As you know traduction Portugais
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And the world as you know it.
E o mundo como vocês o conhecem.
You know damn well I want to find Jace just as much as you do, but that's no excuse to treat me like... Well, then, what do you want from me? !
Sabes que quero encontrar o Jace tanto como tu, mas não é desculpa para me tratares...
Hey, Clary, all those things Alec said about you... you know I don't feel that way.
Clary, as coisas que o Alec disse de ti... Sabes que não penso isso.
You're the only one I know who knows her as well as Raphael.
És o único que a conhece tão bem como o Raphael.
You're the only one I know who knows her as well as Raphael.
Conhece-la tão bem como o Raphael.
I know it's a big change, but I could finally show you where you come from.
É uma grande mudança, mas poderia finalmente mostrar-te as tuas origens.
I don't think obese tuna sounds any better. You know, as much as I love Tokyo and Prague, a bacon burger from the East Village isn't that bad.
Por mais que goste de Tóquio e Praga, um hambúrguer de East Village não é assim tão mau.
Alexander... I know things may seem bleak, but... nothing was as devastating as seeing you standing on that ledge.
Alexander, eu sei que as coisas podem parecer sombrias, mas nada foi tão devastador como ver-te naquele parapeito.
I know you think you're trying to make things right, but you're not.
Sei que queres corrigir as coisas, mas não estás a fazê-lo.
I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything about her.
Quando souber algo, digo-te.
You know I wouldn't have done any of this if he hadn't broken Clave rules.
Fi-lo porque ele quebrou as regras da Clave.
I know that you're one of the protectors of the Spear of Destiny, and I know that you know where the other pieces are hidden.
Sei que és um dos protectores da Lança do Destino, e sei que tu sabes onde as outras partes estão escondidas.
I know that you're one of the protectors of the Spear of Destiny and I know that you know where the other pieces are hidden.
Sei que tu és um dos protectores da Lança do Destino e que sabes onde estão as outras partes.
Ah, look, I mean, we don't have all the answers. You know, we're gonna figure it out. Together.
Não temos todas as respostas, mas vamos descobrir juntos.
So you know she flew 600 sorties over Iraq, launched a program for inner city kids to get into flight school as a way out of poverty, plus she's got skills in krav maga, and a third-degree black belt.
- Li. Sabes que ela efectuou 600 raides no Iraque, lançou um programa para crianças terem aulas de voo e saírem da pobreza, além disso, ela sabe krav maga e é faixa preta, terceiro dan.
If we're as alike as you said, we both know you'd kill him.
Se fossemos parecidos como disseste, sabemos que o ias matar.
Dolly, you know the rules.
Dolly, conheces as regras.
Now, I know how complex the mother-daughter relationship can be, but as the mother, you sometimes have to take responsibility.
Sei como a relação entre mãe e filha pode ser complexa. Mas, enquanto mãe, às vezes tem de assumir a responsabilidade.
Did you know that the people who build malls put the escalators at either end so that you got to walk by all the shops to get to'em?
Sabes que os centros comerciais têm escadas rolantes de cada lado para passarmos por todas as lojas até chegarmos a elas?
I was actually trying to say that "okay" as, like, neutral as possible, you know?
Até estava a tentar dizer "está bem" tão neutro quanto possível, sabes?
You know, I'm a waiter, and people feel like they can just, like, open up to me.
Sim. Sou empregado de mesa e as pessoas sentem que se podem abrir comigo.
You know, it probably takes a long time getting off the plane, and picking up your bags and... waiting in line for those taxis and stuff.
Talvez demore muito a sair do avião, levantar as malas, esperar na fila dos táxis e assim.
You know how picky I am about my samosas.
Sabes como sou esquisito com as chamuças.
Look, I don't know if this will make you feel better, but, you know, lot of times, when we're kids, we feel things, like, a little more severely than what's real.
Não sei se isto te fará sentir melhor, mas muitas vezes, quando somos crianças, vemos as coisas um pouco mais cruelmente do que são na realidade.
Dreams make people, you know, work hard to earn the things they want.
Fazem com que as pessoas se esforcem para merecerem as coisas que querem.
