Covered in blood tradutor Francês
591 parallel translation
- Clothes covered in blood!
- Robe couverte de sang!
Most European cities have already been taken... and any resistance is covered in blood.
La plupart des villes européennes ont déjà été conquises... et toute résistance est réprimée dans le sang.
My poor room was covered in blood.
Ma pauvre chambre, toute en sang!
The loveliest, cleanest one, covered in blood!
La plus belle! Toute en sang!
A young man covered in blood. A flagrant case of assassination, were there ever one.
- Il n'était pas seul, il portait quelqu'un sur son dos.
He showed up at my place, soaking wet, covered in blood...
- Il est arrivé chez moi, trempé, plein de sang.
That she saw me... ... or a statue of me covered in blood.
Elle m'a vu... couvert de sang.
.. Jonché corpses, carpet covered in blood.
.. jonché de cadavres, la moquette couverte de sang.
The killer would be covered in blood.
Parce que celui qui a tué cette fille était couvert de sang.
And the flowers kept on falling on his bare legs on his chest covered in blood, on his blond head and the little Lombardian soldier sleeping there in the grass, wrapped in the Italian flag happy to have given his life for his homeland.
Et les fleurs continuèrent à pleuvoir sur ses jambes nues, sur sa poitrine ensanglantée, sur sa tête blonde, et le petit soldat de Lombardie dormira là, dans l'herbe, enveloppé de la bannière tricolore, heureux d'avoir donné sa vie pour sa patrie.
Torikoshi was all covered in blood, and Zatoichi was standing there right next to him, like this.
Le corps de Torigoshi, couvert de sang. Et Zatoichi à côté de lui.
Then I saw that I was covered in blood. It was everywhere.
Puis j'ai vu que j'avais du sang partout.
You're covered in blood.
Tu es couvert de sang.
They beat him with chains and whips for hours until his flesh was covered in blood.
Ils le frappèrent avec des chaînes et des fouets pendant des heures jusqu'à ce qu'il soit couvert de sang.
You tried to kill me as I was lying on my back, and my bed was covered in blood.
Tu essayais de me tuer, j'étais allongée sur le dos... et le lit était plein de sang.
You're covered in blood.
Tu es tout en sang.
And arriving at your place, through the garden, I found this monk covered in blood.
Et en arrivant chez toi, par le jardin, j'ai trouvé ce bonze ensanglanté.
I found her jacket covered in blood. I had to force her to tell me.
Sa veste était pleine de sang, je l'ai forcée à avouer.
we saw a man covered in blood.
nous vîmes un homme couvert de sang.
Teacher Sha died in front of you, with his face covered in blood...
Maître Sha est mort devant moi, son visage couvert de sang.
Her legs were spread wide apart. Her face was covered in blood, swollen, discoloured.
Jambes écartées, le visage ensanglanté, tuméfié, altéré.
If you cut the jugular vein, you and the walls would be covered in blood.
Si tu tranches la carotide, le sang gicle sur les murs, et toi, des pieds à la tête, tu es inondé.
They're covered in blood!
Elles sont couvertes de sang!
You're covered in blood!
Tu es pleine de sang!
Oh, I know it. I always get those sort of parts where either I'm covered in blood or I'm drenched to the skin.
J'obtiens toujours des rôles où je suis couverte de sang ou trempée.
Your grandmother herself saw those weapons covered in blood
Ta grand-mère elle-même a vu ces armes couvertes de sang.
Lots of people like ghosts covered in blood went into the shelters.
J'ai vu des tas de gens comme des spectres couverts de sang.
You're covered in blood.
Il est couvert de sang.
All I remember is feeling something sticky in my pants and finding them covered in blood.
Mais après avoir senti un truc bizarre, j'ai trouvé mon slip taché de sang.
Was she covered in blood?
Etait-elle en sang?
That the room was covered in blood.
qu'il y avait du sang partout.
It's covered in blood!
Il est couvert de sang!
We've got a report of a young man covered in blood... harassing two girls at the gas station on Waxman Road.
Un homme couvert de sang a harcelé deux filles... à la station-service de la route Waxman.
A man was seen leaving the area, his clothes covered in blood.
On a vu un homme couvert de sang.
My hands are covered in blood.
J'ai les mains pleines de sang.
I was covered in blood. You think I told him I got my period?
