You made that up traducir español
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-... you made that up?
-... ¿ usted invento eso?
You made that up!
Usted lo inventó!
You said you made that up!
¡ Dijiste que lo inventaste!
You made that up?
¿ Te la inventaste?
We made up all that stuff we said to get you guys mad at each other! Yes!
Nos lo inventamos todo para que se enfadaran entre ustedes.
Karen, I didn't even know you when I made up that lie. Oh, yeah?
Karen, ni te conocía cuando inventé esa mentira.
I understand that and I know you said your mind's made up- -
Son negocios. Lo entiendo, y se que ya tomaste una desición.
I can't believe that anybody would've made up a story like the one you just got done telling'us.
No creo que inventaras una historia como la que acabas de contarnos.
You don't have to make a decision right now... but I've made up my mind that I'm having this baby... and you can be involved as much or as little as you like.
No tienes que tomar una decisión ahora... pero estoy decidida a tener este bebé. Y puedes involucrarte tanto o tan poco como quieras.
I would rather be your best friend than the guy... that made you give up any part ofyourself.
Prefiero ser tu mejor amigo que ser el hombre... que te obligó a renunciar a una parte de ti misma.
You made up that story about your father?
¿ Inventaste la historia sobre tu padre?
They're furious that you and Tano stuck two fingers up at them, made them look like idiots.
No soportan que El Griego y tú se hayan reído en su cara... y que les hayan hecho quedar como unos estúpidos.
Then you've made up your mind that it's all poor Charlotte?
¿ Quieres decir que crees que culpa de Charlotte?
- You don't think a white girl made that shit up.
- no creo que una blanca pueda inventar estas rutinas.
I was brought up with the belief that boys are the tough ones and girls are weak, but you made me realise how untrue it is.
Fui criado pensando que las chicas son débiles y que los chicos son duros. Pero tú me has enseñado que eso es falso.
Now he's a sergeant? Brother, I was afraid you were going to kill us. So I made that up
Me lo inventé para que no nos matarais.
I don't think you can do that and end up with the movies like he made.
No puedes hacer eso y lograr esas películas.
I made up my mind to tell you that you will not go to Francis Ona.
Me decidí a decirte que ustedes no van a ver a Francis Ona.
But you'll find that no amount of apologizing is good enough once they've made up their minds about who you are.
Vas a descubrir que no habrá disculpa que valga cuando esta gente haya decidido lo que eres para ellos.
You can stop that now, I know you made up with Daddy.
Ya puedes parar, sé que hiciste las paces con papá.
As you probably don't know odors are made up of particles that can't travel through space.
Como imagino que no lo saben los olores se forman con partículas que no viajan por el espacio.
You've made up songs after eating five of them... with lyrics that contradict that last statement.
Tras comerte cinco, has escrito canciones... con letras que contradicen tu ultima declaracion.
You made that part up?
¿ Te lo inventaste?
That's why you made up that robbery story?
¿ Por eso inventaste el cuento del robo?
Do you think those guys bought that "amazon chastity" I made up?
¿ Crees que esos tipos se creyeron lo de la "Castidad Amazónica" que inventé?
I made that up. It's like when you're in a play, you say- - you say "Break a leg." This is like- - it's like a small- - if you were like in a small place.
La inventé, es como cuando estás en una obra y dices... "rómpete una pierna", esto es como es menor... como si estuvieras en un lugar pequeño.
Actually, I made that last little bit up... but you know what I mean.
En realidad, esto último lo he añadido yo... pero ya entienden.
I feel really bad that good-looking people like us, made you throw up and feel bad about yourself.
Me hace sentir mal que personas atractivas como nosotros te hayamos hecho vomitar y sentirte mal contigo misma.
If I were to say that the beast is made up of flesh and steel... that it could reason and that it could disappear at will... what would you think?
Si dijera que la bestia está hecha de carne y acero... que podría razonar y que podría desaparecer a voluntad... ¿ qué pensarías tú?
I just made that last part up for laughs, you guys.
