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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ M ] / Must have

Must have tradutor Espanhol

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- whatever happened, it must have knocked out the system. [line trilling] - mine's ringing!
Lo que haya pasado, derribó el sistema.
That must have been very frightening for you.
Eso debe haber sido muy aterrador para ti.
He voiced the opinion that I must have been talking to you.
Expresó la opinión de que debería haber estado hablando con usted.
He must have the pouch on him somewhere,
Debe tener su maleta con él,
Must have been one hell of a fight.
Debió de ser una gran pelea.
I threw those out... must have been a year ago.
Los tiré... hará un año.
- You must have heard.
- Debiste haber escuchado.
They must have had professional equipment.
Debieron tener equipamiento profesional.
So you must have known how to avoid getting pregnant.
Así que deberías saber cómo evitar un embarazo.
They must have driven here.
Deben haber manejado hasta aquí.
That house must have felt good.
Esa casa debe haberse disfrutado.
How it must have felt?
¿ La forma en que debe haberse sentido?
But Maasalo must have made a mistake.
Pero Maasalo debe haber cometido algún error.
She must have jacked his car at like eight in the morning on a Sunday before going to church, shot him, written that suicide note like a Jon Benet type note, put that it in his hand,
Ella debe haberse enamorado Su coche en como Ocho de la mañana en un El domingo antes de ir a la iglesia, Le disparó, escrito Esa nota de suicidio
He must have kept quiet all those years.
Debió haber mantenido Tranquilo todos esos años.
Her doctor in Haiti must have missed it because she's only four weeks along.
- Esto es absurdo. - Solo pérdida. - Vámonos de aquí.
No, no, I-I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to see your own brother pass.
No, no, no me imagino lo duro que tuvo que ser para ti ver morir a tu propio hermano.
He must have decided to stay undercover to get to Marconi.
Debió decidir mantenerse infiltrado para capturar a Marconi.
Which means that Lynn must have known about Chen.
Lo que significa que Lynn debía saber lo de Chen.
You must have so much in common.
Debéis tener mucho en común.
Oh, I must have dropped them.
Deben de habérseme caído.
He must have repaired the Lifeboat somehow.
Debe haber reparado la Salvavidas de alguna forma.
Can you imagine... being the first guy to do something like that, how terrifying it must have been?
¿ Te puedes imaginar... ser el primero en hacer algo así? ¿ Lo aterrador que debió ser?
I must have seemed so crazy.
No sé por qué tienes que quejarte.
It's... it's my fault. I must have gotten so tipsy on Halloween,
Aunque llevó a Dan y Blair hasta Juliet después de que drograra a Serena.
I must have been too busy at the petting cages.
Debo haber estado demasiada ocupada en las jaulas de mascotas.
I guess I guess you must have missed that fact When you were putting together
Supongo que se te debió pasar cuando estabas conformando esa descuidada y chapucera basura de carpeta.
Still, you must have a plan for getting us out of this mess.
Aun así, debes tener un plan para sacarnos de este desastre.
I thought you must have got lucky because the gods chose you, but... Maybe that is not true.
Pensé que debías tener suerte porque los dioses te eligieron, pero... tal vez eso no es verdad.
Donnie must have been surprised to hear that his dearly departed mom had a visitor.
Donnie debió sorprenderse al enterarse de que su querida y difunta madre había tenido una visita.
That must have been something.
Tuvo que ser alucinante.
You must have found their bodies, too.
También debes haber encontrado sus cuerpos.
Must have some kind of superpower.
Debes de tener algún superpoder.
Commodus must have an empress who will aid in his rule.
Cómodo debe tener una emperatriz que le ayude a gobernar.
One can suppose that they must have felt enormously isolated.
y se sentirá enormemente aislado.
Dio must have gotten to her.
Dión la habrá convencido.
And it must have been a very poignant scene.
Debía de ser una escena muy emotiva.
'Cause I guarantee somebody must have said,
Les garantizo que alguien debió decir :
There must have been an accident!
- Pasó algo muy grave. - ¡ Muévete!
You madman. You must have a death wish, huh?
Estás loco. ¿ Quieres morir?
I'm sure something must have happened.
Esto no es un simulacro. Algo pasó. ¿ Entiendes?
- They must have been blind.
- Deben haber estado ciegos.
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause.
Ya que en ese sueño de muerte, los sueños que pueden venir cuando al abandonar las vicisitudes de la vida, deberían proporcionarnos descanso.
Must be so hard for you to have to look at me all the time and be reminded of him every step of the way.
Debe ser muy duro tener que mirarme todo el rato y que te recuerde a él a cada momento.
In a couple of months, they will have to return to their dens to hibernate, so now they must put on as much weight as they can.
En un par de meses, tendrán que volver a sus guaridas para hibernar, así que ahora deben engordar todo lo que puedan.
He'll have no protection apart from a thin wall of grass, and must hope he's as well-hidden as the local wildlife.
No llevará ninguna protección salvo una fina pared de hierba, y confiar en esconderse tan bien como la fauna local.
And we're running out of suspects. Must have been one hell of a class.
Y nos estamos quedando sin sospechosos.
They must be important, or why else would Reza have them?
Deben ser importantes porque si no, ¿ por qué los tendría Reza?
And she was a successful wife with Marcus, gave him children over that period. So she must immediately have looked for her safety and for her family's safety.
Y fue una buena esposa para Marco Aurelio que le dio hijos en ese periodo, así que inmediatamente pensaría en su seguridad y la de su familia.
What a woman had to do was not be sexually attractive, but she must be able to have children.
Una mujer no debía ser atractiva sexualmente. Debía ser capaz de tener hijos.
Well, you must have.
Bueno, debe haber sido así.

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