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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I said i would

I said i would traduction Portugais

3,882 traduction parallèle
I said I would.
Eu disse que ia.
I said I would do one more round of chemo.
Disse que faria mais uma ronda de quimio. Mais nada.
I said I would find a cure, and I have.
Eu disse que encontraría a cura, e encontrei.
Hey, remember when I said I would do anything for Emma?
Lembraste quando eu disse que faria qualquer coisa pela Emma?
Nicky, I said I would move it for us.
Nicky, eu disse-te que as vendia.
I know I said I would, but you looked so sad when I won, I couldn't.
Disse que faria, mas ficaste tão triste quando ganhei, eu não podia.
Just like I said I would.
Mesmo como tinha dito.
But I'll set out with you, because I said I would... and I'll help you tend your cuckoo clocks as long as it suits me.
Mas eu vou consigo porque prometi que ia. E ajudo a tomar conta das taradas enquanto me apetecer.
I said I would never... never marry another woman, never look at her... till you were settled down with someone.
De que não me casaria ou sequer olharia para outra mulher.
She said if I left, it would be against medical advice and- -
Ela disse que se eu sair, seria contra o conselho médico e...
He said they were holding Paul, my husband, and Benny, and that if I went to the police or said anything to anyone, he would kill them both.
Eles disseram que ficariam com o Paul, o meu marido e com o Benny. E que se eu fosse à Polícia ou dissesse algo a alguém eles matar-nos-iam a ambos.
and eh... It's a good thing you didn't try that smile on me earlier because I would've done anything you said.
E... ainda bem que não me sorriu antes, porque teria feito tudo o que dissesse.
- I already said I would.
- Já disse que o faria.
Well, they broke into our house the night before I was supposed to operate on the President, and they said to me if I didn't kill him during surgery they would murder my family.
Bem, eles invadiram a nossa casa na noite passada, era suposto eu operar o Presidente, e, eles disseram-me que se eu não o matasse durante a cirurgia, eles matariam a minha família.
Would you be worried if I said I think it was after you? No, no.
Preocupavas-te se eu dissesse que anda atrás de ti?
I mean, most people would have said that he'd testify that you were innocent.
A maioria diria que ele atestaria a sua inocência.
April said you would've done exactly what I did.
A April disse-me que tinhas feito exactamente como eu.
I followed your guidance and she reacted as you said she would.
Segui o seu guião e ela reagiu como disse que ela iria reagir.
Yeah, but if I told you a week, would you have said yes?
Se eu dissesse que seria uma semana, tu ias dizer que sim?
And what would you have said if I'd called?
E o que é que dirias se eu te tivesse chamado?
- I never said I would not ever...
- Eu nunca disse que nunca iria...
I would do anything to take back what I said.
Eu faria tudo para retirar o que disse.
Would it help if I said my facial expressions out loud?
Ajudaria se dissesse as minhas expressões faciais em voz alta?
By then said that I did not like and that would be a sin. And a worse sin to have children.
Nessa altura, ele disse que eu revelaria um tal ódio por ele que seria pecado e seria um pecado ainda maior termos filhos pois eu era malvada.
When I call the police and give information they said they would protect me.
Quando eu chamei a polícia e lhes dei informações, eles disseram que me protegiam.
How would you like it if I my next client walked in here and I said that the guy that just walked out of here Is a lunatic weirdo obsessed with a woman named Glo stick?
Ia gostar que o meu próximo cliente entrasse aqui e eu dissesse que o tipo que acabou de sair é um maluco esquisito obcecado por uma mulher de nome Glo Stick?
I would accept no favors, not even a kind word said on my behalf.
Não aceitaria favores, nem uma palavra boa dita em meu benefício.
Would you feel better if I said no?
Sentir-te-ás melhor se disser que não?
no, i said... what i said was it would take a few days.
Não, disse que precisava de alguns dias.
I would never say what he just said.
E não me interessa! Jamais diria o que ele disse!
I thought you said no one would follow us.
Tinhas dito que ninguém nos seguiria...
I... well, Miss Clarke, Joan actually... said that it would be... nice if I was to bring you all something.
Eu... bem, a senhora Clarke, Joan na verdade, disse que seria simpático se eu vos trouxesse alguma coisa.
And what would you have said, that I...
E o que dirias, que eu...
Well, I asked Madge and she said that it would be acceptable.
Eu perguntei à Madge e ela disse que seria aceitável.
But do not think I would have been as fun if you had said it was a joke. Before he lost an organ?
Não achas que já terias sido engraçado se me dissesse que era mentira antes de perder meu órgão?
"How are things with Laverne?" And I would have said, "Fine."
"Como estão as coisas com Laverne"? E eu diria : "Bem".
But I never said anything about getting married, so why would he think that?
Mas eu nunca falei em casamento, porque iria ele pensar nisso?
Yeah, it's like you said- - if I was innocent, everything would work out.
Sim, foi como você disse se estivesse inocente, tudo iria resolver-se.
I know they said don't feed the animals, but I figured this would be a special occasion.
Sei que nos avisaram para não alimentarmos os animais, mas acho que é uma ocasião especial.
I said this would happen.
Eu disse que isto ia acontecer.
I was gonna do that anyway and you would've heard me and you would've asked her what I said, figured out what I said anyway.
Ia fazer isso de qualquer forma e terias ouvido e ias perguntar-lhe o que eu tinha dito, descobrias o que eu disse à mesma.
- I thought you said it would never get to this.
Achei que tinhas dito que isso nunca iria acontecer. - Espera lá.
- Now hang on. I thought you said you put loyal men in all the right places - so the crew would never turn.
- Achei que tinhas dito que ias colocar homens leais em todos os postos e que a tripulação nunca se revoltaria.
And I know your mom would have said the same thing too
E eu sei que a tua mãe diria a mesma coisa.
I said, what would you...
Eu disse : "O que..."
Daddy... my whole life, you said you would buy me a car when I graduated.
Pai... A minha vida inteira, disseste que ias comprar-me um carro quando eu me formasse.
You said the story was over, and if I remember correctly, continuing it would be creative suicide.
Disseste que a história tinha terminado e se me lembro correctamente, continuá-la seria cometer suicídio criativo.
And I said to myself Manager What is with you in LA would not be a sacrifice...
Até me convenci a mim mesma que mudar-me contigo para LA podia não ser um compromisso.
This is not how it's supposed to happen. I-If I would have said something.
Isto não era para acontecer, se eu dissesse alguma coisa,
Yeah, well, you said you would kill my family and burn my house down if I didn't, so...
Bem, disseste que matarias a minha família e queimarias a minha casa se não aparecesse, portanto...
I told the master. He said it would do until Berry.
Eu disse ao mestre, mas ele disse que aguentava até Berry.

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