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When he was born traducir portugués

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He died when he was born?
Morreu quando nasceu?
Maybe he wants to remind us that he wasn't much better off than us when he was born.
Foi assim que o Nosso Senhor quis. Tal vez pra gente lembrar que lá nasceu uma criança que não estava melhor nem pior do que nós.
Leonardo, when he was born, you saved his life.
Mas se for bravo, pai! podemos fazê-lo? Leonardo...
- Hoss? Oh, he had some other name when he was born.
Oh, ele tinha outro nome quando nasceu.
Put a hogshead down for Jeremy when he was born, for his 21st.
Guardei uma cabeça de porco para Jeremy quando ele nasceu, para o seu 21º.
- His mother should have sat on him when he was born.
A mãe devia ter-se sentado em cima dele quando ele nasceu.
Harge never got over killing his mama when he was born.
Harge matou sua mãe durante o parto quando nasceu.
Not a genius who would enrich the world, but a lonely little boy with a domineering father, a customs officer who was fifty-two when he was born.
Nem um génio que enriqueça o mundo, senão um rapaz introvertido, com um pai dominante, empregado de fronteiras, que tinha cinquenta e dois anos quando nasceu.
I killed him when he was born.
- Eu o matei quando ele nasceu.
Did you know when he was born there was snow as high as this?
Quando ele nasceu, havia neve desta altura.
Albert. When he was born, the doctor said it would be best if I didn't see him.
Quando nasceu, o médico disse ser melhor eu nem o ver.
When he was born he was the youngest.
Cuando nasceu era o menor.
He said his mother died when he was born.
Ele disse que a mãe dele morreu quando nasceu.
Does it say when he was born?
Diz aí quando é que ele nasceu?
Even though your son was only ten weeks old when he was born... physically he was nine months and ready to leave your womb.
Embora ele tivesse 10 semanas de gestação quando nasceu, fisicamente tinha 9 meses e estava pronto para nascer.
- When he was born...
Quando ele nasceu... "
When he was born he killed his mother.
Quando ele nasceu, matou a sua mãe.
When he was born, I was like, "Cool. No matter what happens to me I'll still be here in some way."
Quando ele nascesse, mesmo que eu morresse... eu continuaria vivo de alguma forma.
there's a hound dog out in Texas he says he belongs to me when he's on the trail I can follow his tail through the land of the wild country he was born to roam the mountains the prairie land so free
And you laughed when Jim Carstairs enrolled his son at Yale the day after he was born.
E riste-te quando o Jim Carstairs... matriculou o filho em Yale um dia depois de ter nascido.
He'd been dead 4 months when our daughter was born.
Morreu quatro meses antes de nascer nossa filha.
This gesture, for example, of moving the microphones, born out of the need of keeping his hands busy when he was still an inexperienced speaker.
O herói vietnamita, o general Giap.
I asked one of the tribal elders when I was born, and he said,
Perguntei a um Ancião quando é que eu tinha nascido e ele respondeu : "No Verão".
My ma was married for ten years, but he left when I was born.
A minha mãe foi casada dez anos, mas ele foi-se embora quando eu nasci.
- When was he born?
- Quando é que ele nasceu?
My father was born in 1847, he was 60 years old when I was born.
O meu pai nasceu em 1847, ele tinha 60 anos quando nasci.
He moved there when he was 16, but he was born and raised in Yamacraw.
Foi para lá quando tinha 16 anos, mas nasceu e cresceu em Yamacraw.
I am forced to wonder how much experience he had as a parent when his first child was born.
Sou forçado a questionar quanta experiência ele tinha como pai quando o primeiro filho dele nasceu.
He painted it when the baby was born.
Pintou-o quando o pequeno nasceu.
When Stephen was born, we decided... he'd better be born in Oxford.
Quando o Stephen nasceu, decidimos que devia nascer em Oxford.
Though heir to a name that meant power, land and property... Surely when Orlando was born it wasn't privilege he sought but company.
Ainda herdeiro de um nome que implicava em poder e propriedades... quando Orlando nasceu, não desejou este privilégio mas companhia.
Which means either he was born fully grown or his background is so secret it doesn't even flag "top-secret" when you run hisjacket.
Ou ele nasceu adulto ou o seu passado é secreto.
And when our first born was put into his arms, he could see that our child had inherited his eyes as they once were, large and brilliant and shining with life.
Quando o nosso primeiro filho foi colocado nos seus braços, ele pode ver que o menino tinha os mesmos olhos que ele um dia teve, grandes, brilhantes e cheios de vida.
He got drunk and fell off the roof when I was being born.
Ele embebedou-se e caiu do telhado quando eu estava a nascer.
Well, maybe for no reason, I don't know, but look this kid has been knocked around all of his life, been born in a slum, he lost his mother when he was just, what, 9... and he spent a year and a half in an orphanage, while his old man was doing a jail term for forgery.
Bem, talvez por nenhuma razão, eu não sei, mas veja esse garoto apanhou a vida inteira, nasceu em uma favela, perdeu a mãe quando ele tinha, o quê, 9 anos... e ficou 1 ano e meio em um orfanato, enquanto seu pai estava na prisão por fraude.
He was born when you stayed away for 10 years?
Ele nasceu quando você esteve afastado por 10 anos?
When Uther conquered Tintagel, he took the lady, Igraine. A son was born.
Quando conquistou Tintagel, e possuiu Lady Igraine... o seu filho nasceu.
He was 1 9 years old when I was born.
Ele tinha 1 9 anos quando nasci.
When he was a new born,
Quando ele era um recém-nascido,
Now, by the burning tapers of the sky that shone so brightly when this boy was got, he dies upon my scimitar's sharp point that touches this my first-born son and heir!
Pelas velas brilhantes do céu, que tanto iluminaram o acto, morre pela minha cimitarra quem tocar no meu filho e herdeiro!
When the Matrix was first built, there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted to remake the Matrix as he saw fit.
Quando o Matrix foi construído pela primeira vez, nasceu um homem lá que tinha a capacidade para modificar o que quer que ele quisesse de maneira a refazer o Matrix como julgasse mais apropriado.
When I get my hands on the jerk, who stole that Golem, I'm gonna make him sorry he was ever born.
Quando apanhar o idiota, que roubou aquele Golem, vou fazê-lo arrepender-se de ter nascido.
He sold the whole set when Maureen was born.
Ele vendeu tudo quando a Maureen nasceu.
I mean I get letters now, 27 years after he's been gone from people who weren't even born when he was alive.
Eu recebo cartas agora, 27 anos após a sua morte, de pessoas que nem tão pouco eram nascidas quando ele estava vivo.
He was born in Piraeus, Greece... and he heard about this country when a missionary came through town one day... saying there was brotherhood in America.
Nasceu em Piraeus, na Grécia e ouviu falar deste país quando um missionário passou pela cidade dele dizendo que havia irmandade na América.
When he was being born he didn't get enough air to breathe and that makes him a little slower than most people.
quando ele estava a nascer ele nao conseguia respirar o suficiente e isso fez com que ele seja um pouco mais lento do que os outros.
He hated me from the day when I was born.
Detestou-me desde o dia em que nasci.
- When was he born?
Em que dia nasceu ele?
When he was my age, you were just being born.
Quando ele tinha a minha idade, tinhas acabado de nascer.
He was gone when I was born.
Ele desapareceu quando eu nasci.
He went away when I was born.
Ele saiu quando eu nasci.

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