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I told her that tradutor Espanhol

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I told her that I was dating this guy, but I was having some seriously hot fantasies about her and needed to know if she felt the same way.
Le dije que estaba saliendo con este chico, pero que estaba teniendo unas fantasías muy eróticas con ella y necesitaba saber si ella sentía lo mismo.
Well, I told her that if she handed over those videos,
Bueno, le dije que si entregaba esos videos,
I told her that if she comes today, I will take it as a yes.
Le dije que si venía, lo tomaría como un sí.
I told her that I'd think about it.
Le dije que lo pensaría.
I told her that if she couldn't care for the kid, she ought to give him to somebody who could, but I didn't mean that she should, you know, dump him or anything.
Le dije que si no podía cuidar del bebé, que debía dárselo a alguien que pudiera, pero no fue mi intención mandarla a hacerlo, ni que lo dejara abandonado.
I told her that I was trying to get some information about the box.
Le dije que yo estaba tratando de obtener información acerca de la caja.
I told her that I was now a happily married man with two young daughters.
Le dije que estaba felizmente casado con dos niñas pequeñas.
I told her that I wanted this, and now- -
Le dije que quería esto y ahora...
I told her that we were going home, but that bastard...
Le dije que iríamos a casa... pero ese hombre...
I told her that I would be staying with you.
Le dije que me quedaría contigo.
I told you that I will "run" into her no matter what.
Ya te lo dije, debemos encontrarnos casualmente.
I told her to leave her note under that sign.
Le dije que dejara la nota debajo de ese cartel.
I just talked to a colleague over at Bellevue who told me that your friend there, Molly Benedict, has had her fair share of psychiatric care over the past decade.
quien me dijo que tu amiga, Molly Benedict, ella tuvo su parte justa de cuidados psiquiátricos sobre la década pasada.
I told Kevin that I'd sent her elsewhere, to San Francisco.
Le dije a Kevin que la mandé a otro sitio, a San Francisco.
So I told her, "You go out, and you find somebody " that'll make you happy.
Así que le dije : " Encuentra a alguien que te haga feliz.
And then Louis went and told her that I was gonna break up with her.
Y entonces Louis le dijo que iba a romper con ella.
I told my friend Joy that I had a great guy to fix her up with, but, really, I have no one.
Le dije a mi amiga Joy que tenía a un gran tipo que saldría con ella, pero, en realidad, no tengo a ninguno.
I'm not gonna lie, when I told my mom initially that we were engaged, her reaction was a little lackluster.
No voy a mentir, cuando inicialmente le dije a mi mamá que estábamos comprometidas, su reacción fue un poco apagada.
I told her I shouldn't, that it was private between the two of you.
Le dije que no debería, que era algo privado entre ella y tú.
The last night we spent together, I told Alison that I'd meet her in New York.
La última noche que pasamos juntos, le dije a Alison que me reuniría con ella en Nueva York.
Told her who I was late for Sunday dinner with, and said I would ask the bunch of you to make sure that justice was served.
Le conté que llegaba tarde a la cena del domingo y le dije que le pediría a todos ustedes que se aseguren que se haga justicia.
Yeah. I, uh, told her that I was fighting the custody modification.
Sí, le dije que iba a luchar por modificar el acuerdo de custodia.
I told Grace - - whatever it takes to get her back on track and back on my track, that's fine.
lo que sea que haga para volver a la pista y a mi pista, está bien.
They blamed me, and they told me that it was my fault, that it was my job to protect her, and I didn't.
Me culparon a mí y me dijeron que fue culpa mía, que mi trabajo era protegerla y que no lo hice.
A couple of weeks ago when I met her, I was struck when you told me that Ann gives you her point of view on everything.
Hace un par de semanas, cuando la conocí, me llamó la atención que me dijera que Ann le da su punto de vista sobre todo.
I told you, I got a call from Bones, saying that Pelant had her.
Ya te lo he dicho, recibí una llamada de Huesos, diciendo que Pelant la tenía.
Well, I could have told her that.
Bueno, yo podría haberle dicho eso.
- Well, that's what I told her.
- Bueno, eso es lo que le dije.
I knew Dalia well enough to know that she was neither peaches nor cream, and something told me her story about Wan'er was just as spotty as the cell reception in Shun Ju. ( Doorbell rings ) ( Gasps ) Oh.
