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I bet you were traducir francés

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I bet you were a fun kid.
Je parie que tu étais drôle.
- I bet you were brilliant.
Et alors? - Vous deviez briller!
- I bet you were.
- Je parie que si.
I bet you were flattered.
C'était bien agréable quand même...
I bet you were born under Aries.
Bélier je suppose...
Perhaps I was a pirate, and I bet you were a mermaid.
Sans doute, un pirate. Et toi, une sirène.
I bet you were good to your mother and I know you are too good to the prisoners.
Vous deviez être gentil avec votre mère et vous êtes trop bon avec les prisonniers.
- I bet you were something as an ensign!
- Ça devait être quelque chose!
I bet you were in a hurry.
Je suis sûre que vous étiez pressé.
I bet you were an ace reporter.
Vous avez dû être un sacré journaliste.
You were close though and you still are, I'll bet. Now, this is what I want to talk to you about, Mr Chandler :
Voici ce dont je veux vous entretenir.
I'll bet you were a real looker once.
Vous avez dû être jolie, dans le temps.
I would not bet on that if I were you.
N'y comptez pas trop.
I'll bet that you were never kissed like that
Je parie qu'on ne t'a jamais embrassée comme ceci
Remember I used to be willing to bet a million dollars that you were the best-looking dame in the whole burg?
J'étais prêt à parier un million qu'il n'y avait plus belle femme au monde.
" Well, Ma, I bet you wish we were there...
" Je sais que tu aimerais qu'on soit à la maison
I bet you showed a profit the minute you were born.
Vous deviez faire des bénéfices à la naissance.
I'll bet you pulled wings off of flies when you were a kid.
Tu devais arracher les ailes des mouches quand tu étais jeune.
If I were Craig, you bet I'd never let a pretty girl like you out of my sight.
Si j'étais Craig, je ne te quitterais pas des yeux.
I bet you I ´ ve been to the place you were born.
Je parie que j'y suis allé.
I'll bet you were mighty spry yourself, Perley.
Je parie que vous n'étiez pas en reste!
I bet you were.
- Je n'en doute pas.
- I'll bet you were a mere child.
- Tu devais être une vraie enfant. - Pas du tout.
I'll bet you were, Grandfather.
Je veux bien te croire.
Back wherever you came from I'll bet you were glad to get a drink out of a sluice box.
D'où vous venez, je parie que vous seriez content de boire dans une écluse.
I'll bet, M. Profundity, that you don't know what you were looking for there.
Suivre de plus près et ranger au mieux vos affaires. Et aussi aller chercher cette croix.
I'll bet you told her all your trees were sequoias.
Vous lui avez parlé de vos séquoias?
I bet you, you would know! With a fur coat, they are overgrown now, But those dogs in the past were :
Ne croyez pas si bien dire! Mais ces chiens étaient par le passé : et sa fille.
I bet you were.
- Ça, c'est un mot qui me plaît!
I'll bet he was a spy or something like that. What were you writing down?
C'était peut-être un espion?
If Lucy were here with you, I bet you wouldn't say that.
Si Lucy était là avec toi je parie que tu ne dirais pas ça.
I bet you had to get there early before they were all gone.
Tu as dû y aller tôt avant qu'il n'y en ait plus.
I'll bet while we were talking, you made $ 100,000?
Je parie que vous venez de gagner 100000 dollars?
I bet I was as scared as you were at Columbus.
Aussi peur que vous à Columbus.
The things I've learnt, I bet you don't know the half of it. And you live right here on a spot where the witches were actually burnt.
J'apprends tant de choses... je pense que vous ne le savez pas vous-même, alors que vous habitez exactement à l'endroit où se dressait le bûcher.
I'll bet you were a sweet little altar boy.
Je parie que tu étais un gentil petit enfant de choeur.
Name the shows you were in, and I bet you I remember.
T "as pas pu voir mes spectacles. J" en ai vu plein avec Matt.
I bet you were up to mischief in Paris.
- Vous avez dû en faire, des farces à Paris.
I'll bet you were.
I would bet on that if I were you.
Je parierais pas là dessus si j'étais vous.
I've often tied to picture you. Young, old, thin, fat. - I'd have bet you were French.
Quand je vous imaginais, je vous voyais français.
I'll bet you were, phoney accent and all!
C'est ça! Vous et votre accent à trois sous.
I just bet you were.
Je n'en doute pas.
I'll bet you were.
Pas possible.
I bet he thought you were the cat burglar. - Fran!
Enfermez-le pour que je puisse descendre.
You know, I bet you never went out with a guy who didn't fall all over himself telling you how beautiful you were, begging your favours.
Je parie que tous ceux que vous avez fréquentés se sont empressés de vous dire à quel point vous êtes belle, pour solliciter vos faveurs.
I bet you were married Gypsy style and not in a church.
Non, évidement.
I'll bet you were.
J'en étais sûre.
I bet you were sleeping.
- Qu'y a-t-il? - Je parie que tu dormais.
I bet... you were cheated by a woman.
Je parie qu'une femme t'a trompé.
I bet you wished The Americano died while you were in jail.
Je suis sûr que tu souhaitais qu'il meure quand t'étais en taule.

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