Show your face traducir español
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Now you can show your face.
Ahora ya está presentable.
Afraid to show your face, tub of lard!
¡ Tienes miedo de enseñar la cara, gordito!
Don't you show your face here with your brown bums.
¡ No se te ocurra volver a dejarte ver por aquí con tus harapos marrones!
I should think you would be. Probably ashamed to show your face after sending me that New York buckaroo.
¿ Cómo me envías a ese vaquero de Nueva York?
Don't show your face here.
No aparezcas por aquí.
You ought to be ashamed to show your face around here.
¿ No te da vergüenza asomar la cara por aquí de nuevo?
If you don't go, you won't be able to show your face as long as you live.
Si no das la cara hoy, no podrás darla nunca.
Banish her from here forever. Never show your face here, never.
Que no vuelva nunca más.
How dare you show your face here after what has happened?
¿ Cómo se atreve a presentarse ante mi después de lo que ha ocurrido?
Don't you show your face in here again ever!
No vuelva a aparecer más por aquí. ¡ Mike!
You can't show your face in a town in Spain.
No puedes mostrar la cara en ninguna parte.
They'll hang you there, too, if you show your face.
Te colgarán ahí si muestras la cara.
What kind of a fool are you to show your face in Cordova?
- ¿ Cómo te atreves a venir?
I told you not to show your face around here. If I need anything, I'll call you.
Te he dicho que no te dejes ver, si te necesito ya te llamaré.
You can't even show your face around the high school nowadays.
No puedes ni asomar el rostro por los colegios hoy en día.
Show your face.
Oharu, levanta el rostro.
I can't believe you show your face here when you still owe three months'fees to the tea house manager.
Llevas 3 meses sin pagar y sigues viniendo igual a la casa de las geishas.
I've been waiting for you to show your face again, old peddler-man.
He estado esperando a que aparezcas, vendedor.
Get back in there and don't show your face.
Regresa ahí dentro y no salgas.
You ought to know better than to show your face around here.
Tendrías que ser más sensato y no asomar tu cara por aquí.
He knew she was eating her heart out for you, and you wouldn't even show your face.
Él sabía que ella se estaba tragando su amor por ti y tú ni siquiera dabas la cara.
Harry Worp, don't ever show your face around here again.
- Sí. Harry Worp, espero no volver a verte por aquí.
Show your face, Mizushima!
¡ Regresa con nosotros, Mizushima!
All you have to do is show your face.
Solo tienes que presentarte.
Show your face!
¡ Muestra tu cara!
You'll be picked up by the police the moment you show your face.
La policía te atraparía en el mismo instante en que dejaras ver tu cara.
You won't be able to show your face in this entire city... If you don't give me a divorce. How do you like them apples?
- No podrás dar la cara en esta ciudad si no me das el divorcio. ¿ Qué te parece eso?
Show your face, I see you, you bastard!
Dad la cara, que yo os vea, ¡ granujas!
Show your face and you're finished.
Déjate ver y estás acabado.
Do not show your face near my house, near my wife or near our bed!
No metas la cara en mi casa, cerca de mi esposa ni de nuestra cama.
Show your face, if you've got guts.
Ven afuera, si te atreves.
If I ever prayed for anything... it was that you would never dare show your face to me again.
Si algo he pedido en mis oraciones... es que no te atrevieras a mostrarme tu rostro otra vez.
Remind me after the show to slap your face.
Recuérdeme abofetearlo después del show.
Show me your face.
Déjame ver tu cara.
Never show your face here, never.
No quiero verla jamás.
Is your boy ashamed to show his face?
¿ Se avergüenza de dar la cara?
With your face, I wouldn't show up even at Carnival!
Yo si tuviera su cara no saldría ni en carnaval.
Show me your face.
Muéstrame tu rostro.
[ Don't let it show in your face.
Qué no se te note en la cara.
You do not look crazy! However I warn you that if to show me that you're mad, you do like the others.. and give me the mess tin on the head, I'll break your face.
No me pareces loco, pero igual te advierto, que si para demostrarme que estás loco... quieres hacer como los otros y tirarme la caja por la cabeza, yo te rompo la cara.
Show me your face
- Deja que te vea bien.
Perhaps we could tip it and bring it back a bit like that. Show more of your face.
Tal vez podríamos inclinarlo y volcarlo un poco hacia atrás para mostrar más su rostro.
Ask him to show you how to restore your face.
Pedile al señor que te enseñe a restaurarte la cara.
Now show us your face!
¡ Muéstranos tu cara!
Right. Arrange this scarf so you show even less of your face.
Arréglate mejor el pañuelo para que no se te vea.
Show me your face!
Show me your face, I said!
- He dicho que se descubra. - No...
- Show me your face.
- Déjame que te vea.
Show me your face.
Enséñame tu cara.
Show yourself, he wants to see your face.
Descúbrete, quiere mirarte a la cara.
Come, show your fearful, haggish face!
¡ Ven, muestra tu espantoso y demoníaco rostro!
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face to face 80
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show me your face 32
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show me what you got 106
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show me something 32
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show me how 19
show me your hands 307
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show me your teeth 20
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show her 60
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show them 92
show her in 28
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