It has to work traducir español
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It has to work.
Tiene que funcionar.
The theory is that the law has to play equal to everyone,... it has to work out that way
La teoría es que la ley tiene que ser igual para todos,... tiene que funcionar así.
You always thought that for that it has to work, but the thing has changed.
Siempre creíste que para eso hay que trabajar, pero la cosa ha cambiado.
Come on, it has to work.
Tiene que funcionar.
And with a man like you, it has to work.
Y con un hombre como Ud, tiene que trabajar.
Love is a pure and wonderful thing... but it has to work, precisely, like a machine.
Porque el amor y la pureza son cosas formidables... pero también te debe sorprender y atraparlo rápidamente.
It is a whole, it has to work, I have to see it work, in his eyes.. ... his sincerity, and his surprise.
Es un todo, debo tener su mirada en mí, así como tengo su su candor, en la sorpresa.
You said you want to keep it professional at work, right?
Has dicho que querías ser profesional en el trabajo, ¿ verdad?
It looks like the old boy has got to go to work.
Pues, parece que este muchacho tiene que ir a trabajar.
It is our unshakeable belief in ourselves... that is our hope for the youth... to carry on the work which has been put before them in the stormy years... of the revolt of 1918 in Munich... and which is already part of the entire German nation's history.
Es nuestra firme creencia en nosotros mismos Esa es nuestra esperanza para la juventud.... Para llevar adelante el trabajo que ha sido puesto ante ellos en los tempestuosos años... de la rebelión de 1918 en Munich la cual es ya parte de la historia de toda la nación alemana.
No matter who it has to be difficult a when most in time in work
Pero imagine lo miserables que se sienten sin trabajo.
I'm only a free writer who has given his life to work and who will resume it tomorrow.
Sólo soy un escritor libre que dedicó su vida a escribir y continuará su labor siempre.
Then what about all your hard work? It'll all go to waste.
¿ Quieres desperdiciar los esfuerzos que has hecho todos estos años?
You did everything according to the rules, which is fine in peacetime. But in a war, it doesn't work out that way.
Has seguido las reglas, lo cual está muy bien en tiempo de paz pero no en tiempo de guerra.
Don't lie to me. Or has it begun to work with you too?
No mientas. ¿ O es que también está funcionando contigo?
Being in school is like taking medicine, it has to taste bad or it doesn't work.
Con la escuela pasa como con las medicinas, tiene que ser amarga, si no, no sirve.
Did it never occur to you that some of the people who work for you may also be friends of mine?
¿ No has pensado que algunas personas que trabajan para ti podrían ser amigas mías?
And while part of it extends to your work as a peace officer... there is another part that has to do with your spiritual life... and the influence of a good woman.
Y aunque parte de ello es por su trabajo como agente del orden... hay otra parte que tiene que ver con su vida espiritual... y la influencia de una mujer buena.
Why is it when a man gets interested in his work, or a book, or something... a woman has to always start acting like a woman?
¿ Por qué cuando un hombre se interesa en su trabajo, un libro u otra cosa... una mujer siempre tiene que empezar a actuar como una mujer?
It is true that God has called us to the work we are to do, but it is not enough that God is on our side, we must be on his side.
Es cierto que Dios nos ha llamado para hacer este trabajo, pero no basta con que Él esté de nuestro lado, nosotros debemos estar del suyo.
Suleima, since you were his woman since it was you who was closer to him than anyone tell us what we must do! - Continue his work!
Suleima, tú que has sido su mujer tú que eras la más cercana a él dinos qué debemos hacer.
In fact, he's heard Papa read it before, dear, - And I think Mr. Willems has some work to do.
En realidad, ya ha oído a papá leerla antes, cariño, y creo que el Sr. Willems tiene cosas que hacer.
You got to work it into the corners more.
- Te has dejado una esquina.
You told me it was made, that you have to work at it.
Me has dicho que se construye, y hay que trabajarlo.
Do you think it'll work? It has to, Jan.
Tiene que funcionar.
It has little to do with my real work.
Tiene poco que ver con mi verdadero trabajo.
She has to work, not someone as beautiful as you, it wouldn't be right.
Ella tiene que trabajar, no una belleza como tú. Sería una injusticia.
The optic nerve has to do all the work, and when you've lost your eyesight, it's all over.
Y eso porque es el nervio óptico el que hace todo el esfuerzo. Y cuando se pierde la vista, todo está acabado.
I'm going to tell him exactly what I've told you - that I honestly don't know... but that this sort of approach has been successful in other sales campaigns... and I see no reason why it can't work in this one.
Le diré lo mismo que te dije a ti : que sinceramente no sé... pero que este enfoque ha servido en otras campañas de ventas... y no veo por qué no pueda funcionar aquí.
He has surrounded himself with students to work it out. Find Aniceto!
Sí, se lo recomendaron los eruditos con los que se codea.