Esto último ha sido broma.
Is that what you think of me, finally you made up
¡ Es eso lo que piensas de mí, te ha salido finalmente!
You made up with that nigga Jody yet?
¿ Ya te contentaste con el negro de Jody?
- You just made that up?
- ¿ Has descubierto eso hoy?
And she believes that life's made up of all that you're used to
Yella cree que la vida Se hace de lo que te acostumbras
- They made up right away. We won't marry her, I tell you that we won't marry her.
Que no la casamos, te digo que no la casamos.
That fantasy where the guy who broke your heart realizes he's made the biggest mistake of his life. Wherever you are, he comes running up to you and he says, " l can't live without you. And he finds you.
Esa tonta fantasía en la que el tipo que nos hace sufrir se da cuenta de su gran error y nos encuentra dondequiera que estemos.
Being up there made me realize that I didn't want to be there. It made me realize that I wanted to be here with you.
Estar allá me hizo darme cuenta que no quería estar allá, que quería estar aquí contigo.
- You just made that up.
- Lo acabas de inventar.
Marsha, they say the family of the 21st century is made up of friends, not relatives, and if that's true, you're the best auntie I've ever had.
Marsha, dicen que la familia del siglo XXI estará compuesta de amigos, no de parientes y si eso es cierto, eres la mejor tía que nunca he tenido.
You just made that up.
Lo acabas de inventar.
I'm so glad they put wheat in there. You know, the morale right now is kind of low, but I think the tortilla made everybody spark up, so I'm really stoked about that. JERRI :
- Esta rico, que bueno que también nos dieron trigos
But by holding up that sign. You made an employment agreement. Which I intend to hold you to.
Llevando ese cartel firmaste un contrato de empleo que yo resuelvo aceptar.
Now, you will not be held accountable for anything that has happened up till this point, in fact, you will be admired for the noble attempt you have made to honor your predecessor's commitment a commitment that has been exploited by that corrupt and self-destructive regime in South Vietnam.
Y nadie podrá echarle en cara nada de lo ocurrido hasta este punto... de hecho, Vd. Será admirado... por intentar ser fiel al compromiso de su predecesor... un compromiso que ha sido totalmente dinamitado... por el régimen corrupto y autodestructivo de Vietnam del Sur.
The thing that you made me do makes up, in a way, for my decision that night at the hospital.
Este gesto que usted me hizo hacer... me hizo reflexionar, de alguna manera, de las decisiones que tomé esa noche en el hospital.
I'm thinking maybe you made a deal and as part of that deal you joined up to spy on us for the other side.
Tal vez hicieron un trato. Y parte de ese trato era que usted se nos uniera para espiarnos.
If I tell you now that I exaggerated and that I made it all up, will you call him and be his girlfriend again?
Y yo te dije que papá no es malo, que yo exageraba un poco. Y si ahora te digo que todo fue un invento mío, que te mentí ¿ vos lo llamarías y volverías a ser la novia de él?
What up, kid? Yo, you almost made me keel over at that game.
Casi me haces desplomar en aquel partido.
All I can come up with is my 5th birthday, that blue Cinderella dress you made for me, Mom making candy.
Todo lo que encuentro es mi 5º cumpleaños, ese traje azul de Cenicienta que me hiciste, mamá haciendo golosinas.
Other times, you knew and got away in time. Or they've made it up so that I'll tell them where you are.
Otras veces lo sabías y huías a tiempo, o lo han inventado, para que les diga dónde estás.
But I'm not going to argue with you when I can see very well that you've made up your mind.
No voy a discutir con usted cuando veo que ya ha decidido.
I'm grateful to you for that. But I haven't made up my mind yet if I should trust you.
Y te estoy agradecida por ello pero aún no tengo muy claro si puedo confiar en ti.
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made me a promise 19
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made me a promise 19
you made me 53
you made a choice 27
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made sure of that 16
you made this 52
you made 28
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made a choice 27
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made sure of that 16
you made this 52
you made 28
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made that 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16