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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ L ] / Let him go

Let him go traduction Portugais

6,866 traduction parallèle
I can't let him go, and you know why!
Não posso deixá-lo ir... e você sabe porquê!
Should we let him go?
Devemos deixá-lo ir?
Mum, if you let him go, you are a sucker.
Mãe, se o deixares ir, és uma palerma.
Back up! Let him go!
Sean, let him go.
Sean, larga-o.
Let him go, right now.
- Liberta-o, agora.
Let him go, and then we'll all leave here peacefully.
Liberta-o e saímos daqui pacificamente.
- Let him go.
- Liberta-o.
The Hartford police questioned him, but they had nothing concrete, so they had to let him go.
A Polícia de Hartford interrogou-o, mas não tinham nada concreto, por isso tiveram de o soltar.
But you have to let him go.
Mas tens de o deixar ir.
Let him go!
Larga-o! Scott, estás a matá-lo!
Let him go Let him go
Deixe-o ir...
Let him go!
Do not let him go.
Empate-o. Não deixe-o ir.
Let him go!
I... I'm never gonna let him go.
Eu nunca mais vou deixar-lhe.
But instead, you let him go.
Mas ao invés disso, deixou-o ir.
You let him go, I will save these people.
Se o deixar ir, eu salvo estas pessoas.
We have to let him go, otherwise we all die.
Temos de libertá-lo, de outra forma morremos todos.
Let him go.
- Just let him go.
- Deixe-o estar!
I shouldn't have let him go alone.
Não o devia ter deixado sozinho.
Let him go.
Deixa-o ir.
Just let him go and pray for the best.
Deixem-no ir e rezem pelo melhor.
No, let him go, Vernon.
Deixa-o, Vernon.
Let him go.
We can't let him go back to the league.
Não podemos deixá-lo voltar para a liga.
Let him go.
Deixe-o ir.
She wouldn't let him go.
Ela não o deixava ir.
Am I supposed to just let him go? !
Devo deixá-lo?
Let him go.
No, no, no, let him go.
- Deixa-o ir.
- I should think. - Let him go.
- Solte-o.
Let go of him.
- Larga-o, larga-o!
Malony, let go of him.
Anda comigo. - Larga-o! Malony, larga-o!
Let's move him and go.
Vamos pegar nele e seguir.
- Let him go!
Seemed like the only solution... he was prepared to let me go... couldn't leave him...
Parecia a única saída... Estava pronto para deixar-me partir...
Let him go!
Let him go!
Scott, larga-o!
Let him go
Deixa-o ir.
Let him go!
Deixe-o ir!
You need to convince him to let go of the statement.
Precisas de convencê-lo a abdicar da declaração.
I just cleared him! Let's go!
Acabei de o autorizar.
Well, Kovic said that anybody looking for Charlie has to go through him, so let's go through him.
Bem, o Kovic disse que toda a gente procura o Charlie tem que passar por ele, por isso vamos passar por ele.
Let me go with him.
Deixe-me ir com eles.
I then ask you to let my brother and I go and give him a proper burial.
Peço pois que me deixe ir com o meu irmão para lhe fazermos um enterro adequado.
Let the team here go another round, they'll break him.
Deixe a equipa daqui tentar mais uma vez, eles quebram-no.
If you don't let my people go, I'll kill him.
Se não deixar o meu pessoal ir, eu mato-o.
Let's, let's go talk to him real quick.
- Vamos lá falar com ele.
Let's throw our target some roadblocks, show him where we want him to go. Nothing but red?
Vamos atirar ao nosso alvo alguns bloqueios, e mostrar-lhe para onde queremos que ele vá.

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