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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I said it

I said it traduction Portugais

16,195 traduction parallèle
Okay, I said it was a mistake.
Está bem, já te disse que foi um erro.
No, I said it was her last-known name and address.
Não, disse que era o último nome e morada.
No, I said it's done.
Já disse que está feito.
There. I said it.
Pronto, já está, disse-o!
I've said it before, I'm gonna say it again.
Eu já disse antes, vou dizer outra vez.
As I said before, it was not an interview.
Como já disse antes, não era um interrogatório.
I never said it was going to be easy.
Nunca disse que ia ser fácil.
I said I'll do it.
Disse, que vou fazê-lo.
No, what I said in there, it isn't true.
Não, o que disse ali, não é verdade.
I said, "Well, I hope it's before I start pushing up daisies."
E eu disse : " Espero que seja antes de bater as botas.
I said, "It was fucking great,"
"Brutal, meu,"
I said, "Because listen to it!"
E eu : "Basta ouvir."
I said, "Yeah, yeah, it's all right, we're with Debbie."
"Tudo bem. Viemos com a Debbie."
I said to Noel Gallagher, "It's not good enough."
Eu disse ao Noel Gallagher : "Isto não está bom."
So I walked down the corridor back into their room and Liam said to me, and honestly, it was like he was shimmering, he just said to me, " Do you believe in God?
Fui até ao quarto deles, e o Liam disse-me, e a sério, com os olhos a brilhar. Disse-me : " Acreditas em Deus?
I must have phoned her and said, "It's fucked up here."
Liguei-lhe e disse : "Aqui, está tudo fodido."
I think he said to me in the past that he thought it had got a bit too big for him.
Acho que me disse que era tudo demasiado grande para ele.
I started to, but he said I should just bring it all to you.
Comecei, mas ele disse que eu devia falar consigo.
Well, you know, it's super slow, and Gus said I could.
Aquilo anda lento e a Gus disse que podia ir.
I only said that because Vidal Sassoon would have killed you if I didn't find something to be mad at you about. I didn't actually mean it.
Só disse aquilo porque o Vidal Sassoon ia matar-te se não me zangasse com alguma coisa.
I didn't want to go to enterprise. You were the ones who said it would be fine.
Vocês é que quiseram assim.
And I said that I did it to stay in the game so that maybe at some point in the future,
Disse que o fiz para poder fazer algo para ajudar no futuro.
I said those were all the things I can't say, okay. So it's kind of like I didn't even say them.
Eu disse que eram coisas que não podia dizer, por isso nem conta.
It's bad enough she's going to find out what I said after this piece posts online. You want me to go in and tell her right to her face?
Já é mau ela descobrir o que eu disse num site e tu queres que vá lá e lhe diga na cara?
Listen, I know you said you didn't want to make the trade without Francisco, but would you make it with me?
Ouve, sei que disseste que não querias fazer a troca sem o Francisco, mas fazias comigo?
It said stuff was on my phone and my iPad, but when I looked at the memory, it said, zero K used, so stuff wasn't on there. That's the platform.
Era suposto estar tudo no telefone e no iPad mas diz "zero K utilizados", não está lá nada.
And with all due respect, I gave it to you, the one person without a computing background, and you said it felt engineered.
Tu foste a única de fora deste mundo e disseste que parecia maquinal.
Okay, I gave her that bracelet only after you said you didn't want it, so you can't use it against me.
Está bem, dei-lhe a pulseira apenas depois de teres dito que não a querias, por isso não podes usar isso contra mim.
I said, "No, it doesn't."
Respondi : "Não, não rima!"
I said, " It's a very good point. Well made.
Eu disse : " Bem visto.
If I gave you a disgusting pink fluid to drink, and there was a sink there, and I said, "Rinse", - would you be able to work out where to spit it?
Se lhe desse um líquido rosa nojento, houvesse uma pia e eu mandasse bochechar, seria capaz de saber onde o cuspir?
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Eu não podia ter dito de maneira melhor.
But when he never came back, I asked the day nurse about it, and she said they transferred him to another facility for medical reasons.
Mas, quando ele nunca regressou, perguntei por ele à enfermeira de serviço, e ela disse-me que ele tinha sido transferido para outra unidade por motivos médicos.
Okay, like I said, it's just eggs and mimosas.
Está bem, com disse, são apenas ovos e mimosas.
- You-you think there haven't been times when I wish I'd said something, or did something to stop something, when I knew it was wrong? - No, you haven't.
Já fiz isso.
Miles, I said I have it.
Miles, já disse que trato disto.
I'm keeping it, like I said.
Vou mantê-lo, tal como já disse.
He said I could smoke out here, as long as it's tobacco.
Ele disse que eu podia fumar aqui, desde que fosse tabaco.
I said quit it.
Eu disse para desistires.
I know I said I didn't want Lucy knowing my secret because it's dangerous, but that's not true.
Não queria que a Lucy soubesse o meu segredo porque é perigoso, mas, isso não é verdade.
Now, I said that it's not going to be easy.
Eu disse que não irá ser fácil.
I met a woman in a Toward the Light workshop, and she said it changed her life.
Conheci uma pessoa num workshop Rumo à Luz e ela disse que lhe mudou a vida.
I said, "Oh, no." I said, "No. " We found it.
Eu disse, " Não, encontrámo-lo.
Like you said, I'm gonna carry it here, in my heart, and my heart is full of the...
É como disse. Vou levar isto comigo, aqui, no meu coração, e ele está cheio de...
He said I were no good for it.
Ele disse que eu não tinha jeito para isso.
She said I were the one what had done it.
Disse que fui eu que provoquei isto.
It's the first time I've said it.
Foi a primeira vez que o disse.
He said he'd put it to Cabinet and I said there was nothing to discuss.
Ele disse que levaria ao Gabinete e eu disse que não havia o que discutir.
Nick, look, there's something that I wish I would've said to you last night, but I didn't, so I'm gonna say it right now.
Nick, olha, há algo que eu gostava de ter dito ontem à noite, mas não disse, Então, eu vou dizer isso agora.
I think you said it all.
Acho que disseste tudo.
I, I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, but... it's up to you.
Estaria a mentir se dissesse que não me preocupo, mas está nas tuas mãos.

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