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I understand everything traduction Espagnol

825 traduction parallèle
I understand everything.
Entiendo todo.
I don't need any explanation, I understand everything.
¡ No tienes que explicarme nada, ya lo entiendo todo!
I want to tell you, Gerry... I understand everything now.
Quería decirte, Jerry, que ahora lo comprendo todo.
today I don't know where my head is wherever I go, wherever I stand, people are laughing today all fairy tales come true today I understand everything that only happens once, that won't ever be repeated, that's too beautiful to be true
Ni adónde voy, ni dónde estoy. Las gentes me sonríen. Hoy todos los cuentos se hacen realidad, hoy tengo una cosa clara.
Now I understand everything. - What?
Ya tengo claro lo que ha podido pasar.
- No, I understand everything perfectly.
- No, no estoy del todo segura.
I understand everything I have to.
- Entiendo lo que necesito. No tiene nada contra mí...
I understand everything will be over by Thursday.
Comprendo que todo terminará para el jueves.
Io Now I understand everything.
Ahora Io entiendo todo.
- I understand everything now. - I do really.
Ahora lo comprendo todo, en serio.
Oh, but I understand everything.
Entiendo demasiado. Entiendo todo.
- Oh, Father, now I understand everything.
- Padre, ahora lo entiendo todo.
At least I understand everything now.
Ahora lo entiendo todo.
I understand everything.
Ahora lo comprendo todo.
Now that I've met that woman, I understand everything you've been through.
Ahora que conozco a esa mujer, que la he oído hablar, comprendo todo lo que has pasado.
I understand now, I understand everything..
Ahora lo entiendo, lo entiendo todo...
Oh yes, I understand everything.
Oh sí, sí. La entiendo.
But I understand everything.
Señorita, lo entiendo todo.
I understand everything perfectly.
Entiendo todo perfectamente.
I understand everything now.
Entiendo todo ahora.
I understand everything.
Yo lo entiendo todo.
Don't worry, I understand everything.
No te preocupes, lo comprendo todo.
I understand everything, even though I can't explain it.
Comprendo todo, aunque no pueda explicarlo.
I understand everything.
Lo entiendo todo.
Now I understand everything.
Pero ahora, lo entiendo todo.
I understand everything.
Todo lo comprendo.
I understand everything!
Yo entiendo todo!
Thanks for everything you do for me. Even if I don't understand why you do it.
Gracias por todo lo que haces por mí aunque yo no sé por qué haces lo que haces
I don't think you'll be able to understand, but... Being born on the stage and all well, getting married and leaving, it seems to be giving up everything.
No creo que lo entiendas pero para mí que he nacido en los escenarios... casarme y dejarlo todo, sería mucho para mí.
I don't understand it : I've tried everything :
No lo entiendo Lo he intentado todo.
Perhaps you will understand everything When i tell you that i ran away from home Because my dreams of marrying a knight in armor
Tal vez lo entenderá todo cuando le diga que me escapé de casa porque mis sueños de casarme con un príncipe azul se estaban haciendo añicos.
Try to understand I can do everything just as well with people if necessary.
Puedes estar igual de bien con personas decentes.
You understand, in my trade, in everything, I feel at peace.
En mi oficio, ¡ en todo...!
This is all a nightmare to you, and you're wondering how and why everything happened, and I don't think I can explain it so you could understand.
Es una pesadilla. No sabes cómo ni por qué pasó esto... y no sé cómo explicártelo para que lo entiendas.
All I understand is everything was swell until you twisted me around your finger and talked me into a divorce.
Yo solo entiendo que todo iba estupendamente hasta que me manipulaste y me convenciste para divorciarnos.
I don't understand everything he says sir...
No entiendo bien lo que dice, sir.
I'll never understand this obsession Mariella has to keep everything closed.
No entiendo esta mania de Mariella de tener todo cerrado, todo a oscuras.
You understand everything I say, don't you?
No entiende todo lo que yo le digo, ¿ no es así?
Tell him what's happened. I'll be back in an hour, tell him everything. Understand?
Dile lo que sabes y que volveré en una hora.
Henry, cuando dos personas están tan unidas como lo estamos nosotros... uno sabe todo lo que sucede... en el corazón y la mente del otro.
I understand that loosing all your cloths... did they steal everything from you?
Perder toda su ropa... ¡ Les han robado todo!
I'm not God so I can't do everything, understand?
No debes estar nervioso. Te conmutarán la pena. Estoy segura.
[Franz] As nearly as I can understand, they want to know how the Martians, if they use cosmic power for everything, are kept from blowing each other to bits.
Parece que quieren saber cómo los marcianos, que tienen acceso a la energía cósmica, consiguen no volarse en pedazos.
I understand the needs of the commercial theater... but I think of everything from the viewpoint of the writer.
Entiendo las necesidades del teatro comercial... pero veo todo desde la óptica del escritor.
Do everything as I told you, understand?
¿ Has todo como te he dicho, entendido?
You understand everything I say only you can't show it.
pero no puede mostrarlo. pero es horrible que no te quieran. Es lo peor del mundo.
I'd appreciate it if you'd hold yourselves in readiness and, of course, you understand that everything that you've seen and heard is classified.
Aprecio la buena disposición que han mantenido, y por supuesto, entienden que todo lo que han visto y oído es clasificado.
You can't expect him to understand everything I don't understand either
Jimmy no me quiere. Te quiere mucho.
And I don't understand why he would put everything in her name.
Y no entiendo por qué todo lo puso a su nombre.
I could understand it if you were 15, but you're old enough to know now that you have to consider the consequences of everything you do.
Lo entendería si tuvieras 15, pero ya estás en edad de pensar en las consecuencias de las cosas que haces.
I think everything's gonna be all right now. Understand?
Creo que todo estará bien ahora, ¿ entiendes?

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