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I believe him traduction Espagnol

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's Just that I believe him.
Él es el único en que yo solía confiar.
I believe him.
Yo le creo.
If he says what he is doing is right, I believe him.
Si dice que lo que está haciendo está bien, le creo.
If he says what he is doing is right, I believe him. Huh?
Si dice que lo que está haciendo está bien, le creo. ¿ Sabes?
This man, I..... I believe him returned.
Ese hombre, yo creo que regresó.
I believe him returned.
Creo que ha regresado.
And I believe him.
Y yo le creo.
I believe him.
Le creo.
I couldn't believe it was him.
No podía creer que fuera él.
And I want to believe that a man could want me, and I'm gonna take all of that heartbreak and all of that sorrow, and lam going to use it, and I am going to make Richie think that I want him and that I like him.
Y yo quiero creer que un hombre puede desearme y tomaré todo ese desgarro y toda esa pena, y voy a usarlos y voy a hacerle creer a Richie que lo deseo y que me gusta.
I just couldn't believe it when I saw him.
No lo podía creer cuando lo vi.
I believe deep down that people did not do this film in America because they were afraid of him.
Yo creo profundamente que no se hizo esta película en norteamerica porque estaban asustados de él
I just do not believe him not really anything today.
Yo no le creo, realmente nada hoy.
I cannot give Andrews a glowing reference, though I do believe you could take him down.
No tengo buenas referencias de Andrews aunque creo que podría derribarlo.
He told me but i didn't believe him.
Me lo contó pero no le creí.
By the way, I mean, maybe it's a stretch for him to believe you can afford all that staff, but, maybe you have a fucking trust fund.
Fabuloso. Digo, tal vez le cueste creer que tú puedas costearte todas esas cosas, pero tal vez tienes un puto dinero en fideicomiso.
It was inside and I believe that is what killed him.
Solo que estaba dentro y creo que es lo que le mató.
I still can't quite believe I managed to do it, convince him I was in love with him.
Todavía no creo que me las arreglé para hacerlo. Convencerlo de que estaba enamorada de él.
Do I believe in him?
¿ Creo en él?
I don't believe him.
No le creo.
I can't believe you actually felt sorry for him.
No puedo creer que realmente lo sientas por él.
Him, I believe you know him, don't you?
¿ Quién? Él creo que usted sabe, ¿ no?
I can't believe we don't mean more to him!
¡ No puedo creer que no significamos nada para él!
I can't believe I lost him.
Dios mío.
I can well believe that, from him and his glasses.
Yo también puedo creerle, a él y sus gafas.
But I personally believe, he's got it in him to do it at this stage.
Pero yo personalmente creo, que lo tiene todo para hacerlo bien en este momento.
I believe his testimony will expose the malpractice and incompetence of the Security Service, and demonstrate that his father was nothing more than a pawn in the hands of Ml5, who used him to snare genuine terrorists in an operation that went tragically
Creo que su testimonio develará la mala praxis y la incompetencia del Servicio de Seguridad y demostrará que su padre no era más que un peón en manos del MI5, que lo usó para atrapar a terroristas genuinos en una operación que salió mal
I can't believe that I'd been suckered in by him, even for a minute.
No puedo creer que me haya dejado embaucar por él ni siquiera un momento.
I just can't believe I'm not going to get the chance to talk to him again.
No puedo creer que nunca más tenga la oportunida de hablar con él de nuevo.
I can't believe that we listened to him.
No puedo creer que lo escucháramos.
That means we all played a role in sending Billy off to prison... an experience he claims was a blessing, but I believe deep down he's resentful and bitter that his wife was stolen from him by that beautiful bastard-face dancer Derek Hough... his words.
Es decir que todos tuvimos parte en enviar a Billy a prisión... una experiencia que el dice que fue una bendición, pero creo profundamente que él está resentido y amargado de que le robara su esposa aquel hermoso cara de bastardo bailarín Derek Hough... sus palabras.
I should like to speak to him because I believe his brother was murdered.
Me gustaría hablar con él porque creo que su hermano fue asesinado.
He'll take care of me. I mean, if you don't believe me... just ask him.
Me cuidará papá y si no me crees, solo pregúntale.
I can't believe I trusted him.
No puedo creer que confiara en él.
I don't believe they've just given up on him.
No creo que hayan renunciado a El.
Some may think differently but I believe what you did was very fine indeed, seeing him buried in hallowed ground.
Alguien pueden pensar otra cosa pero creo que hiciste fue de hecho muy bueno, verlo enterrado en tierra sagrada.
I believe it was that power that turned him mad.
Creo que fue ese poder el que lo volvió loco.
I wanna believe him but...
Quiero creerle, pero...
I can't believe you guys like him.
No puedo creer a los tipos como ustedes.
I've seen him obsess about things in the past, and it never goes Well, so believe it or not, I actually am looking out for him.
Ya lo he visto obsesionado con cosas en el pasado, y nunca sale bien, así que lo creas o no, en realidad lo estoy cuidando.
I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth.
Creo que está nacion debe comprometerse consigo misma. Para alcanzar el objetivo de hacer aterrizar al hombre en la luna y regresarlo a salvo a la tierra.
Shawna. I can't believe they haven't found him.
- No puedo creer que no lo han hallado.
I can't believe that Theresa would leave him at the altar.
No puedo creer que Theresa le dejara en el altar.
Fri-Gay the 13th, Kevin, the love-interest of Lar Park-Lincoln, was, I believe he was gay, and maybe some people thought there was no chemistry, and you know, she might not have been terribly attracted to him.
el interés amoroso de Lar Park-Lincoln. Creo que él era y algunas personas pensaron que no había química entre ambos. Que quizá ella no se sintiera atraída hacia él.
I would not believe it, so I hit him.
No lo creí y le pegué.
But they will believe that I am looking for him in the wrong place.
Pero van a creer que lo estoy buscando en el lugar equivocado.
I can't believe that you married him.
No me puedo creer que te casaras con él.
I believe it is for him too.
Creo que también lo es para él.
Am I supposed to believe that when you're having an affair with him?
Se supone que debo creer que cuando usted está teniendo una aventura con él?
Didn't really believe it, but then I looked across the street and I see Bruce out there and this tall black man with him and that was Clarence Clemons and I said, "Well..."
Realmente no les creí, pero miro al otro lado de la calle y veo a Bruce y a un tipo negro alto con él que era Clarence Clemons, digo "Bueno! ..."
I know it might be hard to believe, but I really did love him.
Sé que puede ser difícil de creer, pero realmente le quería.

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