Conocía a Dallia lo suficiente como para saber que no era ni algodón ni azúcar y algo me decía que su historia sobre Wan ´ er era tan floja como la señal del móvil en Shun Ju. ¡ George!
Yeah, well, I just called and told her that it's ready for pickup.
Sí, bueno, acabo de llamarle para decirle que ya está listo para recogerlo.
Soon after reading that registered letter, Sarah tells the news to her brothers and sisters, and the question whether I should be told is now raised.
Pronto después de leer aquella carta certificada Sarah cuenta la noticia a sus hermanos y hermanas y la pregunta si me lo deberían dejar saber surge ahora.
I do believe I would have told her not to worry, and that I was quite ready to accept the ambiguity of the parentage.
Creo que le hubiera dicho que no se preocupara y que yo estaba bastante listo para aceptar la ambigüedad de la parentela.
I never told her that.
Nunca le dije eso.
I told that woman I loved her, laid my heart out in front of her and she chopped it up like we were at Benihana's.
Le dije a esa mujer que la amaba, puse mi corazón frente a ella y ella lo cortó en trocitos como si estuviésemos en Benihana.
He said that he would kill her if I told.
¿ Dónde está ella?
I mean, Nina came in asking about having that work done, but like I told her, we have a celebrity clientele.
Nina vino aquí pidiendo que le hiciera ese trabajo, pero como yo le dije, tenemos clientes famosos.
It wasn't until I told her who I was that she admitted the truth, that she was your daughter.
Hasta que no le dije quién era yo no admitió la verdad, que era tu hija.
Wait, I thought you told witness protection that you wanted her location kept secret, even from you.
Espera, creí que les dijiste a los de protección de testigos que querías mantener su localización en secreto, - incluso de ti.
I told that woman I loved her, laid my heart out in front of her, and she chopped it up like we were at Benihana's.
Le dije a esa mujer que la amaba, puse mi corazón frente a ella, y ella lo troceó como si estuviéramos en Benihana.
Because I told her at the wedding that we don't have to want the same things in order to be together.
Porque le dije en la boda que no es necesario que querramos lo mismo para estar juntos.
But I also told her that we would give her back to the pearlmans, like, in a second if it would keep them together.
Pero también le he dicho que la devolveríamos a los Pearlman enseguida si eso hiciera que estuvieran juntos.
Tyra told Cassandra that I asked you not to date her.
Tyra le ha contado a Casandra que te pedí que no salieses con ella.
I was just gonna drop her off and then scoot right home, but, well, then she told me about this kid that's been teasin'her pretty hard, and it turns out that's the reason that she's been avoiding school,
Sólo iba a dejarla y luego largarse a casa, pero, bueno, entonces ella me dijo acerca de este chico eso ha sido Teasin'su bastante difícil, y resulta que esa es la razón que ella ha estado evitando la escuela,
I told her you were in the shower and that we were going for breakfast before I take you home since my dad doesn't really cook.
Le dije que estabas en la ducha y que íbamos a por el desayuno antes de llevarte a casa ya que mi padre no sabe cocinar.
And I don't think that she could rest until her story was told.
Creo que no podía descansar hasta que se contara su historia.
That's it... other than what I've told you, they know nothing about her.
Eso es... otra cosa que te dije, ellos no saben nada sobre ella.
And on the long ride home, I want you to remember that day in Paris, when you first told Megan you loved her, and what that felt like.
Y en el largo camino a casa, quiero que recuerdes ese día en París, cuando le dijiste por primera vez a Megan que la querías, y como te sentiste.
No, I meant are you going to tell Anne that you're seeing Kathleen and that you told her she's gay.
No, me refiero a que le vas a decir a Anne que te estás viendo con Kathleen y que le dijiste que ella es gay.
I told her, that's Myliz ;
Le dije : " Ella es Myliz.
When I showed Jodi the pictures, her reaction was the kind of reaction I've gotten in the past when I told a family member about some terrible thing that had happened.
Cuando le mostré la foto a Jodi su reacción fue similar con la que observo cuando le informo a un familiar de que ha ocurrido algo terrible.
And she said that I found her hiding in my bathroom and that I told her Peter and I had an open marriage?
¿ Y dice que la encontré escondida en mi baño y la conté que Peter y yo tenemos un matrimonio abierto?

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