Your father died traduction Français
501 traduction parallèle
When your father died I had to take care of the house and the two of you.
Quand ton pére est mort, j'ai dû m'occuper de la maison et de vous.
Your father died with dignity.
Ton père a eu une fin remarquable.
Have you been in the guesthouse since the night your father died?
Es-tu allée dans la maison d'amis depuis la mort de ton père?
But your father died penniless!
Mais votre père... votre père est mort ruiné!
And when your father died, leaving me with a small child... and practically no money, I had to fend for myself.
Et quand ton père est mort, me laissant avec un enfant et presque sans argent... j'ai dû me débrouiller toute seule.
Was Gordon the first one you cared for after your father died?
C'était votre premier amour? Oui.
We've asked you every year since your father died.
On t'a invitée chaque année depuis que ton père est mort.
You've been under a great strain since your father died.
Tu es sous pression depuis le décès de ton père.
She wrote Charles such a moving letter when your father died.
Elle nous a écrit une très belle lettre à la mort de votre père.
The first time you're out with a man, you tell him your father died of alcoholism.
Pourquoi lui dire que ton père est mort alcoolique?
You have not been returned since your father died.
Vous n'êtes pas retourné depuis la mort de son père.
When your father died I went back to my people.
A la mort de ton père je suis rentrée chez les miens.
"Marty, your father died."
"Marty, ton père est mort."
Well, John, the night before your father died... he told me what he did with that money.
John, au cours de la nuit qui a précédé sa mort... ton père m'a dit ce qu'il avait fait de cet argent.
I figured it was you the night your father died!
J'avais deviné que c'était toi!
"Dear Walter Kyne, before your father died, I was working on a... " tie-up with Midwest Television, which could be immensely profitable.
Cher Walter Kyne, avant la mort de votre père, je travaillais sur une fusion avec la Midwest TV qui pourrait nous être profitable.
You started drinking before your father died.
Vous avez commencé à boire avant que votre père meure.
Tell me what happened after your father died.
Dites-moi ce qu'il s'est passè après le dècès de votre père.
Your father died a few minutes ago.
Ton père vient de mourir.
Since your father died Duke is the only man who's ever needed me, not my money.
Seul Duke a eu vraiment besoin de moi. De moi et non de mon argent. Bon.
Mary, I don't know if this will be any consolation or comfort to you, but Rutledge says that your father died quickly.
Mary, je ne sais pas si cela va vous réconforter, mais Rutledge a dit que votre père était mort sur le coup.
Your father died happy.
Votre père est mort heureux.
Your father died in the blitz... and your brother died a brave and pointless death in December 1940.
Il est mort dans le blitz et ton frère est mort bravement et inutilement en décembre 1940.
When your father died.
Quand ton père est mort.
I've raised you all by myself since your father died.
Depuis la mort de ton père, je t'ai élevée toute seule.
- Your father died like a man.
II est mort en homme.
Your father died a poor man thinking I was rich, but he was rich... far richer than I'll ever be.
Votre père est mort pauvre, en pensant que j'étais riche, mais il était riche. Bien plus riche que moi.
Since your father died, everything has changed.
Depuis la mort de ton père, tout a changé.
Was anything removed after your father died?
A-t-on touché à quelque chose depuis sa mort?
Your father died the day before yesterday.
Ton père est mort avant-hier soir.
Didn't he harbour you when your father died?
Ne vous a-t-il pas hébergé à la mort de votre père?
Your father died of his wound.
Ton père est mort de ses blessures.
You were only seven when your father died. He died of a heart attack, didn't he?
Vous aviez 7 ans quand votre père est mort d'une crise cardiaque.
- You cry when your father died?
Tu as pleuré quand il est mort!
The day my father died. - Your father died? - A long time ago.
Oui, dès que son orteil a touché l'eau, il est tombé, mort.
"l mean, your father died."
"Enfin, ton père est mort."
Now, let us suppose that your father had not died.
Imaginons que votre père ne soit pas mort...
If your father had not died. If he had suddenly and silently disappeared. If he had an enemy who caused him to be imprisoned...
Si votre père n'était pas mort, s'iI avait soudain disparu, si un ennemi l'avait fait emprisonner...
Bekanntmachung des oberkommandos. If ever I get out of this mess, if I get back to England... I shall have to tell your friends, young Byrd's mother and father... just how their son died.
Si je me sors de cet horrible pétrin... si je rentre en Angleterre, je devrai raconter à vos amis... les parents du jeune Byrd, comment leur fils est mort.
Your mother died long ago Your father's a good-for-nothing You sure are a poor kid what will you do from now?
Ta mère est morte, ton père est un bon à rien, tu es vraiment à plaindre... que vas-tu faire maintenant?
Mrs. Cunningham... did your mother ever tell you what your father died of?
De quoi est mort votre père?
When your old man died, I said I'd be a father to you.
Lorsque ton père est mort, j'ai dit que je te servirais de père.
When your real pa died, you and Selena and Joey had to have a father.
Quand ton papa est mort, il vous a fallu un autre père.
Heavenly Father, open Your arms to receive the soul... of one who lived and died the purest knight of all.
Divin Père, recevez dans vos bras... l'âme du plus pur des chevaliers.
Your father died for the sake of mine.
D'après mon père, c'est ma famille qui a une dette envers la tienne.
A week ago, your father was forced by his creditors to leave this country, and last night, your mother died of grief.
Il y a une semaine, ses usuriers ont chassé votre père hors du pays et hier, votre mère en a péri de chagrin.
I'm going to try to find out how your father really died.
Je vais essayer de savoir comment ton père est vraiment mort.
My father died in your hands, remember?
Mon père est mort tandis que vous le soigniez, Vous souvenez-vous?
This is the loan agreement your father made... and signed before he died
C'est l'accord de prêt que votre père a fait... et signé avant de mourir.
My dear Craig... it has been five months since your father... and my beloved sister... died.
" Mon cher Craig, Cela fait cinq mois que ton père et ma chère sœur sont décédés.
She died in the war. I never knew her. - Your father?
Il a mis un orteil dans l'eau, et à cet instant, il est tombé, mort.
your father called 16
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
died 275
died in 24
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
died in 24
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your mind 60
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189