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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ H ] / Hemen buraya gel

Hemen buraya gel translate English

1,012 parallel translation
Hemen buraya gel.
Come down!
Meşgulüm. Esther, hemen buraya gel!
- Don't bother me now!
Joey, hemen buraya gel.
Joey, come here this minute.
Hemen buraya gel!
Roberts, you get up here in one quick hurry!
Hemen buraya gel!
Get up here now!
Sidney hemen buraya gel.
Sidney, come up here instantly.
Hemen buraya gel.
Come over right away.
Nancy gidince hemen buraya gel.
Come on over as soon as Nancy leaves.
Hemen buraya gel!
You come in here at once!
Ethel, hemen buraya gel.
Ethel, come here at once.
Hemen buraya gel.
Come here at once.
Hemen buraya gel!
Come back here now!
Hemen buraya gel yoksa oğlunun nikahını kaçıracaksın.
You better hurry over here or you'll miss your son's wedding.
Bebek, hemen buraya gel.
Oh, Baby. Now, where were you? You come right on out here.
Arabaya atla ve hemen buraya gel.
Oh, you mean seasickness. Just get the car and come right over.
Hemen buraya gel ve kahvaltı et.
Come back here and eat a decent breakfast!
Henry! Hemen buraya gel!
Get down here now!
O tenekeyi bırak ve hemen buraya gel, bana yardım et!
Get out of that tin can and come down here and give us a hand.
Hemen buraya gel.
Come here, immediately.
- Şimdi... Hemen buraya gel!
And now...
Lütfen hemen buraya gel!
Come over right away, please!
Hemen buraya gel.
Get over here right away.
Vrestin, hemen buraya gel!
Vrestin, quick! In here.
Hemen buraya gel ve kadının uşaklarını da getir!
Come up here at once, and bring that butler of hers!
Virginia. Virginia, hemen buraya gel.
Virginia, you come here right now!
Hemen buraya gel.
Come up here at once.
Hemen buraya gel ve ipleri kes!
You get over here and cut us loose now!
Hemen buraya gel!
Come back down here!
Hemen buraya gel.
Come here, you.
Hemen buraya gel ve bunu sürmeme yardımcı ol!
Get over here and help me fix my lips now!
Hemen buraya gel lanet olası, yoksa başın daha büyük belaya...
Get your ass over here, or you'll be in a lot more trouble....
- Hemen buraya gel!
- Come here right away!
Hemen buraya gel
Come here, quick.
Hemen buraya gel.
Come straightaway.
Hemen buraya gel.
Come on back here now.
- Hemen buraya gel!
Not the sarsaparilla racket as well?
Öyle hemen buraya gel ve becer beni.
Then come over here and take me.
Pluto, hemen buraya gel.
Pluto, you come back here.
Hemen buraya gel!
Get your ass over here!
Acele et ve buraya gel hemen.
Hurry up and come out here.
Buraya gel, hemen.
Come here, now.
Sana buraya gel, dedim. Hemen!
I said come here, now!
Hemen gel buraya.
Get over here right away.
Hemen buraya gel!
Come here!
Buraya gel, Fink. Hemen!
Come here right now!
Andrew, gel buraya hemen.
Andrew, come in a minute.
- Şerif, buraya gel! Hemen!
Sharif, come here!
Sylvie, buraya gel hemen!
Sylvie, come here.
Şimdi, hemen buraya içeri gel.
Now, you come on in here.
Buraya gel, hemen.
Come on out here, now.
Gel buraya hemen!
Get back here. Come over here.

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