It has to end traducir español
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It has to end.
- Se acabó.
Margaux. What a pity it has to end like this.
Pity it has to end like this.
Quizás deba terminar así.
souls have gone... it's over... how much has happened when it has to end... Yet it still works... still works well, needs...
Pasan cosas que deberían hacerlo parar, pero continúa funcionando, y sigue funcionando...
He has done it to save himself from a horrible end.
" Lo hizo para evitar un terrible final.
As life has nothing to offer us, we'd better put an end to it.
Como la vida no tiene nada que ofrecernos, lo mejor va a ser que terminemos con ella..
Little fool. Trying to end your life before it has begun.
¿ Quieres acabar con tu vida antes de que empiece?
- One of you has to row it back to this end of the slip.
- Uno debe traerlo a esta parte.
I'm sure you found it necessary to begin with the fugato at the end before making any study of the opening.
Estoy seguro de que has necesitado... ... empezar con el fugato al final antes de empezar a estudiar la obertura.
Jess, this has nothing to do with the money end of it.
Jess, esto no tiene nada que ver con el dinero.
But sometimes an act that beings in stupidity has to go on, mile by mile, until it reaches its logical end.
Pero a veces un acto que comienza siendo una estupidez, tiene un final lógico.
As far as I'm concerned, Prof. Peter "Poppa" Boyd, you've come to the last page to where it says "The End."
Por lo que a mí respecta, profesor Peter "papá" Boyd... has llegado a la última página, donde dice "Fin".
"He and his are not neglected by the gods, " nor has my own approaching end happened by mere chance. " But I see clearly that the time had arrived when it was better for me to die
Él no será rechazado por los Dioses,... ni mi irreprochable final ocurre por casualidad,... pero sé que ha Ilegado el momento en el que es mejor para mí... morir y relegar los problemas.
What made you decide to put an end to it all, eh?
¿ Por qué has decidido morir tan joven?
The high priest has chosen her to be sacrificed, and that is the end of it.
El sumo sacerdote la ha elegido a ella para el sacrificio, y punto final.
Well, it's not the end of the world, not quite yet. There's an answer here, there has to be!
Bien, no es el fin del mundo, no aún. ¡ Hay una respuesta aquí, tiene que haberla!
This isolated area of Paris has kept its end-of-the-century charm and it would be only with bitterness that we abandon it to the demolition machines.
Esta aislada área de París ha mantenido su encanto de fin de siglo y sería sólo con amargura como la abandonaríamos a las máquinas de demolición.
I'm afraid we must only do absurdly, what it has been given to us to do right to the end.
Me temo que sólo debemos hacer... absurdamente, lo que nos ha sido dado para hacer... hasta el final.
Too bad it all has to end tomorrow morning.
Qué pena que todo tenga que terminar mañana por la mañana.
The time to end it has come.
Había llegado la hora de ponerle fin.
I'm sorry it all has to end like this.
Siento que tenga que acabar así.
We were going to do if you gave your second, but the BBC has gone mad, offered two and is now in your hands to an end to it. "
Íbamos a trabajar contigo por 2.000, pero la BBC se enfadó e igualó la oferta, así que tienes que ofrecer más ".
When a man has been wounded, you've got to end it. Or it might be that later he'll try to kill you.
Cuando dispares contra un hombre debes matarlo si no, antes o después te matará él a ti.
Even if it all has to end badly... I am delighted to have known you, Madame.
Aunque todo termine mal... ha sido un placer conocerla, señora.
Sir kenneth clarke has said he will talk to any painting if it can help bring a speedy end to the strike.
Sir Kennetch Clarke está dispuesto a hablar con los cuadros... para acelerar el final de la huelga.
It has to be the end.
Tiene que ser el fín.
Emotionally it has brought me... to my wit's end, the way they react, the...
Ha acabado conmigo. Emocionalmente me ha llevado al final. Cómo se comportan, el...
- It has to be by the end of this week.
Tiene que ser esta semana.
You have chosen your way, Sire, you must follow it to the end.
Has elegido tu camino, Majestad, y debes seguirlo hasta el final.
He is so young but it is as if he has got to the end of his life without having lived it.
