When it's all over traduction Espagnol
425 traduction parallèle
What is there to it when it's all over?
¿ Qué quedaría de ti?
What's there to it when it's all over?
¿ Qué quedará cuando todo se acabe?
When it's all over, if you still want me I'll come to you no matter where you are.
Cuando todo acabe, si aún me quieres llegaré hasta ti, estés donde estés.
Prussia had been deep in debt too when your majesty took over, and... and today its finances are the best in all Europe that's right, and he can count on it that I won't endanger Prussia's finances by reckless sons-in-law
Prusia también estaba totalmente endeudada cuando la recibió su Majestad, y... y hoy sus finanzas son las mejores de toda Europa. Cierto, cierto y podéis estar seguro de que no pondré en peligro... las buenas finanzas de Prusia por imprudentes yernos.
It's more distressing than the end of a love affair - when a motor just says, " It's all over between us.
Es peor que terminar una historia de amor.
His band's known all over Europe. And when it comes to playin a concertina, he's tops.
Y cuando se trata de tocar una concertina, él es lo máximo.
No kidding, when it's all over with, will you tell me why you did murder him?
En serio, cuando todo termine, ¿ me dirás por qué lo mataste?
But when he does quit, it's not gonna be with all this over his head.
Pero cuando sí se retire, no será con todo esto sobre su cabeza.
While I was out there... I kept thinking about you all the time - about how good it'll be when everything's over and we can go back home.
Cuando estaba ahí fuera, pensaba en ti todo el rato, en lo bueno que sería volver a casa cuando acabase todo.
I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folks.
Sobreviviré a esto, y cuando haya terminado, ni yo ni ninguno de los míos volveremos a pasar hambre.
Sir Henry, it's too bad it's all over... just when you and Betsy Ann were really getting to know each other.
¡ Sir Henry! ¡ Qué pena que el viaje se haya acabado! Ahora que usted y Ann empezaban a conocerse...
Well, just the same, I'll feel easier in my mind when it's all over.
Da igual, estaré más tranquila cuando todo haya terminado.
We must get together for a game of golf when it's all over, eh?
Cuando todo esto acabe, nos reuniremos para jugar al golf.
Well, now it's all over and I feel the way I did when they took the bands off my teeth.
Ahora, todo ha terminado, y me siento como cuando me quitaron el aparato dental.
Well, when everything's all over I'll explain it to you, dear.
Cuando acabe todo, te lo explicaré.
You turn up when it's all over.
Todo ha terminado.
When it's all over, we'll go away, anywhere you want, and forget about all this.
Cuando esto termine, nos iremos donde tú quieras. Olvídate de todo esto.
I sometimes wonder how we'll feel when it's all over.
Me pregunto qué sentiremos cuando esto haya terminado.
After the session is over, we will go upstairs and talk it all over. When we are a little calm. He's here.
Después del examen subiremos y hablaremos cuando estemos más calmadas.
When you're trained as an infantry captain, or a gunner, it's strange suddenly to find yourself in charge of thousands of people from all over Europe.
Cuando te han entrenado como capitán de infantería, o como artillero, resulta extraño encontrarte de pronto al cargo de miles de personas procedentes de toda Europa.
When it's all over, I'll come back and do it, too.
Cuando vuelva, lo haré yo.
Wouldn't it be wonderful, Phil, if it turned out to be everybody's century, when people all over the world, free people, found a way to live together?
Sería maravilloso que fuera el siglo en que... Ios habitantes libres de todo el mundo... aprendieron a vivir juntos.
Nora... no, what's the use. When it's all over,
¿ Por qué?
When it's all over, I'll come get you.
Cuando ha terminado Vendré a traerle.
And maybe when it's all over,
Y quizá cuando haya terminado,
When it's all over, when you no longer have his name but mine the world that is so quick to turn, will turn back again to respect you.
Y cuando esto acabe y no lleves su nombre sino el mío, el mundo que te da la espalda, volverá a ti con respeto.
I too will be glad when it's all over.
También quiero que todo acabe.
You turn up when it's all over.
