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You better believe it traduction Portugais

301 traduction parallèle
You better believe it.
Pode crer.
You better believe it.
É bom que penses assim.
You better believe it.
Sim! Acredita que é verdade.
You better believe it, and I'm loaded with both.
Então, fica sabendo que tenho tanto de um como de outro.
You better believe it.
Tens razão.
You better believe it.
Podes crer.
Well, you better believe it.
Melhor acreditar.
You better believe it.
You better believe it and level with me!
É melhor que seja honesto comigo!
You better believe it.
Melhor que acredites.
- I read you loud and clear. - You better believe it.
- Estou a ouvir-te muito bem.
You better believe it.
A quem o dizes.
Oh, you better believe it. The walls are made of lead, then steel, then concrete, four feet thick.
As paredes são feitas de chumbo, aço e betão.
- Yeah, you better believe it. - What cat?
- Podes crer.
You better believe it, Tod. Yes, sirree!
Acredita no que te digo, Papuça.
You better believe it.
Pode crer!
And that's a full time job, honey. You better believe it.
É uma tarefa a tempo inteiro, filha, acredite.
You better believe it, pal.
Podes apostar nisso, parceiro.
You better believe it.
Podes acreditar que sim.
- You better believe it.
- Podes crer nisso.
He's around the bend and up to no good, you better believe it.
Está lá atrás. E não está feliz. Acredite!
You better believe it.
Acredite que sim.
You better believe it, brother.
Podes crer, irmão.
You better believe it.
Podes acreditar.
You'd better believe it. How'd you know about the record company?
Como sabia sobre a companhia de discos?
But you better not believe it!
Mas näo acredites, näo tenhas fé nela!
Thank you, Your Honour, but I still believe that it is better than having a fool for a lawyer.
Obrigado, Meritíssimo, mas acredito que isso é melhor que ter um tolo de um advogado.
Believe me, buddy, you better watch it.
- Acredite, amigo, cuidado.
You'd better believe it.
Podem acreditar.
If he says it's 2 : 00, you'd better believe him.
- Se ele diz que são 14 : 00, é melhor acreditar nele.
- You'd better believe it.
- Podes crer.
You'd better believe it!
É assim, toca a andar!
You'd better believe it, hombre.
Podes crer que sim, hombre.
- You'd better believe it.
- Acredita.
Miss West, believe me, it's a lot better for you to tell me something now, then to have to tell it in front of a jury later on.
Menina West, acredite que é muito melhor contar-me as coisas agora do que ter de contá-las depois, perante um júri.
And you better eat it all. We don't believe in leftovers.
Não deixem nada.
Well, you'd better believe it, cause the bureau is sure of it.
Pode não acreditar, mas há um espião entre vós.
You better believe it.
Podes crer!
You'd better believe it, man.
Podes crer.
- You'd better believe it :
- Embora não acredito.
You better believe I'll find it.
Podes crer que sim.
- You better believe it, baby.
- Pode crer.
You better believe it.
Mais te vale acreditar nisso.
It would be better if you believe in Father Christmas, as Abbie.
Seria melhor se acreditasses no Pai Natal, como a Abbie.
You'd better believe it.
Podes crer. Vou estar lá.
Believe it or don't, but you better get in on my action now, amigo.
- O melhor é estares do meu lado.
You bloody better well believe it.
- Estou a falar a sério.
- You better fucking believe it.
- Com certeza.
- You'd better believe it, buster.
- Podes crer, espertalhão.
I know it's hard for you to believe right now, But tomorrow, you're going to feel better.
Sei que é difícil acreditares nisso agora, mas amanhã sentir-te-ás melhor.
You had better believe it!
É bom que acredites!

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