During the war traduction Portugais
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Yeah, well, I saved his life during the war.
- Salvei-lhe a vida na guerra.
In Canada, during the war, a bear made love with two women.
No Canadá, durante a guerra, um urso fez amor com duas mulheres.
A newspaper man I know, who was in London during the war says... tourists go to England with preconceived notions... so they find exactly what they go looking for.
Um jornalista que conheço e que esteve em Londres durante a guerra, diz... que os turistas vão a Inglaterra com ideias preconcebidas. Por isso, encontram exactamente o que procuram.
She is my ready-made daughter, as Frank lost his first wife during the war.
É a minha filha já feita, pois o Frank perdeu a primeira mulher durante a guerra.
He was an entertainer during the war, a neuro case.
Foi cantor durante a guerra.
During the war, this was a Japanese prison.
Durante a guerra, isto foi uma prisão japonesa.
Oh, yeah, one who sold secrets to the enemy during the war.
Que vendeu segredos ao inimigo durante a guerra.
I went to see if there was anything I could do... and found out she worked for the U.S. Embassy... during the war.
Fui ver se podia ajudar. E descobri que ela tinha trabalhado para a embaixada do Estados Unidos durante a guerra.
Harry was in the OSS during the war, you know.
Harry estava na OSS durante a guerra, sabes?
Not in Europe during the war.
Não na Europa... durante a guerra.
Perhaps you remember, we liberated it during the war.
Talvez te lembres, nós a libertamos durante a guerra.
I know we never actually met, but we were to meet during the war...
Eu sei que nunca nos conhecemos, mas esteve para acontecer durante a guerra.
It was bombed during the war, and patched up with plasticine and blu-tack
Foi bombardeada durante a guerra e rebocada com plasticina e cola-tudo.
I had to live there during the war and I got awfully fed up with it.
Tive de viver lá durante a guerra e fiquei farta.
Well, I rather enjoyed it during the war.
Eu gostei mais durante a guerra.
Ceausescu delivered you from the streets of Bucharest, just as his family delivered my family from the Nazis during the war.
Ceausescu tirou-te das ruas de Bucareste, tal como a sua família tirou a minha dos Nazis durante a guerra.
Took some shrapnel during the war, and ever since then I can't feel a damn thing!
Apanhei com estilhaços durante a guerra, e desde então não sinto nada!
- Didn't I save your life during the war?
- Não te salvei a vida na guerra?
The botch-up her father made in his department during the war was a national scandal.
Ele arruinou o departamento durante a guerra. Foi um escândalo nacional.
Mr. Kessler? Did you know that many factories in Germany were owned by Americans during the war?
Sabia que durante a guerra muitas fábricas na Alemanha pertenceram a americanos?
I don't want to impose on you but my family and I have lived in London during the war.
Desculpe incomodá-lo, eu e a minha família voltámos de Londres onde vivemos durante a guerra.
But although he did his best it was not possible to repress the fact that Zentropa during the war transported jews in cattle trains to concentration camps, and American officers first class afterwards.
Mas por mais que tentasse, não pôde ignorar que durante a guerra a Zentropa transportou judeus como gado para campos de concentração. A depois da guerra, oficiais americanos em 1 ª classe.
Βecause it was during the war and there was a lot of... I don't know whether it was pressure or just fear or whatever, but the studios would not finance a film about the Vietnam War.
Porque foi durante a guerra e... e havia muita... mas os estúdios não financiariam um filme sobre a guerra do Vietname.
He is a part of the Dallas Petroleum Club, speaks five languages and was a French Vichy intelligence during the war also rumored to be a Nazi sympathizer.
Pertence ao Clube do Petróleo de Dallas, fala 5 línguas, foi espião de Vichy durante a guerra e pensa-se que era simpatizante nazi.
She is a Catalan, daughter of the famous Dr. Forner, exiled during the war
Ela é catalã, filha do famoso Dr. Forner, republicano, que se exilou durante a guerra
I helped in the morgue of the hospital during the war.
Eu ajudei na morgue do hospital durante a guerra.
He cheated his partner, in countervail then used the money to "profeteo" during the war.
Enganou o sócio, mandou-o para a prisão e depois usou o dinheiro para especular durante a guerra.
