With them traducir español
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How many times have you told me not to get mixed up with them?
¿ Qué? ¿ Cuántas veces me has dicho que no me involucre con ellos?
I've put up with them for too long.
Las he aguantado demasiado tiempo.
What with them being so close to the grave and all.
Con ellos estando tan cerca de la tumba y todo eso.
Not much to lose with them.
No hay mucho que perder.
- You're with them.
- Estás con ellos.
Make us believe Iran is running a parallel nuclear program with North Korea, in violation of our deal with them.
Para hacernos creer que Irán está desarrollando un programa nuclear paralelo con Corea del Norte, violando nuestro acuerdo con ellos.
Actually, I just met with them.
En realidad, me acabo de reunir con ellos.
On the seventh-year anniversary of the Sudden Departure, I believe the rains will come, and with them a great flood.
En el séptimo aniversario de la Partida Repentina creo que llegará la lluvia y con ella, un gran diluvio.
Then you should go be with them.
Entonces deberías ir con ellos.
If you wanna get on, I'm afraid you're gonna have to take it up with them.
Si quieren subirse, me temo que tendrán que apañarse con ellos.
Then, you should go be with them.
Entonces tal vez deberías ir con ellos.
This is a copy of today's paper, because today is the day I'm leaving to be with them.
El periódico de hoy, porque hoy me iré para estar con ellos.
They'll have soldiers with them.
Llevarán soldados.
I need to know you can broker a peace with them, too.
Tengo que saber que también puedes negociar una tregua con ellos.
How else would they manage to enter it so cleanly unless he was in league with them?
¿ Cómo se las han arreglado para entrar tan limpiamente a menos que estuviera en alianza con ellos?
Was he... Is he with them, my husband?
¿ Estaba... mi esposo con ellos?
For there is also reason to see common interest with them.
Porque existe un motivo para que nuestros intereses sean comunes.
And you haven't met with them again?
¿ Y no volviste a verlos?
- At the very least, you can agree to meet with them.
- Por lo menos, podrías aceptar la reunión.
We were with them both at the time Tessa Knight was killed.
Estábamos con ambos en el momento que mataron a Tessa Knight.
I'll stay here with them.
Me quedaré aquí con ellos.
The legionnaire escort went with them and left five vehicles behind at the POI.
La escolta de legionarios Fue con ellos Y dejó cinco vehículos detrás En el POI.
Please go and deal with them.
Por favor ve a tratar con ellos.
Help them with the fish too.
Ayúdenlo con el pescado también.
But I assure you, the IRS could not unravel an intricate web of shell companies and loan-outs with secret accounts in Monaco, Luxembourg, and the Cook Islands, if you gave them the account numbers.
Pero te aseguro que Hacienda no podrá desenmarañar una intrincada red de empresas fantasma y préstamos con cuentas secretas en Mónaco, Luxemburgo y las Islas Cook, si les dieras los números de cuenta.
A former client walks in with his wife? I'm not offering them lemonade.
Si un antiguo cliente entra con su esposa, no voy a ofrecerles limonada.
300, with the ability to engage 36 of them at any one time.
300, con capacidad de enfrentarse a 36 de ellos a la vez.
This guy makes inflammatory videos with Sekou, he helps him build a website to put them on, then he gives him $ 5,000.
Este tío hace vídeos incendiarios con Sekou, le ayuda a hacer una web para colgarlos, le da 5.000 dólares.
And it's bad faith for them to now restrict access to that informant when the entire material support charge hinges on my client's discussions with him.
Y es mala fe de su parte restringir ahora el acceso al informante cuando toda la acusación por financiar material depende de las discusiones de mi cliente con dicha fuente.
I got a call from the FBI to meet them at our office, and they showed up with warrants.
Me llamaron del FBI para que nos reuniéramos en nuestro despacho y se presentaron con órdenes.
Those of you with hot dates, consider them iced.
Los que tenéis una cita, consideradla cancelada.
I produced the video because some people- - people you call cowards, though every one of them's a veteran- - came to me with a story of injustice.
Produje el vídeo porque algunas personas... a las que usted llama cobardes, aunque todos son veteranos... acudieron a mí con una historia de injusticia.
No one believed them because it involved a powerful person with an even more powerful mother.
Nadie les creía porque involucraban a una persona poderosa con una madre todavía más poderosa.
Because they were blasting them with radiation?
- ¿ Porque las expondrán a radiación?
You were with them?
- ¿ Estabas con ellos?
The... the thing that zaps them with the radiation?
¿ La cosa que les irradia radiación?
Yes, honey, the thing that zaps them with the radiation.
Así es, cariño.
Most of the houses were overgrown with weeds, but the streetlights still turned on at night, and that made me feel less stupid about expecting them to still be there.
La mayoría de las casas las superaba la maleza, pero las luces de la calle se encendían de noche, y eso me hizo sentir menos tonta al esperar que siguieran allí.
If there is anyone on that beach with a desire to disrupt this exchange, I'm concerned Mr. Silver may be first among them.
Si hay alguien en esa playa con deseos de interrumpir este intercambio, me preocupa que el Sr. Silver pueda estar entre los primeros.
Mud flaps with a sexy man on them.
Guardafangos con un tipo sexy.
Now do you honestly think that I would cooperate with terrorists, that I would help them to kill servicemen?
¿ De verdad crees que cooperaría con terroristas? ¿ Que les ayudaría a matar soldados?
Most everything that happened to them was rife with misfortune, misery and despair.
Casi todo lo que les ocurrió estuvo plagado de infortunio, infelicidad y desesperanza.
She would look across the table and see a woman with some experience quietly wielding power over men without them knowing it, and a woman who might remind her of herself.
Mirará al otro lado de la mesa y verá a una mujer con cierta experiencia en ejercer silenciosamente el poder sobre los hombres sin que ellos lo sepan, y una mujer que podría recordarle a ella misma.
He has a spiritual connection with one of them,
Él tiene una conexión espiritual con una de ellas,
Grab them with your hands.
Sostenlas con las manos.
What do either of them have to do with ICO or the war?
¿ Qué tienen que ver con ICO?
I chased them away with my sadness.
Las alejé con mi tristeza.
Rape must be punished, I'm not gonna let them get away with this.
La violación tiene que ser castigada. No voy a dejar que se salgan con la suya.
Come with me and I will help you find them.
Venga conmigo y le ayudaré a encontrarlos.
It's easy with the women in this family. If you sneeze at them they get pregnant. - Dad!
Pues, con las mujeres de esta familia lo tienes fácil, con estornudarlas se quedan embarazadas.
And if he's working with terrorists now, the only moral duty we have is to find out who they are, where they are, and stop them.
Y si ahora trabaja con terroristas, la única obligación moral que tenemos es averiguar quiénes son, dónde están y detenerles.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your mother 23
with your 48
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with pleasure 453
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with her 211
with that in mind 45
with whom 203
with us 243
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with pleasure 453
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with her 211
with that in mind 45
with whom 203
with us 243
with your life 24
with good reason 53
with your hands 23
with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706
with a 297
with good reason 53
with your hands 23
with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706
with a 297