Your way traducir español
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It's because of everything we fought for that you get to snark your way through high school with lifts in your shoes instead of spending it terrified, shoved in a locker.
Es por todo por lo que luchamos por lo que puedes pasar por el instituto sarcásticamente con alzas en tus zapatos en vez de pasarlo aterrorizado, metido en una taquilla.
! You're the one who went out of your way to hurt me.
Fuiste quien hizo todo lo posible para lastimarme.
For all I know, you could be on your way to a bachelorette party.
Por lo que sé, podrías estar de camino a una despedida de soltero.
We did it your way.
Lo hicimos a tu manera ;
You have your bike. Can you find your way home by yourself?
¿ Regresas en bicicleta?
It's my personal opinion that you should take any job that comes your way for now.
En mi opinión, deberías aceptar cualquier trabajo que te ofrezcan, por ahora.
Is that your way of caring for her?
¿ Esa es tu forma de quererla?
Make a home for the orcs and let no one stand in your way.
Dale un hogar a los orcos y no dejes que nadie te detenga.
Pick up your bike and get on your way.
Recoge tu bicicleta y continúa tu camino.
I wouldn't be in your way.
No te molestaría para nada.
You seem to have found your way very quickly.
Te acostumbraste muy rápido al puesto.
Get him to the Med Bay... and touch nothing on your way through.
Llévalo a la sala médica y no toquen nada en el camino.
You can either take charge and fight your way through it, or you can continue to be a pansy ass spectator.
O puedes tomar el control y abrirte camino a través de él, o puedes continuar siendo un espectador idiota pensativo.
We hit shit, all the fire's coming your way, buddy.
Si hay problemas, recibes todo el fuego.
- For your own safety, continue on your way.
- Por su propia seguridad, continuará en su camino.
Have it your way.
Haz lo que quieras.
On your way?
¿ Vienes de camino?
Is this your bizarre way of not validating my feelings?
¿ Es esa tu extraña manera de no validar mis sentimientos?
We're gonna make a Kickstarter, and if you want to show your date you're the kind of sensitive, caring person who deserves to be rewarded in a physical way, you'll give generously.
Vamos a hacer un Kickstarter y si queréis demostrar a vuestra pareja que sois el tipo de persona sensible y atenta que merece ser recompensada de forma física, donaréis de forma generosa.
Not in the creepy "sleeping with your neighbor's wife" way.
No en plan acostarte con la mujer de tu vecino.
But your body doesn't respond to pain the way it did before.
Pero tu cuerpo no responde al dolor como lo hacía antes.
Is it okay to earn your money this way?
¿ Son felices ganando dinero así?
That's the only way to save your families and yourselves.
¡ Es la única forma de sobrevivir para ustedes y sus familias!
I can get you in the champagne room. And that way You can set your own limit.
Puedo llevarte a la sala del champán y de ese modo puedes establecer tus propios límites ;
With the amulet now in your possession, Bular will seek you out, and you will face him, one way or another.
Con el amuleto en tus manos, Bular saldrá en tu búsqueda, y deberás enfrentarte a él, de una manera u otra.
You're learning the rules in your own way.
Aprende las reglas a su manera.
But he's right about your training, and what better way to celebrate your birthing day than to work on forestalling your dying day.
Pero acertó. Para celebrar, lo mejor es prepararte para sobrevivir.
If that's the way you feel, your doctor has discharged you, Mr. Lake.
Si así es, su médica le da el alta, Sr. Lake.
Toby Domzalski! You are in way over your...
Toby Domzalski, has ido más allá de tu...
Sure, I did. You had no problems sneaking into the Darklands when it was to save Claire's brother, but now that Kanjigar says you've got to face Gunmar, you're having nightmares about him and are freaking out that you're way out of your league.
Pudiste entrar a las Tierras Oscuras, pero ahora que debes enfrentar a Gunmar, temes no poder vencerlo.
Oh, and I'm on my way to another lunch date with your mother.
Ah, voy a almorzar de nuevo con tu mamá.
Being ripped away from your home at such a tender age, has a way of stunting one's potential.
Se lo llevaron muy pequeño. Atrofiaron su potencial.
Your family came all this way to see you.
Tu familia vino a verte.
The only way you will survive is with your own kind.
Solo con ellos podrías sobrevivir.
So your Hawaiian way of thinking is very appealing, but... maybe I'm just jealous.
Tu manera hawaiana de pensar es muy atractiva, pero quizá solo estoy celoso.
It's your attitude and the way- -
Es tu actitud y la forma...
When I was your age, 30 was way too old.
Cuando tenía tu edad, alguien de 30 años era muy viejo.
I'm your only way out.
Soy tu única salida.
I've been working on this thing for eight months, way before you met your...
He estado trabajando en esto durante ocho meses, mucho antes de que conocieras a tu...
Sirenum training protocol is the fastest and most efficient way... to develop your ability.
El protocolo de Sirenum es el modo más rápido y eficiente... de desarrollar las habilidades que siempre has querido.
Is your room this way?
¿ Tu habitación es por aquí?
Speaking of which, I know you've been using my special set of skills for your own nefarious purposes, but additional compensation would go a long way in motivating me to keep my mouth shut.
A propósito, sé que has estado usando mis habilidades... para tus propios intereses siniestros, pero una compensación adicional... me motivaría mucho a mantener la boca cerrada.
You have to have the courage to go your own way.
Debes tener coraje para seguir tu propio camino.
We vow to honor and protect your kind and oppose with all our heart those... who would harm or degrade any living creature in any way.
Juramos honrar y proteger a los de tu clase y oponernos con todo nuestro corazón a aquellos que pudieran lastimar o degradar a cualquier criatura de la forma que sea.
The way I see it, you and your little boyfriends led him straight to us.
A mi manera de ver, tú y tus amigos lo trajeron directo a nosotras.
You were going to learn this one way or another, but I am not your real father.
Te ibas a enterar un día, pero no soy tu verdadero padre.
You can find your own way out.
Puedes encontrar tu propia salida.
As a fellow showman, this is no way to treat your guests.
Como colega artista, así no se trata a los invitados.
- You know what, I actually just wrote one in my head called Our Party is Way Better Than Your Party.
Acabo de escribir una en mi mente. "Nuestra fiesta es mejor que la suya".
Some way to treat your old man.
- Qué manera de tratar a tu viejo.
If you are looking for your truck, it's up that way.
Si está buscando su camión, es así.
wayne 745
ways 66
wayland 30
waylon 24
way to go 1028
way ahead of you 120
way off 17
way too much 31
way ticket 45
way better 36
ways 66
wayland 30
waylon 24
way to go 1028
way ahead of you 120
way off 17
way too much 31
way ticket 45
way better 36
way up 26
way down 31
way too long 22
wayward pines 19
way mirror 27
way back 82
way trip 38
way out 21
way tie 16
way street 165
way down 31
way too long 22
wayward pines 19
way mirror 27
way back 82
way trip 38
way out 21
way tie 16
way street 165
way i see it 33
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your sister 409
your mother 885
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your sister 409
your mother 885
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your father called 16
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189
your father called 16
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189