You made it up tradutor Espanhol
1,099 parallel translation
But you made it up this morning.
La hizo esta mañana.
You made it up, but i like it. So do i.
- Te la has inventado, pero me gusta.
So you made it up to him, hating slavery as you do.
Y usted se apiadó de él, porque odiaba la esclavitud.
You made it up?
- ¿ Te lo inventaste?
Aw, you made it up.
Aw, lo hiciste.
You made it up well.
Bien pensado.
- You made it up!
- ¡ Lo estás inventando!
You made it up.
Tú la has construido.
It's high time you made it up. [ Door opens ;
- Entonces podréis hacer las paces.
I made mistakes, but give me a way to make it up, to show you what I'm worth.
Me he equivocado. Pero déjame repararlo, demostrarte lo que valgo.
Billy, i know you're just pretending to talk to her on that phone. I know it's just a game you made up.
Sé que es un juego que te has inventado, pero... por mí, no lo hagas delante de tu madre.
I made up a poem for you. Would you like to hear it?
Te he escrito un poema.
You just made it up.
Lo acaba usted de inventar.
- You think I made it up?
- No me lo he inventado.
If you reach out to touch it, you discover that the flower was not a flower at all, but a design made up of hundreds of tiny insects called Fattid bugs.
Cuando te acercas a tocarla descubres que no es una flor sino un dibujo formado por cientos de diminutos insectos.
You know, it may be she made up to him deliberately in order to gain entrée into these houses so as to, as you would put it, case the joints for her real paramour Compton.
Bueno, puede ser que se acercara a él deliberadamente para ganarse la "entrée" en estas casas para, como diría usted, reconocer el terreno para su verdadero amante Compton.
Still, I have made it up to you in other ways, haven't I?
Sin embargo, te he compensado de otra manera, ¿ no es cierto?
- If I tell you I never had another woman, and I just made it up hoping you'd forgive me?
Si te dijera que nunca he estado con ninguna otra mujer, que sólo lo he confesado para que me perdonaras...
Hey, have you made up your mind about it?
Hey, ¿ has pensado en eso?
- We just made it. Could you fill her up?
- Hemos llegado justos. ¿ Lo llena?
- You made it all up, Maria.
- Tú la has liado, Maria.
Has it occurred to you that there's a certain inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about?
¿ Ha pensado que hay cierta ineficiencia en preguntarme siempre cosas que ya decidió?
Well, it was a little embarrassing since I did recommend you and since you did expose our top man in government, but KAOS is made up of reasonable men.
Bueno, fue un poco vergonzoso dado que yo te recomendé y dado que tú diste a conocer a nuestro hombre en el gobierno pero KAOS está formado por hombres razonables.
You made it all up just to get your name in the papers.
Lo inventó todo. Para salir en los periódicos.
I had it made up for you guys.
La mandé hacer para vosotros.
- You just made it up!
- ¡ Te lo has inventado!
You just made it up!
¡ Te lo has inventado!
And is it always the one that wants you to prove something you can't prove and thinks life is made up of deals?
¿ Y hay siempre alguno que quiere que demuestres algo que tú no puedes, y que piensa que la vida está hecha de tratos?
It seems to me, you're just scared and have made up you mind to flee.
Me parece que estás asustado, y solo piensas en huir.
You do understand, don't you that even if you are made his legal guardian it'll still be up to me as head of this hospital to authorize his release in your charge.
Comprenderá que incluso aunque le concedan la custodia legal todavía dependerá de mí como director de este hospital la autorización de su salida a su cargo.
You haven't made up your mind, you've lost it.
No has tomado una decisión, has perdido la cabeza.
But you've made up your minds to do it, and you will!
¡ Pero habéis decidido hacerlo y lo haréis!
Go to the compartment. If the berth isn't made up... tell you don't feel well and have it made up.
Ve al compartimento y si la cama no está hecha... di que no te encuentras bien y ordena que la hagan.
The thing about the party, I made it up,... and I didn't make my first communion in a white suit,... but indeed you're going to.
Lo del desayuno eran patrañas, y no hice la primera comunión con un traje blanco, ahora que tú sí la vas a hacer.
Don't try and scare me perhaps you made it all up.
No me amenaces. Ha sido una mala pasada.
It's too bad you haven't made up your minds.
Lástima que aún os hayáis decidido.
You have made up a story because it's what you want to believe, because of me.
Quieres creer esa historia por mí.
Because it's made up, my friend, of strange people, though none are stranger than you!
Pues es compuesto, mi amigo, de personas extraña, ¡ pero no más extrañas que usted!
You have committed your life, you have made it your life's work to suck in the poorest people in this town and sell them the shoddiest trash I've ever seen for the most blown-up, exorbitant prices I could ever have expected to see anywhere.
Toda la vida, lo que convirtió en el trabajo de su vida fue engañar a las personas más pobres de la ciudad y venderles la peor mierda que jamás haya visto a precios altos y exorbitantes que jamás imaginé ver en otro lugar.
This may sound odd, but my job is made up of odd things. Isn't it Rosemonde you want to speak to?
- ¿ No estará buscando a Rosemonde?
You know what it was that really made up my mind?
¿ Sabe qué fue lo que me decidió?
Now, you will return the key to Messrs. Horniblow and Jimson, saying that you're interested in the property, yes, but you haven't yet made up your mind and you'll probably want to view it again.
Luego regrese las llaves a la Sra. Hornblue y Gimson... diciendo que usted.. está interesado en la propiedad... pero que debe pensarlo... y probablemente tenga que verla de nuevo.
Don't you think it's time you made up your mind?
¿ No crees que es tiempo de decidirte?
Have you noticed it's not been made up?
¿ Se dio cuenta que no la hicieron?
I don't expect you to let me see your daughter right off, sir, but I just wanted to stop by and let you know... that it wasn't some wild story I made up in Florida.
No espero que me deje ver a su hija de inmediato, señor, pero quería pasar a saludar y hacerle saber... que no era ningún cuento chino que me inventé en Florida.
And a right foul-up you've made of it too!
Y has cometido un fallo, también!
- The man up there, he said he'd like it better if he could go in to the judge and tell him... that you'd made one good case for Uncle and you were working on some others.
Aquél tipo de allá... me dijo que preferiría ir al juez y decirle... que colaboraste con el tío en un buen caso, y que estabas trabajando en otros.
You made it. I was about ready to give up on you.
Ya estaba por perder las esperanzas.
And we set this "rassIe you for it" business, which we do at the end, we set it up like it wouId be a big deal. We made it not a big deal.
Añadimos esa frase de "se lo juego a una lucha", como si fuera una apoteosis, pero fue una pelea muy rápida.
And I finally managed to dig up some hidden accounts... on that last picture you made in Italy. You didn't lose a penny on it, but the studio lost two million dollars. That bomb.
Y, por último, descubrí ciertas cuentas secretas sobre la última película que filmaste en Italia.
If you were asked to sum up what it was that made David such a good journalist what would you say?
Si se le pidiera resumir qué hacía a David tan buen periodista ¿ qué diría usted?
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made a promise 37
you made the right choice 44
you made me 53
you made me a promise 19
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made a promise 37
you made the right choice 44
you made me 53
you made me a promise 19
you made a choice 27
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made this 52
you made sure of that 16
you made 28
you made that up 37
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made this 52
you made sure of that 16
you made 28
you made that up 37
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made that 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16