıl hissettirdiğini biliyorum.
They were together like... six years or something.
6 yıl falandır beraberlermiş.
Looked like they were going on vacation.
Tatile çıkmış gibi görünüyorlardı.
The scratches- - they look like they were made by fingernails.
Çizikler tırnakla yapılmış gibiler.
Why'd they make it look like Clay Street were coming at you? Huh?
Neden Clay Çetesi'nin işiymiş gibi gösterdiler sanıyorsun?
They were just saying that in college, like girls have sex all the time.
Üniversitede kızların hep seks yaptığını diyorlardı.
I really wish my parents were here, actually, to see it because they don't get to see a Iot of us and to see us doing something like this and see what it's all about....
Keşke annem ve babam burada olup görseydi... Çünkü bizi pek sık göremiyorlar ve böyle bir şey yaptığımızı... neler olduğunu göremiyorlar.
That's why the Troubles didn't go away like they were supposed to.
Sorunlar o yüzden yok olmamış.
I tried to talk to somebody else at the office to confirm, but it felt like they were stonewalling me.
Olayı onaylamaları için burodan birileriyle konuşmaya çalıştım, ama benden bir şeyler saklıyor gibilerdi.
Looks like her throat ripped open, and these three look like they were all beat to death.
- Yolda. Görünüşe göre gırtlağı parçalanmış bu üçü ise ölene kadar dövülmüş.
The second group... it was like a military strike, they were precise.
İkinci grup ise... Askeri saldırı gibiydi. Daha dikkatliydiler.
The code is written to leave a trail like someone would if they were sending the information.
Eğer bilgi gönderilecek olursa birileri isterse diye kod arkasında iz bırakacak şekilde yazılmış.
I guess they were always like that underneath.
Bence içten içe hep böyleydiler.
I loved those men like if they were my sons.
O adamları oğullarım gibi severdim.
They way you threw down, hey, you were like a madman.
Dövüşme şeklin... hey, deli gibiydin.
They acted like they were storming the Bastille.
Bastille kalesini fethetmiş gibi davrandılar.
You're far from those you would like to preach at, and far from that woman who was a bit overweight and said things the way they were.
Harekete geçirmek istediğin insanlardan kopuksun. Eskiden biraz tombuldun ve sözünü esirgemezdin. - Süt.
Looks like they were butchered.
Görünüşe göre doğranmış.
Were they like big floppy fucking milk jugs or a nice, tight, little handful? What was it?
Büyük, yumuşak, sarkık süt memeleri gibi miydi yoksa hafif ele gelen, küçük, dik memelerden miydi?
Oh? They were going to that Japanese restaurant you like to celebrate their 10th anniversary. Yeah.
Öyle mi?
They were downing Irish car bombs like water.
Kokteylleri su gibi içiyorlardı.
What, were they like 12?
12 falan herhalde.
It sounded like they were soul mates.
Sanki onlar ruh ikizleriymiş.
I would just like to point out that Kim Terlando stole all of my jokes for the Pawnee Correspondents'Lunch, and they were great jokes.
Kim Terlando'nun Pawnee Basın Yemeği'nde benim şakalarımı çaldığını da belirtmek isterim ve onlar harika şakalardı.
They also had these salt and pepper shakers that were shaped like little mushrooms.
Ayrıca mantar şeklinde tuzluk ve biberlikler vardı.
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were right 58
they were beautiful 18
they were not 22
they were gone 49
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were right 58
they were beautiful 18
they were not 22
they were gone 49