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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / Never mind him

Never mind him tradutor Espanhol

306 parallel translation
Go back. Never mind him.
No hagan caso de él.
Never mind him.
- Él está bien.
Never mind him.
Oh, never mind him!
¡ Oh, a mí no me importa él!
Never mind him.
Never mind him.
Déjenlo, por ahora.
- Never mind him.
- No se preocupe por él.
Never mind him. He's a bit crazy.
No le hagas caso, está loco.
Never mind him.
¿ En la peluquería? No importa.
Never mind him
No le escuchemos.
- Never mind him.
- Qué más da.
Never mind him!
¡ Vas a perderlo!
Never mind him.
No te preocupes por el.
Never mind him.
No le consulte.
Never mind him now, Monty.
No importa, Monty.
Never mind him!
No hagas caso.
Now, never mind, Mary, if he doesn't come soon, I'll send John after him.
No le des importancia. Si no llega pronto, enviaré a John a por él.
Never mind, never mind, give him 50 bucks.
Dale 50 $.
- Never mind it. Give him the parrot there.
Denle el loro.
Never mind, I'll write him.
Deja, yo le escribiré.
Never mind. I'll tell him.
Olvídelo, se lo diré yo.
Never mind about him now.
No os preocupéis por él ahora.
Never mind me. Get him!
Olvídate de mí. ¡ Cógelo!
Never mind why. Don't ask questions, there's no time to lose. Call him.
No importa. ¡ Llámele!
Never mind about him.
No importa.
You'd never know him, never even understand his mind... any more than you understand anything except money.
Nunca lo conocerías, nunca lo comprenderías sólo comprendes el dinero.
- You're no good for him and he's no good for you, because well, never mind, he's no good for you.
- Tú no eres buena para él y él no es bueno para ti porque pues, olvídalo. De nada te sirve.
Never mind, we'll tell him. Thanks. Come on, Hank.
- Da igual, se lo diremos nosotros.
" There'd never been a man she couldn't get once she set her mind upon him.
Jamás se le había resistido ningún hombre.
Never mind. Let him alone.
No importa, déjenle quedarse.
Never mind, we'll kill him.
No le hace, nosotros nos lo echamos.
Never mind what he hates, get him.
No importa lo que odie, llámale. Rápido.
Never mind about him.
- No importa. - Podría perderse.
- Sonny Boy! - Never mind, lady. I'll get him for you.
Se lo traeré..
who, with a body filled and vacant mind, gets him to rest, crammed with distressful bread. Never sees horrid night, the child of hell, but like a lackey from the rise to set sweats in the eye of Phoebus, and all night sleeps in Elysium.
quien, con el cuerpo lleno y la mente vacía, obtiene su reposo embutido del pan de la miseria sin ver jamás la horrible noche, hija del Infierno, sino que como un lacayo desde el alba hasta el ocaso,
Never mind me. Help him. He's hurt his leg!
Tiene la pierna herida.
Never mind about him.
No te preocupes por él.
- Never mind. You don't know him.
- Nadie, tú no lo conoces.
Never mind. I'll tell him myself.
No importa, se lo diré yo.
Oh, Phil, never mind calling Baldwin, I'll send him a wire.
No llame a Baldwin. Yo le telegrafiaré.
Then we could walk down the street together And I wouldn't mind feeling him cringe-Never let on.
Podríamos ir por la calle sin tener que fingir que no le veo sufrir.
He's alright, never mind about him.
Está bien. No te preocupes por él.
Never mind him.
Déjalo quieto. Siga contra las escaleras.
Or make up your mind you'll never see him again.
O resígnate a no verle nunca más.
Never mind what his lawyer said, he killed that'tec, and what's more, he meant to kill him.
Mató a ese detective, y lo que es peor, tenía intención de matarlo.
Never mind about the year. What about him?
- No importa el año, y él?
Never mind, I'll see him personally.
No importa, le veré personalmente.
Well, never mind, Mr. Simpson, we'll get him on this next one.
¡ Bueno, no importa, le daremos en la próxima!
No me importan sus órdenes.
And, uh, tell him - Oh, never mind.
Y dile... - No importa.
Never mind why I want him.
No importa por qué lo quiero.

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