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I told him everything tradutor Espanhol

376 parallel translation
Well, madame, in order to save my home, I confess I told him everything.
Madame, para salvar mi hogar, le confieso que le conté todo.
I told him everything in my letter. He can't wait to get rid of me.
Se lo expliqué todo en mi carta
I told him everything. Here's the doll
Le he contado todo Aqui está.
I told him everything.
Se lo he dicho todo.
I told him everything.. about being expelled.. everything.
Se lo he contado todo. Lo de mi expulsión, todo.
I told him about Vera and Nick and old man Mackey. I told him everything that had happened. From the very beginning to the end.
Le conté todo lo que había... pasado desde el principio hasta el final.
I told him everything.
Se lo conté todo.
Romolo, I told him everything.
Romolo, le he contado todo.
I told him everything!
¡ Le conté todo!
You see, when I found out about you and Erich, I went to your husband and I told him everything because I was unhappy and desperate
Verá, cuando me enteré de lo suyo con Erich, fui a ver a su marido y se lo conté todo,
Yeah, I told him everything.
Sí, le conté todo.
I told him everything.
Yo se lo he dicho todo, ¿ no?
I told him everything that would make it possible for him to come here.
Le dije todo lo que le permitía venir aquí.
- I told him everything.
- Me lo contó todo.
- I told him everything.
- ¡ Se lo dije TODO!
- I told him everything.
! - ¡ Se lo he dicho TODO!
I told him everything.
Le dije todo lo qué sabia.
I told him everything, I'm getting a divorce.
Le dije todo, me voy a divorciar.
I can't blame him... but I'll wait. And I'll keep on waiting because I know things will improve. Everything I told you about us and our relationship... was a lie.
y esperar, porque sé que tarde rápido o las cosas van a mejorar todo lo que le dije a Mi relación con mi hijo..... que era todo mentira
You told him that I know everything?
le dije que lo sabes todo?
I've told him everything! "
¡ Se lo he contado todo!
Everything would be all right. Michael, if I went to the editor, If I told him what this means to us...
Michael, si fuera a ver al director y le dijera lo que esto nos está haciendo.
I told him I'd tend to everything.
Creo que voy a ir abajo y trabajaré en la barca.
I've told him everything is a fake.
Le he contado que todo es falso.
And when God put Noah in the ark... he told him to take two of everything. 'Cause God knowed that was right... and I guess he knowed what it was to be lonesome.
Y cuando Dios puso a Noé en el arca,... le pidió que cogiera una pareja de cada especie,... porque Dios sabía que eso estaba bien... y supongo que porque sabía lo que era estar solo.
I told you that an hour ago, but you had to give me the argument about "everything comes to him who waits".
- Ya hace una hora que te lo he dicho. Pero tú me sales con el refrán : "El que tiene esperanza su bien alcanza".
But don't let him know I told you everything.
Sobre todo, no le digáis que os conté todo.
I think it would be better if you called in Inspector Krogh and told him everything.
Creo que sería mejor que llamara al inspector Krogh y se lo contara todo.
Look - he do everything I told him.
Mire, hace todo Io que Ie he dicho.
I spoke to him. Told him everything you told me.
He hablado con él Le he contado lo que me dijo.
I've told him everything I know, and you too.
Le dije todo lo que sé y a ti también.
If I sent for him, told him everything...
Si enviara por él y le contara todo...
Major Hammond is innocent of everything and he would not be here now except that I went to him and told him my husband and his men were torturing his brother.
El mayor Hammond es inocente de todo, y no estaría aquí si no hubiese ido a decirle que mi marido y sus hombres estaban torturando a su hermano.
Donald's a husband who's believed everything I've told him since I was five years old.
Es un marido que se ha creído lo que le he dicho desde que tenía 5 años.
- I've told him everything.
- Se lo he dicho todo.
I told him nearly everything.
Le conté casi todo.
You know, I told him this would happen one of these days, the way he leaves everything unlocked.
Ya le dije que algún día ocurriría algo así. Siempre lo deja todo abierto cuando se va.
I told him I knew as a boy in a shop Hundred of Everything.
Le he dicho que conocí a un chico de calidad en una tienda de Todo a Cien.
If I were you, I'd pester him until he told me everything.
Si fuera tú, lo obligaría a contármelo todo.
- I heard everything you told him!
- Oí todo lo que hablaba con ese tipo.
For a moment, I even thought you'd told him everything and arranged for him to meet you.
Por un momento, hasta pensé que le habías contado todo y habías quedado en encontraros.
I told him to take care of everything, send me the bill, keep my name anonymous.
Le dije que se encargara de todo, me mandara la factura, y no divulgara mi nombre.
To him? No, I told him he was a sweet boy, and full of dreams and everything that's peachy keen.
No, les dije que era un buen chico, lleno de sueños y cosas agradables.
I told him people charge everything - hotels, department stores.
- Ahora la gente carga todo, hoteles, tiendas,
But I punished him, before committing suicide, I phoned the wife of that thing and I told her everything!
Pero yo le he fastidiado porque antes de suicidarme he telefoneado a su mujer y se lo he contado todo.
I again apologize to Leo, I told him that he had broken Phone, everything will be arranged.
He vuelto a pedir disculpas a Leo, le he dicho que se había estropeado el teléfono, todo se va a arreglar.
I told him. Everything.
Se lo conté todo.
Just tell him everything I told you.
Basta que le digas todo lo que yo te he dicho.
I told him I kept a diary detailing everything I did, day-by-day.
Le dije que llevo un diario donde escribo todo lo que me pasa, día a día.
I don't want to hear from you till you've told him everything.
No me llames hasta que le hayas hablado.
I'll wager this young rat's told him everything.
Apuesto a que esta rata se lo ha contado todo.

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