Llegas cuando se acabo todo. Bien.
When it's all over, our own people will spit in our faces.
Cuando todo termine, nuestra gente nos escupirá.
I must admit, when there's so much secrecy over a betrothal it does make one wonder That's all I wanted to say
Cuando una chica no está orgullosa... de mencionar su matrimonio, me da qué pensar.
I guess she'll have enough to get by on, that is, when it's all settled up. But in the meantime, if she needs any ready cash, it's not much considering what's happened. It's only a little over $ 700, but if she'll accept it...
Supongo que no tendrá problemas económicos al menos cuando todo esté resuelto, pero mientras tanto, si necesita dinero no es mucho, poco más de 700 $, pero quisiera...
We must get together for a game of golf when it's all over, eh?
Tenemos que ir un día a jugar al golf, cuando esto termine. - Sí.
Ladies and gentlemen, when you look at this gorgeous couple... it's no wonder they're a household name all over the world.
¡ Qué espléndida pareja! No es de maravillarse que todo el mundo los conozca.
For when it's all over a jolly sea rover drops in on his friend, Davy Jones
Cuando todo se acabe, Todos vamos a cantar.
That's when I figured it was all over.
Ahí pensé que lo tenías ganado.
The optic nerve has to do all the work, and when you've lost your eyesight, it's all over.
Y eso porque es el nervio óptico el que hace todo el esfuerzo. Y cuando se pierde la vista, todo está acabado.
I'll tell her all about it when it's over.
Se lo contaré todo cuando se haya acabado.
When it's over, every holiday will be like a fairground. Bright lights and music, and dancing all the way.
Cuando termine, cada fiesta será como una feria, con luces brillantes y música, y bailaremos todo el tiempo.
It's better to have them get it over with now... than later on, when we might need all hands in an emergency.
Es mejor que se acostumbren ahora... y no cuando los necesitemos durante una emergencia.
Maybe there'll be a time when it's all over... and you're still there and real and lovely.
Quizá llegue un momento en el que todo acabe... y tú sigas estando ahí, tan real y amoroso.
Call it butchery. When it's all over you'll call it virtue.
Llámalo matanza, pero luego lo llamarás virtud.
When they hang in your arms like an old laundry bag... it's all over, brother.
Cuando caen en tus brazos como un saco de patatas, está todo perdido, tío.
When a man does that, it's all over. Over? Are you joking?
Cuando un hombre vende el abrigo de pieles de su mujer..... es que todo ha terminado.
You don't owe me a thing, and you won't owe me when it's all over.
Usted no me debe nada. Ni me deberá nada cuando todo termine.
- When it's all over.
- Cuando todo haya terminado.
Just give them a chance to go back when it's all over with.
Solo deles la oportunidad de volver cuando todo haya terminado.
They won't look for you here and when it's all over, we'll take you to your father.
No te buscarán por aquí, y cuando todo haya pasado te llevaremos con tu padre.
In moments like these, it's difficult to find the right words but when this is all over, Katia...
En momentos como este, es difícil encontrar palabras, pero... cuando todo esto se haya terminado, Katia...
All I ask of a man is to tell me when it's over.
Lo único que le pido a un hombre, es que diga cuando todo ha acabado.
I shall rehearse this play, and it will open. I shall cover up the years with makeup, and i shall stand in the right places and hope to say the right lines and, when it's over, they'll all say to me,
Cubriré los años con maquillaje... y estaré en los lugares apropiados y espero decir las líneas apropiadas.
When it's all over we'll disappear from here.
Cuando todo haya acabado nos iremos lejos.
when it's over 71
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
it's all over 506
it's all over the place 28
it's all over now 124
it's all over the news 76
it's all over the internet 25
all over the world 65
all over the place 53
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
it's all over 506
it's all over the place 28
it's all over now 124
it's all over the news 76
it's all over the internet 25
all over the world 65
all over the place 53
all over 197
all over it 16
all over again 78
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
all over it 16
all over again 78
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when it comes to you 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when i was little 263
when you're gone 25
when it comes to you 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when i was little 263