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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I missed him

I missed him tradutor Espanhol

511 parallel translation
I missed him.
No le di.
Oh, salté del coche... y le disparé 5 tiros, pero fallé.
I missed him.
Yo he fallado.
Quiet! Well, I missed him.
Lo perdí.
I missed him.
I missed him!
¡ Fallé!
I missed him.
Se escapó.
You know, I'm just as surprised as you are... because I could swear that I missed him. - Ohh! - Ohh!
Estoy tan sorprendido como ustedes porque juraría que no Ie he tocado.
I missed him, anyway.
Fallé de todos modos.
- I missed him.
- ¡ No le acerté!
The pilot jumped, he got lost in the fog, I missed him.
El piloto saltó, se perdió en la niebla, le perdí.
I missed him after he was booked.
Perdí su pista después del juicio.
And somehow I missed him. However, no harm done.
Lo he estropeado, pero bien está lo que bien acaba.
No. I missed him.
No, no nos encontramos.
But I missed him
Pero fallé.
How have I missed HIM?
¿ Dónde había estado hasta ahora?
I missed him all along the way.
Lo extrañé en todo el camino.
I missed him, I think he's only wounded!
¡ He fallado! Creo que sólo está herido.
Unfortunately, I was a bad shot, you know, so I missed him and nearly killed the minister of war.
Lo sé. Soy muy mal tirador, ¿ sabe? Aquel tiro casi mató al ministro de la guerra.
- I missed him! - Go on doing that, will you?
- ¿ De qué se queja ese tipo?
But I had shot at the other one. So I missed him!
Yo he disparado al otro, ¡ Debo de haber fallado!
I missed him by a minute.
Lo perdí por un minuto.
No, it wasn't wasted, except I missed him.
No la he desperdiciado, sólo he fallado el tiro.
I missed him.
Yo erré.
They're not really poison, aunt agnes, and i missed him anyway.
No son realmente venenosos, tia Agnes, y de todos modos no le di.
[GUNSHOTS] Paul : I couldn't have missed him.
No podría haber fallado.
Wanted him to have everything I'd missed.
Quería que tuviera todo lo que a mí me faltó.
I'm glad you missed him.
Por suerte, fallaste.
Sorry I am to have missed him.
Lamento no haber podido verlo.
Oh, you've no idea how I've missed him this past month.
No te imaginas cuánto lo extrañé este último mes.
Oh, sorry I missed him.
Pensaba que estaría.
¿ Qué le parece?
- I must have missed him.
Debo haber perdido mi cita.
He's the greatest guy in the world, and I miss him more than anybody ever missed a guy before.
Era el mejor hombre del mundo y nunca he echado de menos a nadie como le echo a él.
So sorry you missed Alfred. I'll tell him the minute he gets back. Gets back?
Siento mucho que no estuviese Alfred, se lo diré en cuanto vuelva.
It couldn't be that I have missed him
It couldn't be that I have missed him
Oh, I probably would have missed him anyway.
Probablemente habría fallado.
Jeff Dawson! I sure missed that guy. It was great to see him again.
Jeff Dawson, le echaba mucho de menos y me alegro de volver a verle.
She missed him terribly, but I understood.
Le echaba muchísimo de menos, pero lo entendí.
I must've missed him.
Debe habérseme pasado.
My train was 20 minutes late. I was afraid I'd missed him.
- Mi tren llegó con retraso, creí que no llegaba.
- I couldn't have missed him.
¿ Y el chico hubiera salido pitando?
I thought you missed him.
Pensê que estaría errado.
I don't want him to know you missed me.
No quiero que sepa que no me has matado.
I might have missed him myself.
Yo mismo podría haber errado.
I couldn't have missed him by more than a few inches.
- No ha sido culpa mía. De verdad. - Al parecer no ha sido la culpa de nadie.
Now if you'll step aside so i can thank him for a few other services... i... i couldn't have missed you.
Ahora, si es tan amable de apartarse, yo podré agradecerle otros servicios. No he podido fallar.
If I hadn't left him with my mother to join you on the road because you wrote telling me you missed me and were so lonely
Porque me escribiste contándome que me echabas de menos y que estabas tan solo
I was the one who missed him first.
Yo fui la primera que lo eché en falta.
I suppose if we'd tried to kill him with a gun, the bullet would have missed him.
Supongo que si intentáramos matarlo con una pistola la bala le haría desaparecer.
I didn't know you missed him so much. I'm jealous!
No sabía que le echaras tanto de menos. ¡ Estoy celoso!

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