During the war, Itchy and Scratchy put their differences aside... and teamed up to fight a bigger foe.
Durante a guerra, o Itchy e o Scratchy esqueceram as diferenças e juntaram-se para combater um inimigo maior.
And the Cardassians tried to annex it during the war.
E os cardassianos tentaram anexá-lo na guerra.
During the war, I was in my world's warrior class.
Importantes para a próxima fase do regresso da guerra das Sombras.
Did you know the Japanese used thousands of our people for medical experiments during the war?
Sabia que os japoneses usaram milhares de pessoas do nosso povo para fazer experiências médicas durante a Guerra?
It took them a couple of weeks to catch up with Willy. Then there was a whole big war between the armada and Willy's ship, the Inferno. During the firefight, there were guns and cannons bursting here and there.
Quando a Armada conseguiu apanhar o Willy, houve uma grande batalha, entre a armada e o navio do Willy, o Inferno, e durante o combate, enquanto os canhões disparavam, o Willy fugiu, porque sabia que, senão, era morto.
He was killed during the outbreak of the Vietnam War.
Ele foi morto durante o rebentar da guerra do Vietnam.
during the 1914 war.
Foi morto na guerra de 1914.
The trek across the wilderness... the homesteading, the concentration camps the English put our wives and children in during the Boer War, the working of the land... the building of the cities.
O trilho pelo mato. As fazendas. Os campos de concentração da guerra dos Boers, em que internaram a nossa gente.
The good-luck shirt she gave to Sasha is now displayed in a Russian museum honouring those who fought and died for freedom during World War 2.
A camisa de'boa sorte'que ela deu a Sasha está agora exposta num museu Russo lembrando aqueles que lutaram e morreram pela Liberdade durante 2ª Grande Guerra.
The only serious danger to his work occurred during the Second World War.
Sua obra não correu nenhum risco grave, a não ser durante a guerra de 1939.
- They'll send you the names of all the Jews... who died during World War ll.
Enviariam os nomes dos judeus mortos na 2a.
Both sides advanced more during one Christmas piss-up than they managed in the next 2 1 / 2 years of war.
Ambos os lados avançaram mais durante uma bebedeira de natal do que conseguiram nos seguintes dois anos e meio de guerra.
He protested during the Vietnam war.
Protestou durante a guerra do Vietname.
He escaped Germany during the war.
Fugiu da Alemanha durante a guerra.
A maioria dos rapazes que me acompanharam na guerra... morreram ou estão escondidos.
Os crimes da guerra do gado em Lincoln...
This fuse was used during the war by a U.S. demolition team known as the Fire Lords.
Não, não necessariamente.
For as we know from experiments conducted on American Gls during the Korean War, sleep deprivation is a one-way ticket to temporary psychosis.
Sabemos de experiências efectuadas durante a guerra da Korea, que a privação da luz do Sol provoca psicoses temporárias.
I am too old to take the war this way, from now on I put it in the hands of our brave general but not during much :
Eu sou demasiado velho para levar a guerra assim, a partir de agora Ponho-a nas mãos do nosso valente general mas não por muito tempo : recebi una proposta de casamento
He was a doctor, and an abolitionist during the Civil War.
Ele era médico, e um abolicionista durante a Guerra Civil.
Sir, we met during the Mexican War.
Conhecemo-nos na Guerra do México.
I ironed during the Gulf War.
Fiz a Guerra do Golfo com ferro na mão.
It happened during the war with your people.
A história nunca acaba.
It was part of the underground railroad during the civil war.
"Professor se casa com aluna favorita"
during the day 68
during the night 25
during the 36
the war is over 139
the warehouse 20
the war 122
the warrior 17
the warden 25
the war's over 49
warehouse 79
during the night 25
during the 36
the war is over 139
the warehouse 20
the war 122
the warrior 17
the warden 25
the war's over 49
warehouse 79
warriner 18
warlocks 16
waris 20
war is hell 18
warming 31
warm up 26
war is coming 19
warts and all 37
war and peace 36
warn me 20
warlocks 16
waris 20
war is hell 18
warming 31
warm up 26
war is coming 19
warts and all 37
war and peace 36
warn me 20