J'étais couverte de sang, je devais dire que j'avais mes regles?
Then Harold comes back into the house, covered in blood...
Alors Harold revient dans la maison, couvert de sang...
Joseph, you're covered in blood. What happened to you?
Joseph, tu es couvert de sang!
I saw it with my own eyes. The blood covered fire poker in her hand, or at least near her.
J'ai vu de mes propres yeux le tisonnier plein de sang à côté d'elle.
A drop of rum in your tea is supposed to build up your strength... only the doctor says you must take it... after you've got into bed and be sure to keep well covered... as it's heating to the blood... and you're liable to take a chill.
Une goutte de rhum dans le thé est supposée vous fortifier... mais le docteur dit qu'on doit le prendre... après s'être couchés et il faut surtout bien se couvrir... car cela réchauffe le sang... et on pourrait prendre froid.
"The killing took place in a picturesque tenement basement, the walls covered with blood and bullets."
La scène s'est déroulée dans un sous-sol d'immeuble, les murs étaient couverts de sang et criblés de balles. "
She was covered in blood.
Elle était en sang.
That she's covered in blood We're going to lay her down
Nous allons l'étendre comme sur un lit.
Because of this rise in temperature, I believe it was able to ingest the canine blood with which it was covered. I believe...
Due à cette montée de temperature, je pense qu'il a été capable d'absorber le sang du chien avec lequel il était couvert.
You see, Cadet De Paris, now if laboratory analysis shows there's no alcohol in a man's blood, well then, even though he's reeking of whiskey and his clothes are covered with it and there's liquor bottles all around and he's dazed from a bad beating,
Voyez-vous, si les analyses prouvent qu'il n'a pas d'alcool dans le sang, même s'il pue le whisky et que ses vêtements en sont trempés, qu'il y a des bouteilles autour de lui, et qu'il a reçu des coups,
I was in the garden waiting for the carriage, when I saw him covered with blood.
J'étais dans le jardin, à attendre qu'arrive le carrosse,... quand je l'ai vu devant moi, tout couvert de sang.
"Under pants covered with blood in Scotland Yard"
"Culottes sanglantes à Scotland Yard"
How did you get covered in all this blood?
D'où vient tout ce sang?
Joe, there are days you come in and there are nights I know your hands have been covered with blood.
Il y a des jours, des soirs quand tu rentres, je sais que tu as les mains pleines de sang.
- The French are invaders, and you should know it better than all, because the night when our Pope was abducted, I saw you get in covered with blood that you shed in order to defend him.
- Les français sont des envahisseurs, et vous devriez le savoir mieux que tout le monde, parce que la nuit quand notre pape a été enlevé, je vous ai vu rentrer couvert de sang que vous avez versé pour le défendre.
We will show that the murder weapon was in Mr. Paris'possession at the time of his arrest and that it was covered with the blood type of Mr. Farley, and also that of the defendant.
L'arme du crime, trouvée au domicile de M. Paris lors de son arrestation, était entachée du sang de M. Farley mais aussi de celui de l'accusé.
in blood 23
blood 1038
bloody 177
blooded 155
bloody mary 53
bloody hell 1276
blood pressure 102
blood type 26
blooded murder 40
blood for blood 26
blood 1038
bloody 177
blooded 155
bloody mary 53
bloody hell 1276
blood pressure 102
blood type 26
blooded murder 40
blood for blood 26
blood is in the water 19
blood everywhere 57
blooded killer 92
bloody fool 33
bloody idiot 27
blooded murderer 23
bloody nora 21
cover 186
covered 59
covert affairs 56
blood everywhere 57
blooded killer 92
bloody fool 33
bloody idiot 27
blooded murderer 23
bloody nora 21
cover 186
covered 59
covert affairs 56
cover up 75
cover me 335
cover fire 19
cover it 29
cover your eyes 45
cover yourself 44
cover for me 44
cover yourself up 18
cover it up 25
cover your ears 46
cover me 335
cover fire 19
cover it 29
cover your eyes 45
cover yourself 44
cover for me 44
cover yourself up 18
cover it up 25
cover your ears 46
cover more ground 20
cover the back 22
covering fire 31
cover him up 28
cover him 70
cover us 31
cover them 16
cover the back 22
covering fire 31
cover him up 28
cover him 70
cover us 31
cover them 16