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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We're just looking

We're just looking traduction Espagnol

685 traduction parallèle
We're just looking For a fella.
Estamos buscando un estafador.
We're just looking around.
Sólo estamos dando una vuelta.
We're just looking around now.
Ahora vamos a darnos una vuelta.
I just caught a flash of you and me in a mirror and we're a couple of pretty filthy - looking guys.
Me he imaginado nuestra imagen reflejada en un espejo y teníamos un aspecto asqueroso.
Gee, they'd be just the size we're looking for.
Serían justo del tamaño de las que buscamos.
- We're just looking.
- Sólo miramos.
Just to think, in two, three years, a house right there where we're looking.
Pensar que en 2 o 3 años tendremos una casa en este sitio.
No, we're just looking for a room.
No, solo buscamos una habitación.
We're just looking around.
Nada. Estábamos echando un vistazo.
We're just looking around. - Shopping or buying?
¿ Para elegir o comprar?
She felt that you were just the person we're looking for.
Opinaba que Ud. es justo la persona que buscamos.
We're just looking around...
- Sólo miramos.
- We're just looking around.
- ¿ Estás bromeando? - Estamos sólo mirando.
- No, no, we're just Looking. Thank you.
- No, sólo mirábamos, gracias.
Just as it's quite obvious that you have what we're looking for.
Es tan obvio como que tú tienes lo que buscamos nosotros.
We have just what you're looking for.
Tenemos justo lo que busca.
Just the one we're looking for.
Justamente le buscábamos.
We're just looking.
- Sólo estamos mirando.
We're really just looking for a good transportation car, and we thought the newer the car... new?
Sólo buscamos un buen coche... - y creímos que los más nuevos...
Just a clue, that's all we're looking for.
Sólo una pista es lo que estamos buscando.
Estamos sentados mirando los árboles.
Sud-Aero is just what we're looking for.
Sud-Aero es lo que andábamos buscando.
We're just kind of looking out for your safety.
Nos preocupamos por su seguridad.
You're that--that guy they're looking for... the one we just saw on TV.
Usted es ese - ese tipo que están buscando... el que acabamos de ver en la televisión.
We're just looking for somebody.
Buscamos a una persona.
You're just the couple we're looking for.
Sois la pareja que buscamos.
We're just looking for some...
Sólo queríamos preguntarle si tiene algunas sobras.
- May be just the man we're looking for.
- Quizás sea Vd. el hombre que estábamos buscando.
Just what we're looking for.
Lo que estamos buscando.
Nothing, we're just looking for a little aspirin.
Nada, estamos buscando aspirinas.
We've just crash a plane in the middle of nowhere, spent all day dragging ourselves up a mountain and you're looking for the nearest ticket office?
Acabamos de estrellarnos en el medio de ninguna parte... Y que quieres una agencia de viajes?
"If you're gonna get that riled over a pair of foreign, lady-looking boots we just might as well get the ball rolling."
"Si te vas a enfadar tanto por un par de botas que parecen de señorita ya podemos empezar el asunto".
Just don't want a hothead looking to get even, coming back halfway through... saying, "It ain't enough,"'cause it's all we're gonna get.
No quiero a alguien impetuoso que quiera vengarse y que diga... que con eso no basta, porque es lo único que podemos hacer.
We're just looking for Mario's murderer. That's all.
Sabes, sólo buscamos al asesino de Mario.
Well, Mr. Croft, you're just the kind of man we've been looking for.
Señor Craft... es la clase de persona que buscábamos.
Just the fellow we're looking for.
Justo el tipo a quien buscamos.
Well, we're looking just for a...
Bueno, justamente nosotros andamos buscando, para un...
Why do I get the feeling we're looking for a nice out-of-the-way spot... - just to get me out of the way?
¿ Por qué siento que buscamos un lugar apartado... para que me mate?
You're just the person we were looking for.
Eres justo la persona que buscábamos.
We are just getting into Julius Ceasar. Want to come to rehearsal? We're doing that terribly gripping scene where this very noble-looking dalmatian whips his toga around himself - thusly and snarls...
Estamos ensayando la parte de Julio Cesar una escena terrible en que este noble dálmata se tapa con su capa y dice...
We're just looking up a friend.
Estamos buscando a un amigo.
We're just looking at you.
Sólo te estamos mirando.
We're just out looking for a pack of cigarettes.
A... a co-omprar cigarrillos.
We're just looking for you.
Sólo velamos por ti.
We're just not looking for any pictures right now.
No estamos buscando películas por el momento.
I'm afraid we're just not what each other's looking for.
Me temo que estamos simplemente no lo que cada uno está buscando.
- We're just looking for somebody.
Vale, ¿ qué queréis?
We're... just looking.
Sólo estábamos mirando.
We're just looking for the bad guys. Crayons, huh?
Solo estamos buscando a los tipos malos.
We're just looking, thank you.
Sólo estamos viendo, gracias.
Just don't leave town. We're not the ones that are gonna be looking for another job somewhere else.
Nosotros no vamos a buscar trabajo en otra parte.

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