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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We're in luck

We're in luck tradutor Espanhol

222 parallel translation
Uh-huh. We're in luck.
Tenemos suerte.
Hello! We're in luck.
Tenemos suerte.
Lorraine, we're in luck.
Lorraine, estamos de suerte.
We're in luck.
Estamos de suerte.
We're in luck.
Tenemos suerte.
We're in luck, sir. The show's still on.
Tenemos suerte, la función no acabó.
We're talking about luck. I don't believe in it.
Estamos hablando de la suerte.
But we're still in luck.
Pero la suerte no nos abandona.
We're in luck!
You're in luck. We have a cattle boat calling there tomorrow to pick up some geese.
Un barco de ganado llega mañana por la tarde a cargar.
We're in luck, Esther. - Why?
Estamos de suerte, Esther.
- We're still in luck.
- Estamos de suerte.
- Ah, we're in luck. - [Bulldog] Help.!
- Tenemos suerte.
Estamos de suerte.
We're in luck.
Hay una autopista aquí enfrente.
Perdy, we're in luck!
Perdi, ¡ Estamos de suerte!
We're in luck if this thing is edible.
Estamos de suerte si esta cosa es comestible.
We're in luck. The door's unlocked.
La puerta está abierta.
Hey, we're in luck.
Oye, tenemos suerte.
Four. But, one of them's taken the horse away. I think we're in luck!
- Pero uno de ellos está ocupado con el caballo, estamos de suerte.
We were expecting you tomorrow, but you're in luck, it's the off-season.
Le esperábamos mañana, pero es temporada baja.
I've been trying to convince him that we're all in danger, and I haven't had much luck.
Intenté convencerlo de que todos peligramos, pero no he tenido éxito.
We're in luck, Chief.
Estamos con suerte, jefe.
Wait, 99, we're in luck!
Espera, 99, tenemos suerte.
I'm in the closet on the roof, but we're in luck.
Estoy en el armario de la terraza. Pero tenemos suerte.
We're in luck.
Max, tenemos suerte.
Well, then we're in luck, Chief.
- Qué suerte.
Let's see if we're in luck.
Vamos a ver si tenemos suerte.
Hey, we're in luck. They're haven't walled her up yet.
Estamos de suerte.
- Yes, sir. We're in luck.
- Estamos de suerte.
We're closing in. This time, with any luck, he's mine.
Nos estamos acercando esta vez con un poco de suerte, va a ser mío.
Listen. We're in luck.
Tenemos suerte.
We're in luck.
Tuvimos suerte.
Boy, we're in luck today.
Hoy estamos de suerte.
Well, we're in luck because he just told me I could speak to you.
Tenemos suerte porque me autorizó a hablar contigo.
Boss Hu, we're in bad luck today
Jefe Hu, hoy tenemos mala racha.
Well, we're in luck.
Tenemos suerte.
- We're in luck.
- Tenemos suerte.
Look, we're in luck.
Mira, hemos tenido suerte.
Boomer, we're in luck.
Boomer, estamos de suerte.
Built-in safety factor or not, we're pushing our luck in here.
Pese al factor de seguridad, el peligro es eminente.
Maybe we're in luck at last.
Quizá finalmente estamos de suerte.
We're gonna all find out In a couple of seconds... whether if's just beginner's luck, or If this boy's got some redneck in him.
En un par de segundos vamos a averiguar... si es la suerte del principiante o si este muchacho tiene algo de vaquero.
We're in luck, sir. A parking space.
Tenemos suerte, aquí hay un estacionamiento.
We're going to try our luck in the underworld.
Estamos yendo a probar nuestra suerte en el inframundo.
That's good, we're in luck.
Bien, tenemos suerte.
He's got her address. We're in luck.
Tiene su dirección, tenemos suerte.
We're in luck.
- Menuda suerte.
We're in luck!
Estamos de suerte.
We're in luck :
Y tenemos suerte...
No, we're in luck.
No, estamos de suerte.

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