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Going to tradutor Francês

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Well, because this division is going to win the Wayne Innovation Prize.
Car cette division va gagner le prix de l'innovation Wayne.
He threw himself into the competition, and convinced himself that he was going to win, and then when he didn't, he lashed out at everyone...
Il s'est donné à fond pour la compétition, et s'est convaincu qu'il allait gagner, et quand il a perdu, il s'en est pris à tout le monde...
Anyways, it doesn't matter because we're going to win.
Peu importe, ça ne change rien, car on va gagner.
The point is he is not gonna stop taking advantage of you unless you push back, and if you don't push back now, one day, you're going to explode.
Il n'arrêtera pas de profiter de toi, à moins que tu le repousses, et si tu ne le fais pas maintenant, un jour, tu vas exploser.
How long is he going to be like this?
Il va rester comme ça encore combien de temps?
It's going to be fine.
Ça va aller.
So I don't want to make this a big thing, but someone who I'm not going to mention needs a little help.
Je ne veux pas faire de ça une grosse chose, Mais une personne que je n'ai pas mentionné A besoin d'un peu d'aide.
Uh, you're all going to Six Flags Metropolis.
Vous allez tous au Six Flags Metropolis.
We're all going to Six Flags Metropolis!
Nous allons tous au Six Flags Metropolis!
We are not going to Six Flags Metropolis.
Nous n'allons pas au Six Flags Metropolis.
She's the one who said we were going to Six Flags.
C'est elle qui nous a dit que nous allions au Six Flags.
Green Fury is going to be working with us, Teddy, so I'm gonna need you to not act weird.
Green Fury va travailler pour nous, Teddy donc n'agis pas bizarrement.
Oh, my God, Green Fury is going to be so pissed.
Oh mon dieu, Green Fury va être furieuse.
The plane that I was going to be flying in, was an F-104, which was the fastest-known aircraft to mankind at that time.
Le plan que j'allais être voler en, est un F-104, qui était l'avion le plus rapide connu de l'humanité à ce moment-là.
And so, I concluded what we should be doing about it is not militarizing the relationship, but sort of having a citizens diplomacy effort, much like the physicians for social responsibility who were going to the Soviet Union
Et donc, je conclus ce que nous devrions faire à ce sujet n'est pas militariser la relation, mais ayant en quelque sorte un effort de diplomatie des citoyens, un peu comme les médecins pour la responsabilité sociale
So I had placed those on his table where he was going to be sitting, and I said, "Good morning, Mr. President."
Donc, je l'avais placé ceux sur sa table où il allait être assis, et je dis : "Bonjour, Monsieur le Président."
Now, you know, there are a lot of people that are going to examine your facial expressions here,
Maintenant, vous savez, il y a beaucoup de personnes qui va examiner vos expressions du visage ici,
You're not going to give your form to IRS.
Tu ne vas pas donner à votre formulaire IRS.
If you take that on, you're going to run into the mother of all buzz saws in terms of the national security state.
If you take that on, you re going to run into the mother of all buzz saws in terms of the national security state.
The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians were the enemy against whom we were going to build space-based weapons.
The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians were the enemy against whom we were going to build space-based weapons.
Then terrorists would be identified, then we were going to identify third-world country crazies.
Then terrorists would be identified, then we were going to identify third-world country crazies.
Wresting power from the hands of these powerful oligarchs and corporations is going to require a revolution.
Wresting power from the hands of these powerful oligarchs and corporations is going to require a revolution.
Extraterrestrial life is going to be discovered much sooner than anybody had previously expected.
Extraterrestrial life is going to be discovered much sooner than anybody had previously expected.
The thing that disturbs me is that the US is going to be a third-world nation in that field if we're not careful.
The thing that disturbs me is that the US is going to be a third-world nation in that field if we re not careful.
They're going to leapfrog right over the smokestack industries, and go to high-tech, real high-tech, just like they've skipped over telephone lines and gone to the smart phones.
They're going to leapfrog right over the smokestack industries, and go to high-tech, real high-tech, just like they ve skipped over telephone lines and gone to the smart phones.
A fortune teller told me she was going to kill me if I didn't pay her, which I still have not done.
Une voyante m'a dit qu'elle me tuerait si je la payais pas, et je l'ai pas fait.
Oh, God, I'm going to have to cook.
Horreur. Je vais devoir cuisiner.
They're going to choose you.
C'est toi qu'ils choisiront.
- This is not going to work.
- On a un problème. - Lequel?
If you don't start turning things around, you're going to be out on your fucking ass.
Continuez comme ça et je vous fous à la porte.
- I'm gonna be the president, and you're going to flip me those motherfucking controls.
Je vais être président. Et vous allez me passer ces putains de commandes.
Oh, I'm going to exile Claire Underwood to the Naval Observatory and stack her schedule with state funerals in Southeast Asia.
Je vais l'exiler à l'Observatoire naval et lui coller toutes les obsèques officielles en Asie.
So, I'm gonna call her back, and you are going to apologize.
Je vais la rappeler et vous allez vous excuser.
This Chinese trade agreement is going to make Ohio voters very happy.
L'accord avec la Chine va plaire aux électeurs de l'Ohio.
So there's not going to be a debate next week, is there?
Il n'y aura donc pas de débat?
How is that going to look at home?
Que va penser le peuple?
I think this is going to work.
Ça peut fonctionner.
Now, before you say anything, let me tell you how this conversation's going to go.
Avant que vous parliez, je vais résumer la conversation.
You're going to talk about party loyalty, and I'm going to talk about how weak your candidates are and that you really have no choice.
Vous allez parler de loyauté. Je dirai que vos candidats sont faibles et que vous n'avez pas le choix.
And then you're going to say that your ticket can still win Ohio.
Puis vous direz que vous pouvez encore gagner l'Ohio.
And I'm going to say, "No, they can't."
Et je répondrai : "Non. Impossible."
But what's going to go unsaid in this conversation is that Claire and I... are willing... to do anything.
Mais ce qui ne sera pas dit dans cette conversation, c'est que Claire et moi sommes prêts à tout.
But I woke up one day and it felt like... everything I contemplated doing, everything, from going to the coffee shop... to... reading a book, writing a chapter, it was just... laughable.
Je me suis réveillé un jour avec l'impression que tout ce que j'envisageais de faire : aller boire un café, lire un livre, écrire un chapitre... tout était risible.
Yeah, but you're going to win.
Oui, mais vous allez gagner.
Shoring up the economy, securing our nation from ICO and reducing unemployment. But the biggest challenge that we face, and the one that I'm going to need all of your help on, is reuniting a country that has never been more divided than it is today.
Consolider l'économie, protéger notre nation de l'OCI et réduire le chômage, mais le plus grand défi, celui pour lequel vous devrez tous m'aider, sera de réunifier un pays qui n'a jamais été aussi divisé qu'aujourd'hui.
That I'm going to be okay.
Que tout ira bien.
Well, I think I speak for the president when I say that's not going to happen.
Je peux vous dire que le Président refusera.
Where a deliberate effort to spread disinformation has been going on for decades.
Lorsqu'un effort délibéré pour désinformer est en cours depuis des décennies.
I'm willing to keep the conversation going, - but in the meantime...
Je suis prêt à discuter, mais en attendant...
- I have to get going.
Je dois y aller.
I'm going back to work.
Je reprends le travail.

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