Es joven, pero parece haber consumido ya su existencia.
It seems this party has come to an abrupt end.
Parece que la fiesta terminó abruptamente.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is always a nostalgic moment when we come to the end of a season, especially one that has been as successful as this one.
Señoras y señores, es siempre un momento nostálgico llegar al final de la temporada, especialmente una con tanto éxito como ésta.
An end to the human race. It has plagued this pretty planet for far too long.
Y acabar con la raza humana, que ha plagado este hermoso planeta durante demasiado tiempo.
Every loose end has got to be tied up. It'll make you crazy.
Hay que atar todos los cabos sueltos.
Perhaps it is to end my pain and sorrow
Loado sea el destino pues has acabado con mi tristeza y mi pena.
Since your interference has condemned me for ever to remain a prisoner in the Eye of Horus, it would be a fitting end.
Dado que es tu intromisión la que me ha condenado... a permanecer para siempre prisionero del Ojo de Horus,... ése sería un final adecuado para tí.
It's not enough that you caused this, that you leaked it to the press, you made a panic from one end of the city to the other.
Lo has llevado incluso a la prensa. Y ahora se ha desencadenado una ola de pánico que se extiende... por todas las ciudades.
and now that I I read it it... in the future... to me, it... its as if... it has a... for me... the last... at the end, it ends, and of the sonnects this one... me, it... the last one, it... its because me, it... well, YOU it doesnt, you it doesnt, me it DOES do,... each one has, me, I, I I I I I I...
y ahora que lo lo leo me... en el futuro... a mí me... es como si... tiene una... para mí... el último... al final, termina, y de los sonectos... este... a mí me... el último me... es que a mí me... bueno, a vos no, a vos no te, a mí sí me,... cada cual tiene, a mí me me me me me me me me... ime gusta!
Your sole originality consists in that you did while you proclaimed the end of tyranny and while you persuaded yourself you had worked to destroy it.
Tu única y sola originalidad está en que lo has hecho mientras proclamabas el final de la tiranía y mientras te persuadías a ti mismo de que habías trabajado para destruirla.
But once war has been forced upon us... there is no other alternative... than to apply every available means... to bring it to a swift end.
Pero una vez que nos imponen la guerra.. no queda otra alternativa... que hacer uso de todos tos medios disponibles... para terminarla rápidamente.
"believe it has come to an end"?
"Que crees que ha terminado"?
Doing the kind of work they do day after day with no end in sight... it has to get to them.
El hacer ese tipo de trabajo día tras día sin poder ver el fin... tiene que afectarlos.
Well, it sounds as if Michael has lived up to his end of the bargain.
Pues... me parece que Michael cumplió con su parte del trato.
But it has to be a clean job, otherwise we might end up in big trouble.
Quiero que sea un trabajo limpio. No quiero que haya complicaciones.
When you've read a book to the end, it's time to close it
Cuando has terminado de leer un libro, es hora de cerrarlo.
This thing has dragged on too long for it to end in all sweetness and light.
Esto ya ha ido demasiado lejos como para acabar bien.
It has to evolve. I'll end on that.
El cine tiene que evolucionar. Eso es todo.
The Lord has declared an end to it at last.
El Señor ha decretado un final para todo esto.
You came all the way here... and yet, you didn't want to know how it would end.
Has llegado hasta aquí : ... ¿ no tienes curiosidad por saber como acabará?
It's no joke when a tall man has to take a foot off his stature for several hours on end.
No es ninguna broma para un hombre alto tener que disminuir 30 cm a su estatura durante varias horas.
- In actual fact, this is 17, unfortunately... one of the'I'has dropped off, what is left is 16 and there's an end to it.
- Desafortunadamente una'I'se cayó, así que el 17 que es ahora se convirtió en 16.
it has been a long time 28
it has been a while 26
it has begun 40
it has 378
it hasn't happened yet 22
it has nothing to do with you 93
it hasn't 96
it has happened 17
it hasn't been easy 41
it has to be you 46
it has been a while 26
it has begun 40
it has 378
it hasn't happened yet 22
it has nothing to do with you 93
it hasn't 96
it has happened 17
it hasn't been easy 41
it has to be you 46