Before i knew it tradutor Francês
580 parallel translation
Before I knew it, he rushed to the table drawer and opened it.
Aussitôt, il a ouvert le tiroir de la table.
Days passed, and before I knew it, weeks.
Les jours ont passé, puis les semaines.
And before I knew it, I was married... ... to this pillar of the mortgage, loan and trust.
On m'a mariée avant que je puisse dire ouf, à ce pilier de l'hypothèque et de l'emprunt.
I know it's ridiculous for me to think that you could think that I could write some words but the melody kept saying the words over and over while you were playing and before I knew it, I had a song.
Je sais, c'est ridicule de penser que tu pourrais penser que je pourrais écrire des paroles, mais je n'arrêtais pas d'entendre des mots pendant que tu jouais, - et ça a donné une chanson.
I happened to mention I was a bit nervy... and before I knew it I'd agreed to spend a few days with her.
Je lui ai dit que j'étais tendue et sans le vouloir j'ai accepté d'y aller.
- He wasn't there. Well, anyhow, before I knew it, I lost my head.
C'est là que j'ai perdu la tête.
Before I knew it, I'd put the other kid's eye out.
Et je lui ai crevé un oeil, au copain.
I sort of wondered about them, and before I knew it I popped a quarter in and a whole lot of fruit started spinning around like...
Ça m'intriguait, alors j'ai mis une pièce de 25 cents, et toutes sortes de fruits ont commencé à tourner...
Well, before I knew it, I popped in another quarter and that was the last of the haircut.
J'ai sorti une autre pièce de 25 cents, c'était l'argent de ma coupe.
I got in the same old routine and before I knew it, I was on it again.
Je suis retombé dans ma routine avant de m'en apercevoir.
I saw you, I wanted you and before I knew it, I was Alexander Dumas.
Je vous ai vue et, pour vous, je suis devenu Alexandre Dumas.
It was a mess. Before I knew it, she was crying on my shoulder.
Et puis elle s'est mise à pleurer sur mon épaule, comme une enfant.
I seemed lost after that, and before I knew it, I was his.
Ensuite... devenue très lâche, je me suis retrouvée vivant avec lui.
Before I knew it, they built generators. Used funds allocated for other work.
Puis ils ont fabriqué des génératrices en détournant les fonds.
And then, almost before I knew it, we were there. We were landing.
Et avant que je n'ai réalisé, nous y étions, nous avions atterri.
But we got past the rapids all right. And I'd just left the bridge to go down to get a pot of tea and before you knew it, that orangatang at the wheel runs the nose right in the mud bank.
Nous avions déjà passé les rapides, j'étais descendu me faire un thé et voilà que l'orang-outan qui était à la barre nous expédie dans la boue de la rive.
Oh, Peter, I knew how to tell you about it before I left but here... Here there... there are no words for such loveliness.
Peter, je savais comment vous l'exprimer avant mon départ, mais ici, aucun mot ne permettrait d'exprimer une telle allégresse.
I got it. I knew I'd seen this face before, I knew it.
Ça y est, je savais que j'avais déjà vu cette tête.
I knew I had hold of a red-hot poker... and the time to drop it was before it burned my hand off.
Je tenais un tisonnier incandescent, j'allais le lâcher avant de me brûler.
Not a bit. I knew what was in that letter even before I opened it.
Je savais ce qu'elle allait dire avant de l'ouvrir.
I didn't know it at first but I knew it before we married.
Je l'ignorais, mais je l'ai su avant le mariage.
And before I went back to school the last time, I knew you knew it
Et avant que je retourne à l'école la dernière fois, je savais que vous le saviez
I guess we both fell in love before we knew it.
J'imagine qu'on est tombés amoureux avant même de le savoir.
I knew before you opened your mouth it would be my fault.
Je savais avant que tu ouvres la bouche que ce serait ma faute.
It reminds me of someone I knew before my marriage.
- Ça me rappelle quelqu'un que j'ai connu avant mon mariage.
It wasn't like anybody I ever knew before.
II est différent de tous Ies autres.
I knew you'd want to see it before you left.
Je savais que tu voudrais le voir avant de partir.
I knew it before. Well...
Je l'ai vu venir Comme ça
It's just that i knew him a long time before i knew you.
Je l'ai connu bien avant toi.
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Mais depuis que je t'ai vue... Depuis que tu as prié pour moi, je ne veux plus vivre seul. Je voulais te revoir avant de partir pour être sûr que je ne me trompe pas.
It's no proof but when you told me about Chivington, I knew I'd heard his name before.
Ça ne prouve rien mais, quand vous avez parlé de Chivington je savais que j'avais déjà entendu ce nom.
"Strike down the jailer with a knife." I'd have killed him before I even knew I was doing it.
Et maintenant, moi qui ne pense qu'à sauver ta vie,
I knew what he was gonna do before he did it.
Je prévoyais tous ses gestes.
Shucks, Ellen, I knew Ohms Law before they even passed it.
Ellen, je connaissais la loi d'Ohms avant même qu'elle ne soit votée!
I knew it before you did.
Je l'ai su avant vous.
Before I opened it, I knew he was standing on the other side.
Avant d'ouvrir, j'ai vu que c'était lui sur le porche.
I knew it before that, Jim.
Bien avant ça, Jim.
I suppose I knew then that what he was doing was contrary to somebody's law, but... my granddaddy had done it before him, his daddy before him and so on clear back to Ireland.
Je savais déjà que c'était contre certaines lois, mais mon grand-père lui avait montré, et son père avant lui, etc., jusqu'en Irlande.
Turn it back to another time in this valley that I knew before. What time was that, Luke?
- Remonter â l'époque de la vieille vallée.
- If I knew, we'd have done it before. See?
- Si j'avais su, nous l'aurions fait plus tôt.
I guess she knew it before I did.
Je pense qu'elle l'a su avant moi.
I couldn't call it by name before, but maybe it's been there since I first knew you.
Je ne pouvais pas donner un nom à ce sentiment, mais c'est peut-être bien là depuis que je t'ai rencontrée.
It is why I said before that I thought that no one but Nicholas and myself knew about this.
C'est pour cela que j'ai dit que seuls Nicholas et moi étions au courant.
I knew it before Charcot.
Je le savais avant Charcot.
I wish i knew... how much longer it would go on or how long before it stops.
J'aimerais savoir combien ça va durer, ou quand ça s'arrêtera. Ca continue.
I knew it even before they did.
Je l'ai su avant eux.
I knew it. I wrote the card with your flowers before the show.
Je l'ai écrit sur la carte du bouquet de fleurs.
Before your lips confirmed that you loved me, I knew it, I knew it.
Avant que tes lèvres m'avouent que tu aimais, je le savais déjà, je le savais déjà...
If I knew before that it'd be so easy to have you It would have spare me a lot of things.
Si j'avais su avant que tu étais si facile à avoir... je me serais épargné toutes ces choses.
Even before I knew what to do with it.
Oui, même avant de savoir quoi en faire.
You knew what I was going to do before I did it.
Vous saviez ce que j'allais faire avant que je le fasse.
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before it's too late 194
before i 37
before i do 21
before i was born 20
before i forget 163
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before it's too late 194
before i 37
before i do 21
before i was born 20
before i change my mind 51
before i came here 25
before i kill you 16
before i left 26
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew it was him 16
before i came here 25
before i kill you 16
before i left 26
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew it was him 16
i knew it was wrong 23
knew it 50
before 1084
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before your time 20
before you start 24
before we begin 97
knew it 50
before 1084
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before your time 20
before you start 24
before we begin 97