I told you guys tradutor Espanhol
847 parallel translation
I told you guys to stay down in that room with those pigeons.
Os dije que os quedarais con esas palomas.
I thought I told you guys to beat it.
Creí haberles dicho que se largaran.
I told you guys never to come here.
Les dije que nunca vinieran acá.
DON : How many times have I told you guys, never to argue with the referee?
¿ Cuántas veces les dije que no discutieran con el árbitro?
See? I told you guys.
¿ Sabéis una cosa?
I told you guys you're three weeks back in the rent. You said you'd give me it a week ago.
Chicos, os avisé que me debéis tres semanas de alquiler.
I told you guys many times, don't fool around!
¡ Os digo muchas veces que no perdais el tiempo!
I told you guys, no roughhousing.
Os he dicho que no quiero líos.
I told you guys before : too much smoking, too much boozing, too much screwing around, i ll get you every time.
Ya les advertí : fuman demasiado beben demasiado, cogen con demasiadas, los voy a atrapar siempre.
Look, are you a cop? I told you guys I don't know anything about him.
¿ Eres de la policía?
I told you guys, we shouldn't have shot Lieutenant Niedermayer!
¡ No deberíamos haber disparado al teniente Niedermayer!
I told you guys. The warp's expanding.
Se los dije, se está expandiendo la fisura.
I told you guys, never bet against me.
Les dije que jamás apostaran en contra mía.
I told you guys this was stupid.
Les dije que era una estupidez.
I told him any time you guys put on the vacuum to stay muzzled.
Le dije que siempre que preguntarais se pusiera el bozal.
Listen, if I told you newspaper guys what I really thought, they'd snatch my badge right off me.
Escuche, si yo les dijera a ustedes, los chicos de la prensa, lo que realmente pienso, me arrancarían la placa...
If I meet her, you guys could have all the women I ever told you about.
Si consiguiera salir con ella sólo una vez os regalaría mi agenda con los datos de todas las mujeres.
Alright, guys, I already told you that Tin Tan is mine money and all.
Bueno chanfrudos, quiero avisarlos. Tin Tan es mio con todo y lana.
I should've told you guys before.
Debería habéroslo contado antes.
I told you not to fool with those guys.
Te dije que no te hicieras el tonto con ésos.
I was told you guys were from Miami.
Me dijeron que erais de Miami.
- Why? I told you I didn't like wise guys.
No te hagas el tonto.
Tony, I already told the guys you'd be there.
Tony, ya le dije a todos que asistirías.
I told you guys that.
Os lo advertí.
These are some of the case histories of those soldiers, the guys I told you about.
Estos son algunos de los casos de los soldados de quienes le hablé.
I guess you guys didn't get the message when I told you about motorocity.
Veo que no entendieron el mensaje cuando les hablé de la motorocidad.
I've told you what I know about the "old" guys.
Ya le he contado todo lo que sé de los viejos camaradas.
You mean what I just told you guys - is gonna help my country?
¿ Lo que les dije va a ayudar a mi país?
I told you to lay off these guys!
¡ Te dije que les dejaras en paz!
I told you Treasury Department guys 100 times.
Os lo he dicho cien veces a los de Hacienda.
Two American guys are looking for you, one of them told me he's known you fora longtime but I don't like the look of him.
Dos americanos te están buscando, uno de ellos me dijo que te conocía desde hace tiempo, pero no me gustó la pinta que tenía.
Okay, you guys. What if I told you there's real gold out there?
¿ Y si les dijera que hay oro de verdad ahí fuera?
Y supongo que los del garaje te dijeron dónde estaba mi auto.
I'd like to know why none of the guys never told me that you Miss Ratched and the doctors could keep me here till you're good and ready to turn me loose.
Quisiera saber por qué nadie me dijo que Ud Srta. Ratched y los doctores me pueden tener aquí cuanto les plazca.
Don't respect anything. I told you all the guys that
Si te dijera quiénes intentaron salir conmigo...
Look, I told you guys, I haven't got it.
Lo siento.
Look, the other day I was talking to some guys... and they said they worked in the same department you do... and they told me they were going to send me... - -- forgive me, Miss Poli - --... such a witch,... such a cockatoo,... such a smoked oyster,... such a shark,... such a killer whale.
Mire, el otro día estaba yo platicando con unos tipos que aseguran que trabajan en la misma dependencia que usted y ello me dijeron que me iban a mandar... - -perdonando, señorita Poli- - que "a la bruja", que "a la cacatúa", que "a la ostra ahumada", que "a la tiburona", que "a la orca asesina".
I've always told you guys to be patient but everything has its limit.
Yo siempre he dicho a ustedes que ser paciente pero todo tiene su límite.
Hey, I told you I'd slept with a lot of guys.
Te dije que me acosté con muchos hombres.
I thought I told you to put those guys in the tank.
Creí haberte dicho que pusieras a esos tipos en la celda.
See, I told you these guys were tough.
Te dije que eran recios. Mira eso.
L-I was just puttin'Joey on the train to that camp out west... just like I told you, and then I was coming right over to see you guys.
Traje a Joey a tomar el tren, va al campamento... como te dije, y después iba a ir a verlos.
Carol Anne, I've told you guys to push your chairs in when you're done.
Carol Anne, les dije que arreglaran las sillas al terminar.
What took you guys so long? I told you to come early.
¿ Qué les llevó chicos tanto tiempo?
Remember I told you when you started, the guys who last in this business are the guys who fly straight,
Recuerda lo que te dije cuando empezabas : los tipos que duran en este negocio... son los que vuelan recto,
I've told you guys that story a thousand times.
Les conté esa historia miles de veces.
I told you I heard the name from one of the guys!
Te dije que oí ese nombre de uno de los muchachos.
I was told you were the guys to talk to.
Quería hablar con ustedes.
I told you, I'm not helping you guys until you get my dad back.
Les dije que los ayudaría, pero si liberan a mi padre.
Guys, this is Gib, the guy I told you about.
Este es Gib.
And I told you to kick ass on the youth gangs, not the old guys.
Te dije que repartieras leña entre las bandas de jóvenes, no entre los viejos.
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23