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I missed this tradutor Espanhol

831 parallel translation
I missed this wallet the first time I met Kay.
Perdí esta cartera la primera vez que me encontré con Kay.
Pity I missed this baseball game.
Olvidé este partido de béisbol
I wouldn't have missed this for the world!
No me habría perdido esto ¡ por todo el oro del mundo!
That's the third apple I've missed this week!
Es la tercera que desaparece en una semana.
I must have missed this one.
Debí olvidar ésta.
What do they matter, when I've missed the one thing in all this world that really counts - love.
Eso no tiene importancia... si no he tenido lo único en este mundo que realmente importa : el amor.
If it wasn't for you, I'd have missed all this.
De no ser por ti, me hubiera perdido todo esto.
I hope you're happy now that you've put me in this monkey cage... just because I missed a couple of installments.
Espero que estés contenta ahora que me metiste en esta jaula... ¡ sólo porque no pagué un par de mensualidades!
I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
No me habría perdido esto por nada del mundo.
Oh, you've no idea how I've missed him this past month.
No te imaginas cuánto lo extrañé este último mes.
I'm not complaining for social reasons, but it's a pity if these gentlemen missed any of this.
No me quejo por razones sociales pero es una pena que esos caballeros se pierdan esto.
- I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
- No me lo perdería por nada del mundo.
Madam, last night I missed my dinner, and this morning I've had no breakfast.
Señora, anoche me perdí la cena y esta mañana no he desayunado.
I missed you something awful this time.
Te eché muchísimo de menos.
I wouldn't have missed this for anything in the world.
No me hubiera perdido esto por nada del mundo.
- I haven't missed a game this season.
- No me he perdido un partido esta temporada.
I might have missed this microfilm if you hadn't lead me to it.
No habría encontrado ese microfilm si usted no me hubiera ayudado.
I... I missed you this summer, my dear.
Te eché de menos este verano.
- I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
- No me perdería esto por nada.
But get this straight - i missed her more than she did me.
Pero te diré algo : la eché de menos, más que ella a mí.
I missed you this afternoon.
Te he echado de menos esta tarde.
I don't know how I missed this book.
Me gusta este libro.
- Hello, baby. I missed you this morning.
Te eché de menos esta mañana.
No. I missed you this morning.
No, no te he visto esta mañana.
I thought if I found this woman, I could make her talk, but I missed it.
Creí que si la encontraba, la haría hablar, pero no pude.
Well, if I miss this, I'll have missed a hard one.
Si no acierto, habré fallado un tiro muy difícil.
I've missed this. All i know is i have to see you again.
Sólo sé que tengo que volver a verte.
Well, this will be the first drive I've missed in more than 20 years.
Es de toda confianza. Bueno, es la primera vez que no voy desde hace 20 años.
I - I could have gone on for a long time, except for this... and missed you by a half an hour all the time.
Vaya... podíamos haber seguido así durante mucho tiempo, si no es por esto.
I was standing up there long enough to use this thing. You would have missed!
Estuve ahí arriba el tiempo suficiente para usar esto.
I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
No hubiese extrañado esto.
I wouldn't have missed this for anything in the world.
No me habría perdido esto por nada del mundo.
I don't think you'll believe it, but I wouldn't have missed this boat trip. Not for anything.
No sé si te lo creerás, pero no me habría perdido esta travesía por nada del mundo.
I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
Yo no me lo hubiese perdido por nada.
Well, he missed the teller, but I picked this up in Seattle.
Bien, él falló el disparo, pero yo encontré esto en Seattle.
You know, I don't understand you, lady. First, you have a husband and daughter who missed death by the narrow margin of 30 seconds, and now you stand here with this anticlimactic fate-worse-than-death routine.
Tiene un marido y una hija que se salvaron de la muerte y ahora me viene con que un destino cruel es peor que la muerte.
I missed the plane by this much.
He perdido el aviòn por este poquito.
Believe it or not, this was the one chore I missed in the army.
Lo creas o no, lo eche de menos en el ejercito.
Oh, yeah. It was in the mail box. I must have missed it this morning.
Sí, estaba en el correo de la mañana, no he debido verla.
My wife missed Mrs. Gault at the bus stop this morning... and asked me if I'd....
Esta mañana mi esposa echo de menos a la Sra. Gault en la parada del bus... y me ha pedido que...
I came pretty close to doing the artwork on it this year, but I just missed out.
Casi me encargan el de este año, pero lo perdí.
I missed you. This time was the longest.
Te he echado de menos ; esta vez la que más.
I just wrote your mother that I'd missed you in Rome because you'd already left on this northern trip.
Justamente le escribí a tu madre anoche Te había extrañado en Roma. Porque habías partido a esta gira hacia el norte
This night I thought of mother. I understood how much I missed her.
Esta noche he pensado en mamá y he comprendido cuánto la he echado en falta.
I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
No me lo hubiera perdido por nada del mundo.
I missed it this morning.
Lo he perdido esta mañana.
I thought we both missed this.
Pensé que los dos echábamos de menos esto.
- I missed you this morning.
Te he echado de menos esta mañana.
I wouldn't have missed this chance to congratulate you personally.
No habría perdido Ia oportunidad de felicitarlo en personalmente.
I missed my turn in the bathroom this morning.
He perdido la vez en el baño esta mañana.
I missed you this morning. You know that, baby?
Te eché de menos esta mañana, ¿ lo sabías?

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