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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / They will kill him

They will kill him tradutor Espanhol

136 parallel translation
But they will kill him for what you did!
¡ Pero le matarán por lo que usted hizo!
They will kill him.
Le matarán.
- No, they will kill him.
- No, la palmaron.
They will kill him!
¡ Lo van a matar!
I think, they will kill him.
Creo que van a ejecutarle.
They will kill him.
Lo van a matar.
If you tell your uncle he's alive, they will kill him.
Si le dices a tu tío que él está vivo, lo matarán.
They will kill him!
¡ Le van a matar!
They will kill him.
Lo matarán.
Asha, they will kill him!
Asha, que te va a matar!
They will kill him.
Van a matarlo.
Or they will kill him.
Si no, lo matarán.
Then they will kill him!
¡ Y ellos Io matarán a él!
They will kill him.
- Lo matarán.
They will kill him!
¡ Lo matarán!
Say nothing more or they will kill him.
No digas más o lo matarán.
They will kill him.
Ellos lo matarán.
They will kill him!
Lo matarán.
Soon... they will kill him.
Pronto... le matarán.
So they will kill him, Hegemon! ?
Entonces, ¿ le matarán, hegémono?
It has to, I have to, or they will kill him.
Tiene, tengo que.. o lo matarán.
- They will kill him!
¡ Lo van a matar!
they will kill him kill him while passing If something happens to my child, God will Take care of him.
Por parte de nadie. Escuche, sí a mi hijo le llega a pasar algo, que Dios lo proteja.
Him they will kill him.
Lo matarán.
If they find out who we are, they will kill him.
Si descubren quiénes somos lo matarán.
Will they kill him?
¿ Lo matarán?
If we kill him before they get to him then you know what will happen.
Si lo matamos antes de que lo cojan, ya sabéis lo que pasará.
Sure. You'll catch him and they'll kill him and everybody will forget about it.
Seguro, lo atraparás y lo matarán.
I'm afraid they will kill me the way they killed him.
De que me maten como lo mataron a él.
The big question is, will they kill him?
La gran pregunta es, ¿ cómo lo matarán?
- You will kill me like they killed him.
- Me mataréis, como ellos le mataron.
They will kill the enemy if they can. Burn the crops that might feed him. And plant again when he's gone.
Matarán al enemigo si pueden... quemarán los cultivos que puedan alimentarlo... y sembrarán de nuevo cuando se haya ido.
If they had managed to kill him, if they still manage to kill him, the Hindus will have no leader.
Si hubieran logrado matarle a él, igual que a su padre, si aún lograran matarle, Charles, los Hindúes se quedarían sin líder
They will kill him.
Ellos van a matarlo.
Will they kill him? Why?
¿ Lo van a matar?
- Apostle 2 : Why will he go? They all say that they have accused him and want to kill him.
¿ Por qué quiere ir si dicen que lo han denunciado y lo quieren matar?
If publishing the truth is forbidden... lies and poverty will triumph... and ignorance. It's something like this : They didn't kill him for nothing.
Es algo así como : que si no dejan publicar la verdad... va a triunfar la mentira, el empobrecimiento... el embrutecimiento.
'If they will ever release him, I will kill myself.'
"Si alguna vez se lo ponen en libertad, Voy a suicidarme".
Calm down, will you? You heard him, they'll kill her!
Ya le has oído, la matará.
But... will they just find Milhouse, or will they find him and kill him?
Pero, solo lo encontraran... o lo encontraran y mataran?
The Watchers want to kill him, and they eventually will kill him, unless he learns the truth about who killed his son.
Los Observadores quieren matarlo. Y eventualmente lo matarán, a menos que sepa la verdad de quien mató a su hijo.
If you try to help him, they will kill you.
Si tratas de ayudarlo, ellos te mataran..
Well, if we don't kill him, they probably won't give us the money, will they?
Pues si no le matamos, seguramente no nos darán... el dinero, ¿ verdad?
- The second reason is, you tell him I killed Shemin, they will kill me.
- La segunda razón es que si les dices que maté a Shemin, me matarán.
But you know what will happen if they see him? - Yeah, they'll kill him.
"Los cargos del pecado deben pagarse."
"and his men will kill you tomorrow, they will kill me. Let him go!"
"Y sus hombres lo matarán mañana, Me matarán. ¡ Déjelo ir!"
But if you kill him now, the only thing people will remember about today is how some transgenic killed a human being in cold blood and then they'll never stop hunting us.
Pero si lo matas ahora, lo único que la gente recordará del día de hoy... es que un transgénico mató a un ser humano a sangre fría Y entonces jamás dejarán de perseguirnos
They have just had a row most horrific in which she has threatened to kill him, and yet a short time later, they're having an argument relatively trivial in which M. Crale says he will see to Angela's packing.
Acababan de tener una pelea terrible, ella había amenazado con matarle, y muy poco después mantenían una discusión sin mucha importancia, y monsieur Crale decía que mandaría a Ángela a hacer las maletas.
Because they know that if they give us that kid, then we'll kill him, and when our commercial goes on the air, it will lose them business!
¡ Ellos saben que si nos dan a el niño, Nosotros le mataremos! ¡ Y nuestro anuncio saldrá en la TV, y su negocio estará arruinado!
If they kill him no one else will be hurt.
Si ellos le matan, nadie más quedara herido.
After which time it will be the duty and the obligation of every Roman to do him harm or to kill him if they are able!
Luego será el deber y la obligación de cada romano hacerle daño o matarlo, si pueden.

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