Damn them tradutor Francês
801 parallel translation
"Hurray! Hurray!" Damn them!
On veut plusjouer à ces choses-la!
Damn them. Damn them.
Qu'ils soient maudits!
Damn them! Damn them 1,000 times!
Because in the last analysis I knew it would damn them as utterly in your eyes as it did in mine.
J'ai finalement compris que ça les condamnerait à vos yeux,
Damn them.
Trop tard!
Damn them, let's get away from here.
Qu'ils aillent au diable. Partons d'ici.
Damn them, Damn them, Damn them,
Maudits soient-ils.
Molly's run away from school with Johnny, damn them.
Molly s'est enfuie de l'école avec Johnny.
Damn them!
Soyez maudits! Mon général...
Damn them!
Damn them!
Les maudits!
Damn them all!
Qu'ils aillent tous au diable!
It was three against one, damn them!
À trois contre un! Quelle tannée!
Damn them for finding me.
Je maudis ceux qui m'ont trouvé.
No, not witches - damn them - people who thought they were witches.
Enfin, des femmes qui se prennent pour telles.
Damn them all!
Qu'ils soient maudits.
Damn them...
Nom d'un chien.
Damn them. I have to find all these goats.
Il faut que je retrouve ces chèvres...
Bastards! God damn them all.
Salauds, je vous aurai tous!
It's their damn religion that puts them to sleep.
Tu veux que je te dise? C'est leur foutue religion qui les endort.
Damn, I've lost them!
- Tenez.
Hitler could kill them, but damn if he could lick them. They went back to their lathes and machines.
Hitler pouvait peut-être les tuer, mais il ne pouvait pas en venir à bout.
Damn it, where are those Alpini when we need them!
Ces chasseurs alpins en profitent pour se débiner!
You've thrown your chances away for nothing. Flung them under the feet of a damn savage woman Who's already trampled you into the thing you are
Vous avez jeté votre chance au pied d'une sauvage qui a fait de vous ce que vous êtes et qui finira par vous tuer par son amour ou par sa haine!
all of them are handsome boys. Damn!
Always retreating from one lesser evil to another, always sticking to the democratic rules of the game, even though the others don't give a damn about them.
À toujours reculer. De moindre mal en moindre mal. On a gentiment respecté les règles du jeu démocratiques, alors que les autres crachaient dessus.
I had them! Damn it!
C'est moi qui les ai gardées.
- She doesn't give a damn about your greetings. Just keep them.
Ma femme s'en fiche.
He has these paintings in his room, I look at them and I can't understand a damn thing!
Il a des tableaux dans sa chambre auxquels je ne comprends rien!
And ask them at the Luxor whether the damn Interpol guy... found the American and that darn female.
Et demandez-leur, au Louxor, si ce satané type d'Interpol a trouvé l'Américain et sa satanée compagne.
Painted the fireplace, planted them damn heliotropes...
Peindre la cheminée, planter ces foutus héliotropes...
You tell them it's just a lie, damn it!
Dites-leur que cest un mensonge, bon sang!
Damn you! You tell them it's a lie!
Dites-leur que cest un mensonge, bon sang!
- Let them look! Damn you!
Liberté de regarder professeur!
- Keep them moving, damn your eyes!
- Fais les bouger!
My cattle, ain't they. I can sell them for whatever I please. Damn government still can't do anything about that.
Je les vends le prix que je veux, ce n'est pas encore interdit.
None of them seem to give a damn.
Ils s'en balancent.
Now, damn it, girl, do I close them or do you?
Sacrément, jeune fille, je les ferme ou vous le faites?
- I couldn't give a damn about them!
- Je me fous pas mal d'eux!
We don't give a damn about them!
On s'en fiche!
And when you rise out of the waves to greet them... may all their damn ships crash... on these round, hard rocks!
Et quand tu sortiras de l'eau pour les saluer, que leurs damnés bateaux s'écrasent sur les rondeurs de ces rochers.
Them damn fools.
Quoi? Les imbéciles!
I told them that I was your lawyer and I knew damn well that the microfilm wasn't hidden in the diamond in the girl's navel.
Je leur ai dit que j'étais ton avocat et que je savais que le microfilm n'était pas dans le diamant qu'elle a au nombril.
You gotta get them damn foreigners outta here.
Non, mais un interprète attend à côté. Sims!
Somebody got to have the guts to cancel some of them damn wrong orders.
Il faut que certains aient le courage de s'y opposer.
If you're easy on them, we won't be able to do a damn thing with them, will we, sir?
Si on ne les tient pas d'une main de fer, on ne pourra rien en retirer, vous ne croyez pas?
One of them damn mules kicked me.
Une de ces satanées mules m'a donné un coup de sabot.
That's treat them as though you don't give a damn about them.
les traiter comme si on s'en fichait.
Damn them.
Les salopards...
Don't matter to them if you're waiting tables or picking cotton but it does make a damn to me!
Mais moi, je ne m'en fous pas.
Tell him we got a general with them. Tell him any damn thing you want. But just get that West Point bum off of my back!
Dites qu'il y a un général avec nous mais débarrassez-moi de cette ganache empaillée!
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
damn it 10724
damn you 880
damn good 34
damn right 461
damn straight 253
damn it to hell 27
damn you all 24
damn me 28
damn right i am 26
damn her 23
damn you 880
damn good 34
damn right 461
damn straight 253
damn it to hell 27
damn you all 24
damn me 28
damn right i am 26
damn her 23