Well, you know, the polar ice caps are melting, so now these, like, new islands are kind of forming up in the North Pole.
As calotas polares estão a derreter-se e, agora, estão a formar-se novas ilhas no Polo Norte.
You know, 10 a.m. will be here before you know it.
As 10h00 vão chegar antes que percebas.
I don't have no problem with your right to bear arms so long as it doesn't conflict with my right to, you know, live.
Não sou contra o direito de porte de armas desde que não vá contra com o meu direito de viver.
Look, I know where you're going with this, but the feds had an assault weapons ban for years, and it did nothing.
Eu sei onde queres chegar, mas os federais baniram as armas durante anos e não mudou nada.
You know, people such as yourself oppose limitations on things like abortion, freedom of speech.
Pessoas como você lutam por limitações no aborto e liberdade de expressão.
We used to talk about things as a society, you know?
Costumávamos falar das coisas como uma sociedade.
Well, I don't know what that means, but I do know that if you're letting Prometheus, ACU, or anyone else keep you from stopping Warner and her buddies, then justice isn't being served.
Não sei o que queres dizer, mas sei que se deixares o Prometheus, a UAC, ou qualquer um, impedir-te de parar a Warner e as colegas dela, então a justiça não estará a ser feita.
Because you know as well as I do what he has done for this city.
Porque você sabe tanto quanto eu o que ele já fez pela cidade.
You know as well as I do once there is deal, it is forever.
Sabes que quando existe um acordo, é para sempre.
You know, maybe if I knew why, things would be different.
Talvez se soubesse, as coisas fossem diferentes.
I know I should be mad that you stole my tech, but the modification designs you guys put on here are ridonculous. Hey.
Sei que devia estar furioso por me roubarem, mas as modificações que fizeram são incríveis.
It drove me to work with Helix, and I was willing to break any rule or do anything to get payback, and, you know, what I'm trying to say is
Fui trabalhar com a Helix, estava disposta a quebrar as regras ou fazer qualquer coisa para conseguir vingança.
Nah, it's ok, but you should know that if I had my T-spheres, I would've...
Está bem, mas se tivesse as minhas esferas T, teria...
Yeah, well, you know, Rene may come across as an irresponsible idiot, but that's...
- Estou. O Rene pode parecer um idiota irresponsável, mas é só porque é o que ele quer
You know, it's just'cause that's what he wants people to think of him, you know?
- que as pessoas pensem, sabes?
I was thinking of the Pacific Crest Trail for a night or, you know, just one night under the stars and then definitely a manicure / pedicure afterwards.
Pensei numa viagem no Pacífico por uma noite, ou apenas uma noite sob as estrelas e definitivamente uma manicura e pedicura depois.
Yeah, well, I don't know about you, but I'm sure as hell not staying here, waiting.
Não sei sobre ti, mas não vou ficar aqui à espera.
You know, I think it's time for our Yom Kippur tradition where we share what it is we're atoning for.
Acho que está na altura da nossa tradição do Yom Kippur, em que partilhamos as coisas que expiamos.
You turned him and you don't even know the rules?
Entregaste-o e não sabes as regras?
You know, you don't have to heal them all at once.
Não tens de as curar todas ao mesmo tempo.
I know you two have your differences but I don't care.
Sei que têm as vossas divergências, mas eu não quero saber.
If we truly want the same things, then you know what you need to do.
Se queremos realmente as mesmas coisas, então sabe o que tem de fazer.
You don't know what the hell you're talking about as usual.
Não sabes o que raio estás a dizer, como de costume.
See, when a person's flustered, you know, they move their legs, their hands, twitching, blinking, that kind of stuff.
Quando uma pessoa está agitada, mexe as pernas, as mãos, tem tiques, pisca os olhos, essas coisas.
But, um... you know, the fantasy doesn't last forever, hard as you try.
Mas... A fantasia não dura para sempre, por mais que se tente.
Sorry, I know I still owe you from the last meetings.
Desculpe, devo-lhe as últimas consultas.
as you wish 846
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
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as you say 390
as your attorney 28
as you like 91
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you are aware 22
as you say 390
as your attorney 28
as you like 91