Well, how very clever of you to work it out so neatly.
Lo has resuelto de modo muy inteligente...
So I wanted to ask you... in case it didn't work out well... to follow them until... until the older one has made a life.
He venido a pedirte... que en caso de que no salga bien... que te preocupes un poco de ellos... hasta que el mayor pueda defenderse.
You don't know how lonely it gets. I mean, Jason has to work such long hours.
Jason trabaja mucho.
He also said that, for both the U.S.A and Latin America, it has become very difficult.... to obtain good experts to work with the government, once the private sector offers better opportunities.
Afirmó igualmente que, tanto para EE.UU como para América Latina, se ha vuelto muy complicado.... encontrar expertos que quieran trabajar para el gobierno, ya que el sector privado ofrece mejores oportunidades.
It has been estimated that the hours required for study and work to become a true geisha equal that of a doctor.
Se estima... que las horas de estudio y práctica que se necesitan... para convertirse en una geisha de verdad... son las mismas que para ser médico.
'Man is the only creature that has to work'... I can't recall which philosopher said it.
"El hombre es el único animal que debe trabajar"... no me acuerdo el nombre del filósofo que lo dijo.
It's all most regrettable, but it really does look as though I'm compelled to pay you off for your caretaking work.
Todo esto es muy lamentable, pero, no hay vuelta de hoja, Voy a pagarte por el tiempo que has hecho de conserje.
And now someone has tamed that fear gas and put it to work.
Y ahora alguien ha domado el gas del temor y lo ha puesto a trabajar.
we sense that at the very highest levels of the spirit, his concrete expression of it was to follow the Christian faith, but regardless of its expression, everyone has a moment of truth when we "act and work reasonably for an uncertainty,"
lo notamos en los niveles más elevados del espíritu, su expresión concreta de ello fue seguir le fe cristiana, pero a pesar de la expresión, todos tienen un momento de verdad cuando "actuamos y trabajamos razonablemente para una incertidumbre,"
Is it a crime that he wants the world to see it and share in his pride... this... this fresco that he's forced you to paint... come day and night to watch... defended against its critics... this work of art, which to him, has become a work of love.
¿ Es un crimen querer que el mundo lo vea y compartir su orgullo : Este fresco que te obligó a pintar... que fue a ver día y noche, que defendió ante sus críticos... esta obra de arte, que para él se convirtió en una obra de amor?
It's a shame Uncle Herman has to work this hard.
Qué pena que el tío Herman tenga que trabajar tanto.
Our play's chief aim has been to take to bits the great propositions and their opposites see how they work and let them fight it out.
El objetivo principal de nuestra obra ha sido diseccionar las grandes proposiciones y sus contrarios ver cómo funcionan y dejarlas debatir.
And you're not asking me to believe that in a few moments you have been able to work out a formula which it has taken our combined computers years to perfect?
Y no estamos pidiendo que me crea que dentro de unos momentos que han sido capaces de encontrar una fórmula que ha tenido nuestro combinado computadoras años para perfeccionar?
It seems to me he's poor, and has too low a position for this kind of work.
Parece que es pobre y que no obtiene una gran retribución por sus trabajos.
But when the work is done or the man has proved unequal to it, you will let him go and find another.
Pero cuando se cumpla el trabajo o ese hombre demuestre su valía, lo dejará marchar y buscará a otro.
So if we're gonna make this work, it has to be with you, Mrs. Buchanan.
Si queremos que funcione tendrá que hacerlo usted, señora Buchanan.
For disturbing peace for your lack of love to work has been proved and hoping you may think about it all of you will spend the night here.
Por andar perturbando La paz por haberse comprobado su falta de amor por el trabajo y con La esperanza de que puedan reflexionar todos pasarán esta noche aquí.
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but my walk has become rather sillier recently so it takes me rather longer to get to work.
Perdone que le haya hecho esperar. Tengo el andar tonto y tardo bastante en llegar.
All my life I believed it was God's work to fight against such tyranny. But God has turned his back upon this nation, and we are leaving it.
Toda mi vida he creído que era grato a Dios luchar contra tal tiranía pero Dios le ha vuelto la espalda a esta nación y nos vamos de ella.
It has to be the work of God.
Es obra de Dios.
He has the power to make us happy or unhappy. To make our work a pleasure or a burden. It's nothing to do with money.
Tenía la capacidad de hacernos felices o infelices, de que nuestro trabajo fuera un placer o un castigo. no es cuestión de dinero.
it has been a long time 28
it has been a while 26
it has begun 40
it has 378
it hasn't happened yet 22
it has nothing to do with you 93
it hasn't 96
it has happened 17
it has to be you 46
it hasn't been easy 41
it has been a while 26
it has begun 40
it has 378
it hasn't happened yet 22
it has nothing to do with you 93
it hasn't 96
it has happened 17
it has to be you 46
it hasn't been easy 41